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Need More energy from your crystals?Use a Crystal Grid

Did you know that when crystals are arranged properly on a well-designed grid, their energies are combined, magnified, and reinforced?

Combining the energies of different crystals allows for the creation of crystal grids to be made and used for virtually any purpose.

Using crystal grids effectively will allow you to combine the power of the healing and spiritual energies of crystals. Crystal grids will greatly expand the effectiveness of crystals by combining their energies.

What is a Crystal Grid you ask?

A crystal grid is a predefined set of multiple crystals arranged in a harmonic, usually geometric, relationship.

This combination and arrangement of crystals works synergistically with the design to convert and focus the external energy that impinges upon it in a variety of forms (e.g., sound, light, electromagnetism) into a unified energy field tuned to a particular need or requirement. In short, a crystal grid is an arrangement of crystals on a specific design or shape that focuses the universal life force in a particular way for a particular purpose.

Why would I need a crystal grid?

Here at the Crystal Vaults, we are often asked, “Just why do I need a crystal grid? Isn’t the energy in a single crystal enough for my needs?”

The answer to these questions (like the answer to many questions) is “it depends.” There are many times when a single crystal can be all that is required for a particular need. Properly prepared and used, crystals can be highly effective in channeling the universal life force to meet a need.

But sometimes you need more. You might need the extra help of different energies that cannot be found in a single crystal. You might need to tune, further amplify, combine, or shape a crystal’s energy with other energies for a particular need. When you find that your needs exceed what a single crystal can help you accomplish, you are ready for a crystal grid.

crystal grids guide - free crystal guidesWhat makes up a crystal grid?

Crystal grids are built from parts. Each part has a purpose. These components include the grid design that creates the paths of energy, the visual element upon which the design is formed, the individual crystals that make up the grid and their roles on the grid, and the optional perimeter that protects the grid. A wand is used to activate a grid but is not part of the grid. Building and energizing a powerful grid requires an understanding of each of these parts and an appreciation for how they all fit together effectively.

How does a grid work?

A grid works by having a center stone called a gathering stone, or more commonly a Focus Stone that gathers the Universal Life Force for the grid.  This energy then flows through the grid design from inside to outside down the pathways of the grid.

The energy flows to a set of crystals or stones midpoint of the grid called Way Stones.  These crystals shape and amplify the energy flowing from the Focus Stone.

After being modified and amplified by the Way Stones the energy flows outward to the outer ring of stones or crystals called the Desire Stones.  These stones are selected to add a final shaping to the energy to focus it on exactly what is desired from the grid.

The energy then flows out of the grid from the Desire Stones to the users of the grid.

To recap. the Universal Life Force enters the grid through the Focus Stone, travels the paths of the grid to the Way Stones, gets modified and amplified and flows down the paths to the Desire Stones for final amplification and alignment to the needs of the grid.

You can learn more and take the Basic and Advanced Crystal Grid Courses here at the Crystal Guild. 

And you can learn a great deal from the many experts waiting for you in the Crystal Inner Circle.  There you will find a special Crystal Grid group waiting to help.

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