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The Best Crystals for Friends & Friendship

Friendship is one of the many blessings in life. Friends can bring you up when you are down, be a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen, and they can also share your interests and make you laugh and enjoy new experiences. However, making friends isn’t easy for everyone. Sometimes we are just too shy, timid, or don’t carry a lot of self-confidence. Other times, we may have friendships that are starting to become trouble for one reason or another. Or perhaps you would like help reconnecting with an old friend. For any of these aforementioned situations, a crystal can aid you along in your relationships.

When looking to build new friendships or strengthen existing ones, these crystals can help.

Lapis Lazuli

A stone of truth, Lapis encourages honesty of the spirit, and in the spoken and written word. It reveals inner truth and promotes self-awareness and the acceptance of that knowledge. It is also a stone of friendship and brings harmony in relationships. Lapis encourages dignity in friendship and social ability. It encourages the qualities of honesty, compassion, and uprightness when dealing with others. It provides an awareness of one’s motivations and beliefs and gives a clearer perspective of one’s whole life. It reveals not only one’s limitations but the opportunities for growth and to utilize one’s gifts and abilities. Browse our Lapis Lazuli collection now >>


Carnelian brings joy and friendship, pleasure, and family togetherness. It is a happy and sharing stone, integrating the parts of our communal lives, bringing things and people together. Carnelian has the power to build confidence and increase our zest for life. It builds courage and strength of purpose.  Browse our Carnelian collection now >>

Rose Quartz

For friendships, this crystal will develop a tremendous amount of love, trust, and attachment with the other person. It will inspire you to know more about the other person. It supports connection within groups and community and carries a high spiritual attunement to the Earth, Universe, and the Divine.  Browse our Rose Quartz collection now >>

Blue Chalcedony

Chalcedony is known as the Speaker’s Stone, the stone of one who must measure his words. It encourages reflection and meditation, its gentle radiance preparing us for action but helping to hold back words we might regret. Chalcedony eases self-doubt and brings a helpful peace to inner reflection. It can remove hostility and encourage a light-hearted optimism. It is also a stone of friendship that aids in building strong bonds. Browse our Blue Chalcedony collection now >>

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