Chrysoprase – soothing anxiety at night – from financial, love, or health issues

Chrysoprase is a captivating gemstone known not only for its vibrant, apple-green hue but also for its profound metaphysical properties. With its soothing energy and connection to the heart chakra, chrysoprase is a powerful ally for those seeking to alleviate anxiety, especially when it comes to concerns about money, love, and health.

This stone has been treasured throughout history for its calming influence and ability to open one up to new perspectives and emotional healing. By understanding how chrysoprase works with our energy fields and how it can be specifically used at night, individuals can harness its potential to soothe their anxieties and promote a more peaceful state of mind to ensure a good night’s sleep.

Chrysoprase and Anxiety

Anxiety often stems from fear of the unknown or an overwhelming sense of uncertainty in various aspects of life. Chrysoprase is believed to help dispel these fears by encouraging acceptance of change and providing clarity in times of emotional turmoil. Its gentle energies work to balance emotions, infusing the wearer with a sense of hope and optimism. This is particularly beneficial for individuals who find themselves caught in anxious cycles regarding money, love, or health.

The calming qualities of chrysoprase are attributed to its strong connection with the heart chakra. By aligning this chakra, chrysoprase helps individuals cultivate self-love and compassion, which are essential for overcoming anxiety. It encourages a deeper understanding of oneself and others, fostering forgiveness and emotional resilience.

To prepare a Chrysoprase for dealing with anxiety, cleanse it and awaken it’s spirit, then align it to your desire to alleviate anxiety.  The Cleansing Crystals Ebook provides complete detailed, illustrated instructions.


Using Chrysoprase at Night

Nighttime can often be a period when anxieties become more pronounced. The quietness can cause worries about financial stability, relationships, or health issues to surface, making it difficult to relax and fall asleep. Incorporating chrysoprase into your nightly routine can be a transformative practice that promotes tranquility and aids in letting go of daily stresses.

1. Chrysoprase for Money Anxiety

Financial concerns are a common source of anxiety. Whether it’s worrying about paying bills, saving for the future, or managing unexpected expenses, these worries can weigh heavily on the mind. Chrysoprase can help shift one’s mindset from scarcity to abundance by encouraging positive thoughts about prosperity and financial growth.

To use chrysoprase at night for money-related anxiety:

Meditation: Before bed, hold a piece of chrysoprase in your hand while meditating on feelings of abundance and gratitude. Visualize your financial goals being met with ease and picture yourself confidently navigating any challenges that arise.

– Affirmations: Place chrysoprase under your pillow or beside your bed with an affirmation such as “I am open to receiving abundance in all forms” or “I trust in my ability to manage my finances wisely.”

Gratitude Journaling: Reflect on things you are grateful for financially before sleep. Write down three things related to money that went well during the day while holding your chrysoprase stone.

Now, place the stone near your bed.  As you retire, see the stone in your mind’s eye begin a soft green glow.  Now see that green light enveloping you, symbolizing prosperity and stability. Absorb the flow of hope and wonder that is the light as it washes over you as you slumber, washing away the anxiety.

basilYour stone should be put away each morning in a small pouch containing basil. Basil is known for its prosperity-attracting properties and can help clear mental fog associated with financial stress. The synergy between chrysoprase’s calming influence and basil’s abundance-promoting qualities fosters clarity and confidence, empowering you to make wise financial decisions. Change the herbs out each week.  Store in a dark quiet place.

2. Chrysoprase for Love Anxiety

Concerns about love—whether it’s finding it, maintaining it, or healing from past relationships—can create intense anxiety. Chrysoprase’s heart-centered energy assists in opening oneself up to love while promoting forgiveness and acceptance.

To use chrysoprase at night for love-related anxiety:

heart chakra symbol chakra balancing crystalsHeart Chakra Meditation: Lie down comfortably with a piece of chrysoprase placed over your heart chakra (center of your chest). Breathe deeply as you visualize green light emanating from the stone into your heart space, soothing any tension or fear surrounding love.

– Dream Work: Place chrysoprase beneath your pillow to receive guidance through dreams regarding your romantic life. Keep a dream journal nearby so you can jot down any insights upon waking.

– Self-Love Rituals: Before sleep, practice self-care rituals infused with intention—such as applying lotion while repeating affirmations like “I am worthy of love”—while holding onto chrysoprase as a reminder of self-compassion.

Place the Chrysoprase near your bed.  As you drift off see a golden/green mist arise from the stone in your mind’s eye.  This is the healing energy.  As you drift off, envision the mist surrounding your heart mending emotional wounds and fostering connections filled with love and understanding.

Your stone should be put away each morning in a small pouch containing rose petals (fresh or dried)  Roses have long been associated with love and emotional healing. Together, they create a nurturing energy that opens the heart chakra, encouraging forgiveness and compassion. This combination helps release emotional blockages, promoting a sense of peace and acceptance in relationships. Change the rose petals out each week.  Store in a dark quiet place.

3. Chrysoprase for Health Anxiety

Health-related anxieties may arise due to concerns about one’s physical well-being or fears surrounding medical conditions—real or imagined—that disrupt peace-of-mind during nighttime hours when distractions are minimal.

To use chrysoprase at night for health-related anxiety:

Progressive Relaxation: While lying down comfortably in bed with eyes closed place a piece of chrysoprases on each palm; engage in progressive relaxation exercises starting from toes working upwards focusing on each body part letting go off any tension along way until reaching head allowing deep relaxation take over entire body

– Healing Visualization: Picture vibrant green waves emanating from crystal enveloping entire being promoting healing restoring balance; accompany visualization deep breathing exercises inhaling positivity exhaling tension simultaneously

– Affirmative Prayer: Hold onto crystal recite affirmative prayer tailored towards health such “My body knows how heal itself” “Every cell filled vitality” reinforcing inner belief systems supporting overall wellness

Place the crystal near your bed. As you drift off, see the stone start to move slowly in your mind’s eye. It will begin to rock with a soft gentle motion.  Picture its gentle vibrations beginning to gently rock you.  In your mind, you are almost in a hammock.  Let the stone’s gentle ministrations tend to your physical and emotional health while you rest.

roman chamomileEach morning store your Chrysoprase away in a pouch or bag with chamomile. Chamomile is renowned for its soothing effects on both the mind and body. Together, they provide comfort and reassurance, reducing stress levels and supporting overall well-being. This combination encourages relaxation and promotes a positive outlook on health challenges.

Change the herbs out each week.  Store in a dark quiet place.

It is time to let the gentle energies of Chrysoprase bring relief from nighttime worry and anxiety.  Let it work to balance your emotions. Start sleeping well with a sense of hope and optimism.

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