A Goddess to Keep Stress out of Thanksgiving
The holiday of Thanksgiving is known for eating and indulging in delicious holiday food. Not only do we partake in eating the food but some of us must cook the food as well.
Annapurna is the incarnation of the Hindu goddess Parvati, wife of Shiva. Anna means “food” in Sanskrit and purna means “filled completely”. She is the goddess of the kitchen and of all cooks. Annapurna symbolizes the divine aspect of nourishing care. She is often depicted with a jeweled vessel containing food in one hand and a spoon in the other to show the food among her devotees.
It can be extremely stressful cooking for people on the holidays.
There are a lot of horror stories as well of things going wrong. Setting up a small altar in your kitchen honoring Annapurna can help ease the stress of holiday cooking.
Fire agate and amethyst are great crystals to use when creating this altar. Amethyst is a great talisman for thinking creatively and facing experiences. So you can be creative with your meals like a chef, and also be ready to face all of the dishes you have to clean afterwards.
Fire agate can help eliminate over eating or cravings. Some of us including myself love to eat while I cook and have no room for my actual meal afterwards. Agate also promotes stability and composer. That way through all the madness of creating the perfect turkey and stuffing, you can remain composed. You can simply call upon Annapurna to bless your food and your kitchen during Thanksgiving. She can help create a pleasant kitchen to cook in and also help you become a master chef for the day. Annapurna reminds us all that cooking should be enjoyed.
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