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Lesson 4 - Crystal Healing (part 5)

To learn how color affects the crystal energy used in crystal healing, we are traveling around the Color Wheel of Life. We now come to the color Olive.

Olive is a mix of the vibrant green rays of growth combined with the yellow of pure sunshine. Olive-colored crystals are unusual, rare, and underused by crystal healers. However, they offer some very unique and valuable capabilities and should be part of your life.

In this lesson, we will explore the use of Olive colored crystals and learn about a few of the more useful and popular crystals that form in this color. Let’s explore them and their uses.



Primarily these are crystals that help with learning issues and adaptation to difficult environments. Peridot is the best-known crystal that manifests its power through this color ray.

Peridot is one of the true birthstones of those born in the magical month of awakening, as the greens of spring are giving way to the bright yellows of the approaching summer (May 21–June 20).

The combination of green and yellow rays awakens us to the possibilities that are rapidly developing. As life on Earth, still in high bloom, sees the promise of the approaching hot summer sun and a time of less vigorous, yet strong growth.

We can use the olive crystals to focus our efforts, which began well but now need strength to mature.

Olive-colored crystals help focus and enhance our early efforts to seek wisdom, lighting our path to understanding. Olive is the color ray of receptiveness to new meanings and ideas. Olive-colored crystals are excellent to help you at the beginning of a search for knowledge and enlightenment.

In its deeper tones, the olive-colored crystal is the "Study Stone". It reflects the birth of truth and harmony. It aids us in beginning long searches and quests for vision, insight, understanding, and wisdom. Dark olive crystals are excellent for achieving goals that need deep constancy and long-term purpose—not wild, exuberant growth, but the slow, steady development and deep caring of a life’s calling.

The lighter shades of olive have a very special purpose: perseverance in quests for enlightenment, deep wisdom, and understanding of the natural universe.

They aid in efforts that require deep concentration and painstaking accuracy. They help you in your efforts to strengthen your resistance, determination, and endurance for mental challenges, particularly those of long duration.

Use your olive-colored crystals to awaken your dreams and desires, enhance your listening skills, achieve independence, and find meaning in your life.  They are also excellent for becoming more receptive to others dealing with despondency and fostering an enhanced sense of worth.

The darker shades are particularly useful in learning.  They help with problem-solving, success in school, self-development efforts, and curing ignorance.

There are a few crystals that exhibit the color ray of olive. As mentioned, Peridot is the most popular. Others include Adamite, Prehnite, Hiddenite, and some Jaspers, particularly Ocean Jasper.


Shop Olive Crystals Now



Peridot is highly beneficial for attuning to and regulating the cycles of one’s life, such as physical cycles, mental or emotional phases, as well as intellectual progression. It also helps dissipate negative patterns and old vibrations that play over and over, keeping one from realizing they are deserving of success. By working with Peridot one can remove those blockages and move forward quickly, opening the heart and mind more fully to receive from the Universe with grace and gratitude.

A stone of transformation, Peridot is excellent for use in recovery from tobacco or inhalant dependencies, as well as other addictions. More importantly, it is a wounded healer stone, serving as a vital guide in facilitating healing processes that help others going through what you have already overcome. It is considered very effective in amplifying Reiki energies. Hold immediately after treatments using heat or warmth, such as sweat lodges, hot rocks, or a sauna to continue the beneficial effects.

Peridot stimulates psychological clarity and inspires a sense of happiness and contentedness in one’s life. It empowers one to detach the mind from outside influences and have confidence in one’s own abilities, looking inward for guidance and accessing the wisdom of the higher mind.


Shop for Peridot



Adamite is a joyful crystal that encourages creativity and enthusiasm. It is known to align the Heart and Solar Plexus Chakras (covered in a later lesson).

It is a stimulating stone and also a stone of transformation. Its best use is in growing more in tune with the opportunities the Universe is presenting.


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Prehnite crystals help focus and enhance your efforts to seek wisdom, lighting your path to understanding.

Prehnite is used in healing efforts associated with imbalances in the energy associated with the 4th Chakra, the Heart Chakra. It is used particularly in efforts to rebalance your mind and body, thoughts and experiences, and dreams and reality.

Its energy is powerful in healing damage caused by lost love and lost relationships.


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In nurturing shades of green, from pale and soft to sunny emerald, Hiddenite encourages growth. It is a powerful crystal, helping individuals to grow spiritually, and emotionally, and to be aware of their collective responsibility for the care of the Earth.

It supports new beginnings and focusing on the present, relinquishing injustices of the past or anxieties for the future.


Ocean Jasper


Ocean Jasper draws its soothing power from the element of Water. It is a stone of strength and renewal with a slow, steady frequency and deep circular energy that embodies the interconnectedness of all things.

Its spherical patterns are a spiritual reminder of how thoughts, words, and actions interact in our world and flow in a circular direction. It honors the principle that what one sends out will indeed return.

Ocean Jasper is also a marvelous stone for cultivating patience and coping with change.


Shop for Ocean Jasper


Using Olive Colored Crystal

To find good uses for olive-colored crystals, let’s search the Crystal Inner Circle. The Crystal Healing Community and the others are rich sources of detailed information on specific crystal uses.

With Olive in the search box, we quickly find an article on using Olive crystals in Feng Shui and another on using Olive-colored crystals to enhance spiritual well-being. That one looks very interesting. Might come back to it.

There is another one discussing how to solve your problems by meditating with Olive colored crystals. As well as another on dark Olive crystals in meditation for intelligence and problem-solving. There is also one about using lighter-colored stones in meditation for determination and motivation.

Beyond meditation uses, there is one about using them on a crystal grid as the focus stone. That is the stone in the center of a grid.

The Crystal & The Tarot community also has a post about using the Olive colored cards as a signifier, and we find another post on the general uses of olive-colored crystals on grids, specifically on grids to increase self-esteem.

Let’s see what we find for one of the olive-colored crystals - Peridot.



Searching for Peridot on the Crystal Inner Circle we find quite a few articles.  Here are some examples:


Peridot Milk Thistle Cleanse for Addiction and Substance Abuse

Peridot Body Oil for Intellectual Progression

Peridot Heart Chakra Tonic

The Healing uses of Peridot

Peridot in Chakra Healing and Energy Balancing 

Peridot Herbal Bath to Regulate the Cycles of Life


That last one sounds wonderful. Let’s explore that one.


Peridot Herbal Bath to Regulate the Cycles of Life



Peridot is highly beneficial for attuning to and regulating the cycles of one’s life, such as physical cycles, mental or emotional phases, as well as intellectual progression. It also helps dissipate negative patterns and old vibrations that play over and over, keeping one from realizing they are deserving of success.

By working with Peridot one can remove those blockages and move forward quickly, opening the heart and mind more fully to receive from the Universe with grace and gratitude.


  • 4 tablespoons agrimony
  • Muslin bag
  • 1 Peridot tumbled stone



  1. Mix the ingredients and place them in a muslin bag. Tie the container onto the nozzle of the tub.
  2. Turn the tap on hot and let it pour through the herbal bath bag, turning the tub water into a strong herbal infusion.
  3. Run enough cold water into the tub to bring the water to the desired temperature.
  4. Sit in the bath for at least 20 minutes to absorb all energies.




In this lesson, we continued to explore the first section of the Color Wheel, representing the Vernal Equinox, or the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere.

For the last color for this section of the Color Wheel, we discussed Olive and discovered all the olive-colored stones have a myriad of uses in crystal healing.

Search the Crystal Inner Circle for Peridot, Adamite, Prehnite, Hiddenite, and Ocean Jasper. You will find a storehouse of information that will help you use the olive-colored crystals to make your life a better one.

Lesson 4 - Crystal Healing (part 6)


We are moving around the Color Wheel of Life learning about the healing uses of the crystals of each color. We have come around to Yellow. In this video, we will explore the meaning and uses of yellow crystals. Then we will examine the uses of several minerals that form yellow crystals. Finally, we will find some specific ways to use the yellow crystals in our own crystal healing practices.



Yellow is the color of the bright days of early summer as the sun, high in the sky, lights up and warms the physical landscape. Its yellow color ray brings us the power of enlightenment, lighting up the landscape of our search for knowledge. It is the color of the summer solstice ushering in the bright time of long days, warm temperatures, and sustained vigor.

Yellow is the color of the natural birthstones of those born at the beginning of summer (June 21–July 21). It is the color of midday, mid-year, and the beginnings of midlife. Yellow is a color of journeys beginning well, full of promise and sunny optimism.

Yellow crystals give you the power to solidify new interests and new relationships. It is a color of clarity, zest, and optimism.

There is sometimes confusion between the uses of green and yellow crystals when the focus is on beginning and growth. Green is the color of physical growth and renewal. It is used for efforts that are aimed at growth, particularly of physical things.

Yellow crystals are used for new efforts, new beginnings, and new projects when the objective is not necessarily the growth of something physical. For efforts that are related to growing a successful garden, a green talisman would be best. For efforts that are aimed at becoming a better cook, yellow is a good choice.

In lighter shades, yellow crystals, such as Citrine, are useful for keeping awareness of important things, when day-to-day life can lead to forgetfulness. They are used extensively for ensuring that new relationships get off to a good start by aiding in the establishment of good communications.

Yellow crystals give you the power to solidify new interests and new relationships. They help you to see things in new ways and to become enlightened. They add clarity to your life. They help you wake things up and add zest, optimism, and meaning to your life and relationships.

The dark yellow ray of influence is very useful for enjoying a maturing relationship. Use it to spice up a relationship or friendship that might be being neglected.

Dark yellow crystals are also excellent aids when decisiveness, precision, or persuasiveness are needed. Many healing efforts focus on being more in charge of one’s life.  Using dark yellow crystals can be beneficial in such efforts.


Shop Yellow Crystals Now

The Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus is the energy distribution center, the first of the chakras of relationships. This chakra is located between the ribcage and the navel. It controls the immune system and digestive systems. When in balance physically you have the strength to fight infections, are free of allergic reactions, and are able to use the nutrients you ingest.

When it is out of balance physically you will have a low tolerance to infection, suffer from hormone disorders, or have a low tolerance for many foods.

Spiritually, when the solar plexus is in balance you are free to interpret the world through your own thoughts and emotions, and not live in fear of violating the dictums of others.

When the solar plexus is out of balance spiritually you will feel fear: fear of the displeasure of others, and disappointing others, or fear of subordinating your life and pleasures to the will of others.


Shop for Solar Plexus Balancing Products

Yellow crystals are helpful in restoring balance to the Solar Plexus Chakra. The benefits of just a few minutes a day with one of these crystals resting on the chakra location are substantial. Do this in bright sunlight if possible.

The benefits are enhanced if the crystal therapy is augmented with Yoga positions that focus on the midsection and with meditation that seeks answers to your true desires.



Citrine is a transparent, yellow variety of Quartz, ranging in color from pale to golden yellow, honey, or almost brown, and may contain rainbow or sparkle inclusions. The name comes from the French word citron, meaning lemon. It was used as a gem in Greece as far back as 300 B.C.

Citrine opens the higher mind to accept joy in one's life, releasing anger and negative feelings, deep-seated fears, and destructive tendencies. An excellent crystal for overcoming depression, Citrine reduces the sensitivity to criticism and inspires creativity and self-expression. It raises self-esteem, and by letting go of the past, allows one to move forward optimistically, enjoying new experiences and explorations.

Natural Citrine's radiant yellow and gold energy activates, opens, and energizes the Solar Plexus Chakra, directing personal power, creativity, and intelligent decisiveness to enhance the physical body.​


Shop for Citrine

Yellow Apatite


Yellow Apatite is one of the purest crystals of the Yellow Ray, the vibration of mental clarity, the strength of will, and manifestation. It brings a sunny, spiritual energy to the aura, inspiring hope and passion for life, and instilling a sense of self-worth and self-confidence.

A solar stone, Yellow Apatite assists both men and women in strengthening Yang energy by developing assertiveness and the courage to take risks.

Yellow Apatite combats listlessness and apathy and provides an invigorating lively, sociable attitude. It helps one be more outgoing and optimistic and increases the drive to get things done. It provides clarity on which risks are worth taking.


Shop for Yellow Apatite

Yellow Fluorite


Yellow Fluorite encourages and sustains the flawless ideal of health, intellect, and emotional well-being by purifying, restructuring, or eliminating anything within the physical or subtle bodies that is not in perfect order. It may be used to dispel disorders at the beginning of symptoms and is regarded as a natural antiviral, immune stimulator, and anti-inflammatory agent by some crystal healers.

Yellow Fluorite has a wonderful, stabilizing effect on the emotional body, helping one to “think through” one’s feelings when overwhelmed and to allow a coherent pattern to emerge that dissolves confusion, vacillation, fear of the future, or making a wrong decision. It gently brings suppressed feelings to the surface for resolution and is beneficial in countering mental disorders.​


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Heliodor promotes balance between the intuitive and conscious levels of oneself, helping to eliminate the duality within one's character. It brings about a sympathetic and compassionate understanding when confronting delicate issues.

Heliodor encourages a sense of hope, possibility, and vitality in the emotional body. It is empowering and optimistic and assists in learning whatever is necessary to promote change in one's reality, helping to accomplish one's dreams and goals.

It is the ultimate confidence and well-being crystal often called the sunshine stone.

Heliodor is a support stone for survivors of abuse of all kinds. It assists in taking back one's power and lends confidence and a sense of self-trust. It helps those who avoid making decisions out of fear of doing the "wrong" thing and increases mental fortitude in moving forward.​


Shop for Heliodor

Yellow Sapphire


Yellow Sapphire is reported to be useful in eliminating toxins from the body. Yellow Sapphire is known for restoring balance in the spleen and has been useful for some crystal healers in treatments of the digestive system, gall bladder, and liver.

Yellow Sapphire is a vivacious stone, re-energizing the emotional system. It helps one feel more excited and zestful about the possibilities life has to offer and encourages the expression of one’s ideas and feelings with more confidence. It aids in overcoming fear and procrastination and lends the courage to take the risks needed for great creations. ​


Shop for Yellow Sapphire

Using Yellow Crystals for Healing

We now turn to the Crystal Inner Circle to find some practical ways to use our understanding of the power and energy of yellow crystals.

We can continue our search and let’s say we want to learn how we might use Citrine. A search for Citrine returns many articles.  Let's see some.



Citrine Clarity Body Mind Layout

Citrine Banana Coconut Smoothie for Optimism

Citrine Spray for Cleaning Spaces of Negative Energy

Citrine Bath for Purification

Citrine Body Oil for Physical Healing 

Citrine Body Layout for Transforming Your Anger

This last one sounds interesting...

Citrine Body Layout for Transforming Your Anger


Anger is characterized by a build-up of tension that is unable to be equalized or stabilized. Beginning as irritation and annoyance, a repeated stimulus causes conflict or aggravation. It influences our awareness and disrupts some aspects of the body’s natural functioning, overlaying our energy field with a foreign pattern that obstructs order.

Like an underground fire, anger can smolder for years before breaking to the surface. This layout uses the uplifting qualities of Citrine, Pyrite, and Garnet at the Solar Plexus chakra to combat feelings of vulnerability and powerlessness. Use this layout to defuse a build-up of anger, or to increase positivity in your outlook.


  • 3 Citrine crystals
  • 1 Pyrite crystal
  • 3 Garnet crystals


  1. Lie down on a yellow cloth on the floor. Place the three Citrine points directed outward, in an upward-pointing triangle between the ribcage and the navel.
  2. In the center of this triangle place a single stone of Pyrite.
  3. Place the three Garnets in a downward-pointing triangle around the other stones.
  4. Relax with the stones in place for 4-5 minutes.
  5. Remove the stones and place a grounding stone between the feet for 2 minutes. Repeat as necessary.

We can find many more articles in the Crystal Inner Circle on the use of yellow crystals such as Yellow Sapphire, Heliodor, and others. More are added constantly as the site grows by hundreds of posts a month. Watch for them.

Yellow is a color of journeys beginning well, full of promise and sunny optimism. Yellow crystals give you the power to solidify new interests and new relationships. It is a color of clarity, zest, and optimism. Use your yellow crystals and bring this color ray into your life.




In this lesson, we started on the next section of the Color Wheel, representing the Summer, and housing the colors yellow, gold, and orange.

We went over the meaning of the color yellow and what it brings us as well as what it represents. We also discussed what the Solar Plexus Chakra is, the symptoms of it being out of balance, and how you can balance it with yellow crystals.

Search the Crystal Inner Circle for Citrine, Yellow Apatite, Yellow Fluorite, Heliodor, and Yellow Sapphire. You will find a storehouse of information that will help you use your yellow-colored crystals to make your life a better one.

Read more about the Crystal Inner Circle here.
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