Red Flame of Passion, Love, & Sex

Ceremony Times: 3:00 PM & 9:00 PM EST

The Red Flame is a powerful symbol and form of imagery that can be used to create powerful feelings of passion - both for romantic life partners and also for life’s special elements that bring us joy and fulfillment. It is created using four important tools — the mind-resonating properties of color, the spiritual elements of natural sound, the sights and magic of fire, and the subtle special tuned vibrations of the crystal matrixes of select crystals - all blended in a high magic ceremony of Full Red Flame Reiki Attunement.

Best conducted when the heavens are aligned with the intent - when the Moon transits the 20th Lunar Mansion, the Mansion of the Flame of Passion, the ceremony brings the cosmic energy of Passion and aligns and attunes it to those that seek it. This Reiki Red Flame Ceremony is a full Reiki Attunement ceremony that is conducted in two ways depending on the intent.

For creating a Red Flame of Passion in Love, a special ceremony is conducted that uses crystal energy of love, infatuation, sexual pleasure, devotion, and caring. This ceremony is conducted in the time of high Yin energy - often directly under the moon. It brings the energy of the Moon Goddess, crystals energies of Selenite, and Moonstone, along with the crystal energies of Garnet, Pink Sapphire, Rose Quartz, and Carnelian. The herbs and oils are mixtures of night scents, such as Jasmine and herbs of lust and love, such as Lavender, Patchouli, and Orchids. This ceremony is used to create powerful talismans of love and devotion that enhance relationships of love and marriage.

A Reiki Red Flame Ceremony is also conducted during daylight bringing Yang's energy of Passion to life’s special elements to create and nurture the passion and bring one success and pleasure in those activities such as community service, archery, sports, or other interests. This ceremony uses herbal and crystal energies of action, devotion, dedication, success, and exuberance to create the Red Flame of Passion. Both ceremonies are conducted by Reiki Masters that hold the Crystal Master certification and have completed the necessary training in high magic. The ceremony uses the powerful crystal energy of Red Jasper, Red Aventurine, Ruby, Sunstone, Gold, and Carnelian. The herbal energy of high energy, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and ginseng, is carefully crafted and integrated into the ceremony. This ceremony is used to create talismans and artifacts used to bring success to one’s effort to enjoy what they feel passionate about. They enhance the enjoyment and satisfaction of activities we love.

Both ceremonies are conducted about every 3 months here at the Crystal Vaults when the celestial timing is advantageous.

Winter Solstice Red Flame Ceremony

On December 21st, 2022, we will conduct our first Red Flame ceremonies. These ceremonies will be different from our others. This time we are giving the option for you to physically participate in increasing the power and energy of the Passion Talismans that will go through the Red Flame of Passion.

The Red Flame of Passion ceremony aligns the heavens and brings the energy of loving crystals, passion-building herbs, and the essential oils of magical flowers of love to an incredible ceremony of magic and fulfillment.

The Red Flame of Passion ceremony brings special elementals of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth energy to a ceremonial table filled with the magical artifacts of love, passion, desire, and sexual fulfillment. It is a unique, powerful, and beautiful special ceremony this year, held on the Winter Solstice, the astrological beginning of the new year.

We recommend purchasing our Red Flame of Passion Clear Quartz Pendant and Red Flame Winter Solstice Edition Spell Candle to participate with our Crystal Masters.

The Ceremonies

The first ceremony will be conducted during the day. It will align, enhance, and focus the Celestial energy for satisfying a passion in your life, such as gardening, football, family adventures, or any activity or interest you feel passionate about. If you have interests that you want to be able to enjoy to the fullest in 2023, you need to bring the Universal Spirit to that desire, and this Red Flame of Passion Ceremony will bring it to you. Make sure your new year is one that will be one of satisfying your passions in life.

The second ceremony will be conducted in the evening and will be special indeed. It will be the Red Flame Ceremony of Passionate Love and Sexual Fulfillment. This is one of the most powerful ceremonies we conduct, and being able to conduct it when the Moon is in the Mansion of the Flame of Passion and the Sun is at the Winter Solstice, the astrological beginning of the year, is truly fortunate in that the heavens are truly aligned for maximum energy and power for passionate love.

These ceremonies are different from our others. They are best performed with participation by the recipients.

You can tune into both ceremonies or the one that suits your desire. We will release a video stream of the ceremony that includes instructions on how to participate in both of the December 21st ceremonies.

We will announce ceremony times at least one week before the ceremony. With your candle and pendant, you can bring your passions to the ceremony and make them special. Any talismans or crystals aligned by the Crystal Master during the ceremony will then be much more powerful for you since you will have added your passion to the ceremony.

As we noted, the Winter Solstice marks the beginning of the celestial year. Make 2023 the year of satisfying your life’s passions with your participation in this ceremony. And since the Moon will not be in the Mansion of the Flame of Passion on the Winter Solstice for about 22 years, this is a unique once-in-a-generation opportunity.

Red Flame Carnelian Talismans

Our Crystal Masters will be aligning passion, love, desire, and fire energy into our new stock of Carnelian Raw Crystals. Their bright red-orange color resembles that of a flame burning brightly.

Like the unexpected fire of a sunset, or the first flash of autumn brilliance, Carnelian captivates. Its bold energy brings a rush of warmth and joy that lingers, stimulating and empowering. Carnelian is an orange-colored variety of Chalcedony, a mineral of the Quartz family.

The ancient Egyptians called Carnelian “the setting sun.” In its orange hues, they identified it with receptive or passive female energies and associated it with the fertile menstrual blood of the mother goddess, Isis. In its red, red-orange to reddish brown shades, they considered it the active male energy stone, recognized by its glowing, vibrant color. Carnelian is traditionally worn to enhance passion, love, and desire.

Carnelian is a stabilizing crystal, perfect for anchoring in the present. It's high energy helps restore lost vitality and motivation and stimulates creativity for new pursuits. It improves concentration and removes extraneous thoughts in daydreamers and during meditation. This stone also protects against envy, rage, and resentment – yours or from others, and encourages a love of life.

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by Kat Ohren

Kat is a Certified Crystal Master and Crystal Astrologist. She has been working with both crystals and astrology for over 20 years. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Sciences and Technology from Pennsylvania State University. Kat is a Florida native and has been with Crystal Vaults for over 10 years.

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