Don’t miss the Winter Solstice this weekend

Photo by Ali Inay on Unsplash

Probably the most celebrated day of the year across cultures ancient and modern, the Winter Solstice is a day of hope as it is the day of the rebirth of the life-giving sun.   As the world is tilted 23.5 degrees on it axis, one day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere it is…

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The Moon and Crystals today

Photo by Neven Krcmarek on Unsplash

The Moon will be rising about 2 this afternoon, and set about midnight.  It is a waxing gibbous moon headed to a full moon on the 12th when the Moon will be in Mansion Five, the Mansion of the Eagle. Today the Moon is in the Mansion 26, the Mansion of the Waves. a Water…

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Alchemy and Magic principles for using crystals and herbs.

Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

I have been exploring a herb to use with some crystal preparations.  It is Cinquefoil.  Perhaps it is not familiar to you. We are talking about Potentilla Canadensis. It is also called Fivefinger grass, from the way its leaves grow.  It has bright yellow flowers from April to August in the US and Canada. In a…

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Photo by Khamkéo Vilaysing on Unsplash

You were born under one of the 12 Sun Zodiac signs but if that is not enough to know, you were also born when the Moon was visiting one of the 28 Mansions of the Moon.  Here is how to find out which one and learn how the Moon is affecting your life and spirit.…

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Tourmaline Protection at Halloween

During late October, around the Halloween season, we humans collectively, all over the world, are somehow drawn to find a connection to the spirit world. During this time of year, hundreds of thousands of people are engaged in the same thing: seeking an interaction, an understanding, or a connection to the spirit world. This worldwide effort…

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An Introduction to Chrysocolla

Chrysocolla is a Stone of Communication. It is devoted to expression, empowerment, and teaching. The serenity of its turquoise-blue color discharges negative energies, calms, and allows truth and inner wisdom to surface and be heard. A peaceful stone, it emphasizes the power our words and actions have on those around us and encourages compassion and…

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