Rosasite, Crystal Secrets

Rosasite opens bottled emotions that block the mind from thinking clearly. Read our post to learn more about the crystal secrets of Rosasite.

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Adamite, Crystal Secrets

Adamite is quite a rare crystal you usually only see in small pieces. Read our post to learn more about the crystal secrets of Adamite.

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Sulfur, Crystal Secrets

Sulfur Crystal-0

Sulfur Crystals radiate positivity, and happiness falls like confetti. Read our post to learn more about the crystal secrets of Sulfur.

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Weighing the Truth with Azurite

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In today’s world what you read or get a text about or a telephone call may be true or patently false, or misleading or deceitful. Many things sound like you must do something or something bad will happen. When you read something that seems not right, or you get a phone call promising some personal…

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Crystal Secrets Apophyllite

Crystal secrets is a new mini-series we’re offering here at Crystal Vaults. We will discuss one uncommon crystal. Today we will be discussing the crystal secrets of Apophyllite. Apophyllite can be used to enhance and stimulate your intuitive vision. It is used to create a conscious connection between the physical form and the spiritual realm. It…

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Crystal Vaults Holiday Crystal Giveaway

holiday crystal giveaway

Welcome to Crystal Vaults’ Holiday Crystal Giveaway! We’re giving away a Polished Chevron Amethyst Display Piece valued at $450 to one of our lucky followers 😍 If you want to know how to win just keep reading below to make sure you snag all of your possible entries. How to Enter the Crystal Giveaway Entering…

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