Mansion of the Lake Blessing Grid


DESCRIPTION:  This is one of the “28 Blessings” based on the 28 Mansions of the Moon. Mansion 8 is the Mansion of the Lake.

The mansions are the divisions of the Zodiac visited by the Moon in her orbit.

When the Moon is transiting the 8th Mansion ,is a time of reflection, and a time for decidingwhat is shared and what is keep from sight. Keeping secrets can be very debilitating, just as a lake that does not have an outflow and fresh inflow becomes stagnate and lifeless. While the Moon is here, consider what you are concealing and surface that which might be causing you discord. That which is truly the personal spirit of your life is certainly something to be protected

The waters of a lake represent mystery and illusion. They are just mirrors of their surroundings, hiding what is within. A lake may house almost anything, yet that content is unseen beneath the surface in the hidden depths. Lakes are worlds unto themselves, at times tranquil, at times rough, but always private and secretive Each is unique, but they all share a common bond of keeping much of themselves out of sight.

This grid brings the blessing of the Mansion of the Lake to your life

May the gift of mystery and illusion be ever an inspiration to me.

May the power of the Lake guard my heart and all that I hold dear.

May I bring the gift of creativity to all through words, art, and song!

Focus stone: Attracts the Universal Life Force to the grid. Your Focus stone is a clear Quartz point. Clear Quartz has the ability to gather the Universal Life Force and pass it uncolored to the paths of the grid. It is a stone of “clear vision”.

Way stones: Amplify and modify the flow of energy through the grid. Your Way stones are Green Aventurine. This is a stone of the Heart Chakra to bring the energy needed to protect your heart.

Desire stones: Amplify and transmute the desired energy from the grid to you. Your Desire stones are Amethyst to bring the inspiration of creativity.

The stones and crystals amplify and empower the Blessing bringing it to you and your home. Set up the Blessing Grid of The Mansion of the Lake when you wish to bring relaxation, creativity, and peace.

SIZE:  The grid is 5 x 7 inches.


This grid can be placed where you please but choose a spot you will visit often. Place the Focus stone first as you envision the warm energy of the Universe flowing in. Next, place your Way stones. In your mind’s eye, see the powerful energy transmuting to these stones. Place your Desire stones last. Feel the energy flow through them and to you as the connection is complete.  Visit it often to reconnect and absorb its healing energy.

The kit is easy to set up, easy to use, and we are very confident it will work to help you bring the blessing of the Mansion of the Lake to you and your family.

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This is a complete grid set. It includes a 5″ x 7″ grid, complete instructions for assembly and use, all crystals needed.