Hexagram 4: Acting Rashly
The I Ching, usually translated as Book of Changes, is an ancient Chinese divination text and among the oldest of the Chinese classics. With more than two and a half millennia’s worth of commentary and interpretation, the I Ching is an influential text read throughout the world, providing inspiration to the worlds of religion, philosophy, literature, and art. It is composed of 64 hexagrams that offer insight into issues, directions in life, problems, ways of life, decisions, and other concerns of those that consult it. It is one of the most powerful oracles known.
The Almanac of Gaia is an application of the I Ching to identify the dominant energy of a particular time in a year. The I Ching is consulted on the Summer Solstice each year in a ceremony that products the prevailing energies through the I Ching hexagrams for each week. It is a great asset and one of its benefits is that it helps us know which crystals will be the most effective.
We are going to explore each of the I Ching cards on Thursdays. You can use these articles to consult the I Ching yourself (instructions are easily found on the internet). And you can use it to more fully benefit from the Almanac of Gaia.
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Annual and Lifetime Members of the Crystal Inner Circle get the Almanac of Gaia for FREE with their membership. Monthly Members can save 60% OFF! If you’re not a member, click here to read more about the Crystal Inner Circle. You can also read more about the Almanac of Gaia here.
Hexagram 4: Acting Rashly
This hexagram indicates a time for enthusiasm with restraint. It counsels that at this time you need to take on the role of a student or acolyte and admit you have more to learn. It is time to really control your impulse to quickly move ahead without careful thought. Do not be a know-it-all now. You will be very disappointed with the results.
This hexagram is associated with several of the Guides of the Crystal Reference Guide. Explore these guides when this hexagram appears in your divinations
Crystals to Prevent Accidents
Most of us are unable to predict the future. We never know when misfortune or tragedy can strike. If you could wear or carry a talisman or crystal that could prevent you from an accident, would you? If you are like me, that would be a resounding yes! While we may not be able to predict the future or know what could happen, we can definitely protect ourselves from the accidental unknown. We are suggested to carry medical insurance just in case we need it, think of this as a much more affordable metaphysical insurance!
There is no better protection in the color wheel than green. As spring continues to warm the earth’s crust, a frenzy of growth converts barren landscapes into lush glades, and the leaves of plants and trees emerge in a thousand shades of green. Green crystals are powerful conduits of the earth’s Life Force of birth, development, and creation, and of the power of nature’s constant renewal. Green talismans are perfect for keeping a venture on course, a project on schedule, and a life on track. Green crystals are associated with the heart chakra, which regulates our interaction with the external world. It controls what we embrace and what we resist.
While all green crystals can serve as protective talismans, it is in dark green that the protection is magnified. The darker green minerals and gems such as chrome tourmaline and aventurine have the strong element of growth muted with the deeper tones of the power, perspective, and mystery of black. These are the crystals of physical growth, and they are excellent aids in your efforts to become stronger, to become more flexible, or just to get into better shape. They are specifically known for being stones of carefulness, good fortune, survival, good health, and safety.
A beautiful deep green crystal that has been used as a protection amulet for centuries is Malachite. Malachite, with its beautiful, rich green color, leaves no doubt of its importance as a jewel. Its opaque strength and power demand respect, mesmerizing the viewer. It heals on physical and emotional levels, drawing out impurities and stimulating the Life Force throughout the aura and body. Malachite is a protection stone, absorbing negative energies and pollutants from the atmosphere and from the body. It guards against radiation of all kinds, clears electromagnetic pollution, and heals earth energies. Malachite is known for being a stone of support for airplane and airline workers as a protection against accidents, miners for protection from unexplained accidents, and for secretaries to stimulate clear thinking.
You can learn about Crystals to Prevent Accidents in the Crystal Reference Guide.
You can read blogs on using crystals for protection in the Crystal Inner Circle.
You can shop for Malachite and find some bargains in our shop.
Crystals for Willpower
Willpower is defined as a personal characteristic of self-discipline, having control of one’s self, and control of one’s conduct. You may be lacking the willpower to keep yourself from overindulging in food, gambling, or alcohol. Sometimes we need more willpower and self-discipline to work harder at our job or school. We may even need more willpower to resist buying more than we need or to improve our impulse control. For needed increases in willpower, crystals can help.
To aid you in issues of willpower we suggest using scarlet colored crystals. Scarlet combines the energy of the pure red ray and the exuberance and joy of the orange in a precious gift of nature. Scarlet is the color of strength and vitality, both physical and spiritual. Use scarlet-colored crystals in efforts to overcome fear and improve self-reliance. They are the crystals of victory, success, and skill.
Willpower can be sought and obtained through lighter shades of scarlet crystals. Light scarlet crystals have an additional power: increasing willpower and dedication to a difficult mental effort. There are a great many temptations we wish to resist at one time or another. For many, excess weight is a constant battle. We seem to never be able to keep it off. If you are in need of focus and an ability to say no and really mean it, use a light scarlet crystal in your efforts. Among their many uses, the scarlet crystals are the Dieter’s Stone.
To give your willpower a boost in almost any area of your life, we suggest using Red Jasper. Jasper makes an excellent diet stone, lending emotional support and strength in self-discipline, as well as boosting physical energy levels. Its slow, steady vibration helps avoid extremes and encourages perseverance. It is also useful for long periods of fasting. Jasper is a remarkable talisman for cutting down or quitting smoking and may assist in reducing one’s over-consumption of alcohol. It removes harmful toxins from the system over time and helps release the emotional triggers that perpetuate the behavior.
You can learn more about Crystals for Willpower in the Crystal Reference Guide.
You can shop for Red Jasper and find some bargains in our shop.
You can read blogs on crystals for awakening in the Crystal Inner Circle.
The I Ching is a powerful oracle. When you consult it, as we suggest you learn to do, it will point you in the direction you seek. And as you do, the Almanac of Gaia and these articles will show you how to use crystals to smooth your journey as the I Ching indicates.