Crystal Magic of the Priestess
Gain Sturdy Unyielding Power and Perseverance with 3 Goddesses
Not Earth Day? Think again. Not Mother’s Day? Think again. A crystal ceremony for “sturdy unyielding power and perseverance”
Tonight, as it is every 28 days, the Moon is in the Mansion of the Trees. Here is a little tidbit from the explanation of that Mansion.
“The Life Force is strong today in sturdy, unyielding power and perseverance. In your dealings and life today, stay rooted in the real world and take the time to reach up to your heaven.” Ok, that is about trees and bringing their strength to your life, but read it again and think about mothers. Yes… ”sturdy unyielding power and perseverance.”
There are three Spirits that are associated with the energy of the Moon in the Mansion of the Trees: Frigg, Norse goddess of Mothers, Shakti, Hindu goddess of Mothers, and Pachamama, Inca Fertility goddess.
Frigg is s the Norse goddess of motherhood and is herself the mother of Balder, Hodor, and Hermod. Frigg is also the goddess of marriage and her name comes from the verb “fríja” = to love.
Shakti is the Hindu World Mother, the energy giving power behind all creation.
And, Pachamama, Wikipedia tells us, is a goddess revered by the indigenous peoples of the Andes. She is also known as the Earth mother. In Inca mythology, Pachamama is a fertility goddess who presides over planting and harvesting and embodies the mountains,. She is also an ever-present and independent deity who has her own creative power to sustain life on this earth. Her shrines are made in the trunks of legendary trees.
It is appropriate that these deities are associated with the Mansion of the Trees, for this is a time when the Moon is in the 23rd Mansion, we all need to be naturalist for the time. Find a way to do your part to help preserve the natural beauty and bounty of Mother Nature. Work in a garden, volunteer on an ecology project or nature center. The Earth is your mother, and the energy today is one of nurturing that relationship, as we have nowhere else to go. The woods were humankind’s first home and temple, and still today many varieties are still key parts of many religious rites.
We suggest in addition to doing your part to preserve the natural beauty and bounty of our home, Mother Earth, that you perform a simple ceremony to bring the blessings of the Spirits of the Mansion of the Trees to us. The Earth can certainly use all the help and so can we as it is true, this is our only home.
To honor the spirits of the Mansion and bring their blessings of “sturdy unyielding power and perseverance.” to your life, your spirit and the life and Spirit of our Earth Mother you need only a few crystals and a tree. Now in the winter, you might make this a relatively quick ceremony, but you decide.
The Stone of the Spirits of the Mansion of the Trees is Green Aventurine. The crystal of the Mansion of the Trees is Tree or Moss Agate. You will need a few of each. We will be using Earth Elemental Energy and Water Elemental Energy. For Earth Energy we will be using the tree. For Water Energy we will use…. yes, water.
So you need a few Tree or Moss Agates and a few Green Aventurines. Five or six of each is about right. You can get the crystal individually or find them in the Mansion of the Trees Crystal Kit. And you need a small bottle of water and a cup.
Sometime during the early evening while you can still see easily when the Moon is in the Mansion of the Trees, take your stones, the cup, and flask or bottle of water outside under a tree that “seems right” to you. You will find just the thought that you are going to have a ceremony for the Goddesses will be enough to help you find the “right tree”. Now, on the ground make a circle about a foot across or so with your stones mixing them in the circle. As you do chant “I seek the blessings of the Earth Mother Goddesses for sturdy unyielding power and perseverance” When you have completed the circle, slowly pour water in a clockwise direction over your circle stone by stone. As you do, state aloud your wish that the flowing powerful elemental Energy of the Water strengthens the blessing of the power and perseverance from the Goddesses.
Stand or sit quietly for a few minutes and focus on the stone circle. You will first feel your nerves calm down and your body relax. You will also enjoy a lightness in your heart, mind, and spirit. Then you will begin to feel a strong flow seemingly from the tree above into your spirit and you will realize your power of perseverance has increased many folds.
Now take your stones and place them in the cup. They are dirty and wet. They have Earth Elemental Energy and Water Elemental Energy. Bring them home and put them in a house plant until the Moon again visits the Mansion of the Trees and you need them again.
Honor the Earth Mother and the Goddesses of her power, and be a good steward of the Earth.