Rhodochrosite Healing Properties, Meanings, and Uses
Welcome to the Crystal Encyclopedia page for Rhodochrosite. Here you will learn everything you've ever wanted to know about this crystal, including Rhodochrosite healing properties, Rhodochrosite metaphysical properties, using Rhodochrosite in meditation, Feng Shui, spiritual work, and much more!
Quick Overview of Rhodochrosite
Rhodochrosite (rō′də krō′sīt)
Chakra Healing
Heart & Solar Plexus Chakra
Compassion • Love • Comfort • Happiness • Passion • Meditation • Empathy
Rhodochrosite Meanings and Introduction
The allure of Rhodochrosite is undeniable, both for its raspberry-pink to rose-red color and for the pulsating electrical energy of love it emits. While all pink stones promote unconditional love, Robert Simmons in The Book of Stones claims Rhodochrosite emanates one of the most tender and loving energies of any stone, soothing the heart, comforting the soul, and vibrating to the frequencies of inner peace. It is a marvelous talisman of joy and healing, embracing one’s rightful powers and rising to one’s full potential.
Known as the Stone of the Compassionate Heart, Rhodochrosite symbolizes selfless love, moving one beyond mere empathy but stirring one to action on others’ behalf. Rhodochrosite, however, directs that love first toward the self for the specific purpose of emotional healing. By empowering one to earnestly examine old wounds, suppressed feelings, and traumas of childhood or past lives, it enables one to view old situations with new information. It allows one to acknowledge and release pain and destructive behavior patterns one may have adopted to cope. Its vibration of self-love, forgiveness, and compassion for the child within assists in reclaiming the self one was born to be.
The frequency of Rhodochrosite is surrounded by heavenly energies imbued with the golden sphere of Light. It emits not only the pink/red color rays of influence but a harmonious blend of pink and light orange. It not only heals the Heart Chakra but is described by Katrina Raphaell in Crystal Enlightenment as “the God-sent deliverer whose purpose and mission is to clear the solar plexus and integrate the energies of the physical and spiritual realms.”
"It inspires a dynamic and positive attitude, as well as a courageous heart capable of taking action to express love and emotions and to pursue one’s dreams."
As the center of emotional activity and personal will, the Solar Plexus Chakra tends to record and store unresolved issues. Rhodochrosite frees blockages in this chakra, forming a vital bridge between the upper chakras of higher consciousness and the lower chakras of energy, restoring one’s sense of wholeness and confidence to use one’s will in creating one’s reality. Because it resonates so closely with the inner child, it helps one to reclaim joy and playfulness, creativity, and innate talents that may have lain dormant. It inspires a dynamic and positive attitude, as well as a courageous heart capable of taking action to express love and emotions and to pursue one’s dreams.
Rhodochrosite is a manganese carbonate mineral of the Calcite group. It occurs mainly as massive aggregates or in granular, botryoidal, nodular, or stalactitic forms, though rare, transparent rhombohedral and scalenohedral crystals are found. Rhodochrosite forms in hydrothermal veins of copper, lead, and silver mines, and as secondary deposits in sedimentary layers of manganese oxide. The name Rhodochrosite comes from the Greek rhodos, meaning “rose,” and khros, meaning “color,” and refers to its vivid pink to rose-red color. It has a vitreous and pearly luster, often banded in layers ranging from white or light pink to nearly red and opaque. Though most Rhodochrosite is in the pink to red color range, it can also be yellowish, orange, or brown. It is often confused with the manganese silicate, Rhodonite, but is distinctly softer with white banding rather than the black veins of manganese oxide present in Rhodonite.
Rhodochrosite is also referred to as Raspberry Spar, Manganese Spar, and most notably as Inca Rose (Rosa del Inca or Rosinca), as the Incas believed Rhodochrosite was the blood of their ancestral rulers turned to stone. It is the National Gemstone of Argentina, where some of the most important deposits are mined. It is the State Mineral of Colorado, USA, where the Sweet Home Mine near Alma and nearby localities produce some of the rarest and most beautiful red Rhodochrosite in the world.
In massive form, Rhodochrosite’s pink and white bands are extremely attractive and often used in semi-precious jewelry, decorative stones, or carved into figurines. In contrast, stalactitic forms are cross-cut in slices to display their unique concentric bands. Fine transparent crystals are rare and costly, sometimes faceted into gems for collectors. However, the softness and brittleness limit it as a gemstone for everyday usage. Rhodochrosite’s main use is as an ore of manganese, a key component of low-cost stainless steel formulations and certain aluminum alloys.

Healing Benefits Overview
Wearing, carrying, or meditating with Rhodochrosite helps make one buoyant, cheerful, dynamic, and active. It is mentally enlivening, stimulating creativity, dream states, and a sense of personal power. It allows for the spontaneous expression of feelings and can enhance passion and sexuality.
Rhodochrosite is a great stone for calling a new love into one’s life, a friend or a romantic partner that is a soulmate, one who helps us learn necessary lessons for our higher good. This stone can beautifully guide one in the quest for emotional happiness, help one move forward after a period of doubt, and express love toward others without fear of rejection.
Rhodochrosite increases mind-to-mind or telepathic links between you and family members or animals. It can also be used as a calling-back crystal to generate news or contact with a lost friend, relative, or former love. Place the crystal next to a photograph of the missing person and place your hands on either side of the stone. Visualize where and when you were last together, say the person’s name softly three times and ask them to get in touch or send news. For a pet, imagine it back in its place, and leave the crystal where it used to love sitting or sleeping or on a surface near the exit or entrance the animal used most.
Rhodochrosite is a valuable Earth stone for healing the planet and showing love to the Mother of us all. It assists us in serving Earth in her time of need and demonstrates the joy that can come from this responsibility.
This is a wonderful stone for helping children transition into childcare or school or attend a new school or college to settle in and find friends easily. It makes a great gift for new family members, such as those acquired by remarriage or adoption.
In the Crystal Tarot, Rhodochrosite represents O, The Fool. It instructs us to see ourselves through the eyes of an innocent child and to trust that we can accomplish what we set out to do.
Rhodochrosite is a natural enhancer for becoming a more mature adult by healing childhood wounds and allowing one to better understand and forgive one’s parents. It is also a marvelous support stone for anyone who works with children, such as pediatricians, elementary school teachers, and caregivers.

Healing Properties
Rhodochrosite healing properties can help with physical, emotional, and spiritual balance and issues. It has healing powers to help with physical ailments and emotional issues. It is also used in Energy Healing and Chakra balancing. Rhodochrosite healing crystal therapies include strengthening the immune system, cleansing the emotional body, and grounding spiritual energies. Meditation with Rhodochrosite is also highly recommended.
Physical Healing Properties

Rhodochrosite contains manganese, an important physiological component of the body necessary for bone growth, tissue repair, and the assimilation of minerals. Rhodochrosite is traditionally used to assist the heart and circulatory systems, stabilize blood pressure and pulse rate and is placed at the base of the skull, to relieve tension migraines. It is thought to correct thyroid imbalances, and remove irritants from the lungs, ameliorating breathing problems and asthma.
Rhodochrosite is highly esteemed for its effectiveness when used in elixirs. Taken internally, it supports the relief of infections, such as ear or sinus infections, stomach ulcers, and other inflammations, as well as digestive disorders, such as constipation and abdominal pain. It aids in strengthening the walls of the intestines. An elixir of Rhodochrosite may be employed to bolster treatments for the conditions listed above. (We highly recommend the indirect method of preparation for all internal elixirs.)
Rhodochrosite is an exceptional stone for directly attacking somatizations, the physical disorders that stem from emotional or mental suffering. Gem Rhodochrosite, or an elixir made from these crystals, can be an invaluable ally for use alongside treatments for healing cancer, liver purifications, coronary issues, and other diseases. Rhodochrosite is also ideal for nervous system imbalances, offering energetic healing for the myelin sheath that covers and protects the nerves. Though not a cure, it provides remarkable relief for the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and some cases of multiple sclerosis, especially when used in conjunction with Rhodonite. It can also be of benefit in withdrawal from caffeine and other stimulants.
Rhodochrosite is highly effective for skin disorders. Shingles, a painful viral infection caused by the chicken pox virus, may emerge when depressed or mourning. Some types of rash, hives and boils are physical manifestations of stress, depression, and anxiety. A soothing elixir for external skin disorders may be made by placing Rhodochrosite in distilled water (or other natural minerals/spring water), then energizing the mixture in sunlight for several days. Heat the water, soak a cloth, and use it as a poultice. It not only relieves itchy or painful irritations but also penetrates the infected areas of the tissues for cleansing, as well as removing the dysfunctional negative aspects.
Emotional Healing Properties

Rhodochrosite is a rescue/remedy stone that aids those in need and rescues the rescuer. It first directs its energy to the self, specifically for emotional healing. It enables one to go deep within the heart to safely acknowledge, relive, and then release one’s emotional wounds.
Rhodochrosite helps one face the truth about oneself and others without excuses or evasion but with loving awareness. It assists in identifying negative behaviors and ongoing patterns and brings compassion and healing, self-forgiveness, and an understanding of others’ responsibility for their actions. Its purifying energy cleanses and balances the emotional body, bringing resolution, peace, and renewal. It is the foremost ally in healing childhood wounds and is often referred to as the “Inner Child Stone.” It is the perfect healer for anyone who was abandoned or feels unloved and is the stone par excellence for healing sexual abuse.
Chakra Balancing Healing Properties

Rhodochrosite reflects the Light of the heart and love and stimulates the Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra is located near the center of the breastbone, regulates our interaction with the external world, and controls what we embrace and resist. It allows us to be ourselves within the environment and helps our relationships.
Rhodochrosite’s task is also to clear and activate the Solar Plexus Chakra, the energy distribution center, and the chakra of relationships. This chakra is located between the ribcage and navel and controls the immune and digestive systems. When balanced physically, we have the strength to fight infections, are free of allergic reactions, and are able to use the nutrients we ingest. When the Solar Plexus is out of balance spiritually, we feel fear – of the disappointment or displeasure of others or of subordinating our life and pleasures to the will of others. Spiritually, when the Solar Plexus is in balance, we are free to interpret the world through our thoughts and emotions and not live in fear of violating the dictums of others.

Benefits for Spirituality

Rhodochrosite is a remarkable stone for enhancing spirituality and attuning to one’s higher self. Worn in jewelry or carried, used in meditation or crystal healing layouts, it expands one’s consciousness, channeling spiritual awareness into the physical body to be manifested. It is a great tool for contemplating the duality of nature and how it affects one’s life.
Rhodochrosite provides a marvelous link to the Divine Feminine. Hold in hand to connect with female Ascended Masters, including Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, Isis, and Mary Magdalene, and to acquire the qualities of the feminine Christ consciousness compassion, inner peace, tolerance, and love.
In addition to its general properties, Gem Rhodochrosite is esteemed for healing disconnection from the spiritual realms and inspiring one to open the heart to universal love. It links one to the karmic purpose of the present incarnation and enables one to see prior soul contracts and renegotiate these if necessary.

The Color Energy of Rhodochrosite

The Red color rays within Rhodochrosite bring a self-confidence built on fearlessness, a call to action, and excitement. They raise our enthusiasm and speeds up our metabolism. Red reflects the color of passion, energy, and life.
Pink Rhodochrosite brings the subtle, more feminine energy rays of determination, commitment, and caring. The soothing color calms feelings of anger or resentment and can aid efforts to meditate and reflect. Pink is the color of new love, new romance, and new relationships. It increases the development of sensuality and can help overcome heartache, improving our caring and loving abilities.
The pale peach or Light Orange influence in Rhodochrosite promotes companionship and affection, bringing joy, friendship, pleasure, and family togetherness. It is a happy and sharing energy, integrating the parts of our communal lives, and encourages physical pleasure and intimacy.

Meditation with Rhodochrosite

Rhodochrosite is a marvelous stone for meditation, expanding the consciousness and allowing for deep relaxation, acceptance, and balance. Place or hold on points over the eyebrows, temples, and/or the center suture in the head to stimulate the brain, allowing more spirit energy to inhabit the physical body and infiltrate the thought processes. This stone strengthens one to go within the self for effective solutions to problems and allows one to move back in time to recover lost memories or past-life healing. It is highly effective for reliving and releasing childhood traumas, and placed over the heart can gently help disentangle the ties of outgrown relationships.
Gem quality Rhodochrosite may be used during meditation to help ascertain the purpose of one’s present incarnation and to gain clarity and direction for one’s mission in life. Both stones and crystals may be held in the left hand or placed on the Third Eye center to better receive one’s message.
With practice, deep meditation with Rhodochrosite may allow one to “melt” into the sphere of golden ecstasy. During this experience, an encounter with one’s twin flame is highly likely, if the energy is directed for this purpose.

Rhodochrosite Meanings in Divination

The Divinatory meaning of Rhodochrosite: Open your heart to the possibility of love and friendship and you may find that it was close to you or present all the time. Choose old valued friends rather than exciting new acquaintances.

Crystals and Angels

Rhodochrosite is ideal for connecting with the Archangels Auriel, Chamuel, and Tzaphkiel. If your birthday falls in any of the following periods, a Rhodochrosite of the color listed can be a valuable conduit to your Guardian Angel. The table also provides the name of the Guardian Angel of those born in the time period.
Date | Crystal Color | Name of Guardian Angel |
June 1 - June 5 | Pink | Hariel |
October 14 - October 18 | Light Orange | Hahahel (Hahael) |
October 19 - October 23 | Red | Mikael |
November 8 - November 12 | Pink | Ariel |
November 18 - November 22 | Light Orange | Mihael |
There are other Angels that are partial to Rhodochrosite. The table below gives you information about them.
Purpose | Crystal Color | Name of Angel |
Guardian of the Ninth Mansion of the Moon; Cancer-Leo. | Light Orange | Barbiel |
Protector and Ruler of the dates October 14-18; Libra. | Light Orange | Hahahel |
Protector and Ruler of the dates November 18-22; Scorpio. | Light Orange | Mihael |
Ruler of Earth/Moon. | Light Orange | Ophanniel |
Ruler of Earth/Constellations/Stars | Light Orange | Rahatiel |
Master of the 14th Tarot Card “Temperance.” | Light Orange | Saritaiel |
Protector and Ruler of the dates November 8-12; Scorpio. Master of the 20th Tarot Card “Judgment” and the protector of the Environment. | Pink | Ariel |
Guardian of the First Mansion of the Moon; Aries. | Pink | Geniel |
Protector and Ruler of the dates June 1-5; Gemini. | Pink | Hariel |
Master of the 10th Tarot Card “Wheel of Fortune.” And helps to Heal Negativity and Chaos. | Pink | Jophiel |
Protector and Ruler of the dates June 22-26; Cancer. | Pink | Leuviah |
Governor of the sign Aries. | Pink | Machidiel |
Mumiel is the Angel of Health. | Pink | Mumiel |
Protector and Ruler of the dates August 29-Sept.2; Virgo. | Pink | Vasiarhiah |
Master of the 16th Tarot Card “The Tower.” | Red | Graphiel |
Protector and Ruler of the dates October 19-23; Libra. | Red | Mikael |

Rhodochrosite for the Goddess

Rhodochrosite honors Nisaba, the Summerian Knowledge Goddess and Goddess of the Palace Archives. As a writer, scribe, activist, and architect, she is symbolized by an inscribing stylus. She also helps with interpreting dreams.

Rhodochrosite Birthstone
There are several ways to find an appropriate birthstone. The traditional one is listed first. These are from the popular lists that most people are familiar with. The second way is to find your natural birthstone by the color wheel of life. Finally, many people use the traditional stones of the Zodiac.
In this section, you will find information on all three approaches.
Traditional Birthstone
Rhodochrosite is not a traditional birthstone.
Natural Birthstone
Rhodochrosite, with its red color influence, is a natural birthstone oft hose born in mid-autumn (October 22 – November 20). Red crystals bring you energy, courage, passion, and love.
Zodiac Crystal
Rhodochrosite is a zodiac stone for those born under the sign Scorpio, at the end of harvest, from October 23 – November 21. Scorpio is represented by a scorpion and is known as the Success sign. Scorpios are complicated, independent, and creative, with a sense of humor. They are excellent leaders and sometimes a bit competitive.
Rhodochrosite is also quite useful during the “laying-on-of-stones” for those born under the signs of Virgo, Capricorn, and Taurus.

Meaning in Talismans and Amulets
Rhodochrosite is a Seeker Builder crystal. Seekers contain a crystal energy structure that aligns the natural energy of the crystal to the natural power of the human mind in finding the way to new horizons and new capabilities. They’re pointers, directors, and compasses, the fresh start crystals. These are talismans of the scientist, the adventurer, the hunter, the wanderer, and the explorer. They’re also crystals of the student and the researcher.
Combined with the Earth Power of a Builder, these crystals are perfect aids in building wealth or improving your lot in life, both materially and spiritually. They help in development efforts, learning new skills and knowledge, and building new relationships.

Using Rhodochrosite in Feng Shui

Rhodochrosite, with its Pink color, is used in the southwest area of a room or home. It is associated with love, romance, and motherhood. Use it in the southwest area of a room or home to bring the feminine energy of growth and maternal love alive.

Meanings in Ancient Lore and History

Rhodochrosite, known as “Rosa del Inca” or “Inca Rose,” was believed to have been discovered in the pre-Colombian 13th-century silver mines in the Northern part of Argentina when it was part of the Inca Empire or Tahuantinsuyo. An Incan ruler named Inca Ripac (also called Viracocha) was credited with discovering the beautiful red stone. It became sacred to the people who thought it was the solidified blood of their ancestral kings and queens. The mines were abandoned when the Inca Empire began its decline, but the next seven hundred years or so of inactivity is now thought to be what permitted massive stalactitic growths to form in the old workings.
In 1938, a German named Franz Mansfeld rediscovered the mine and, in the process, unearthed an Inca tomb with funerary jewelry inside. Johann Hausmann named this stone Rhodochrosite in 1813 for mineralogical reference, but the Incan discovery led to the popular rebaptism of Rhodochrosite as Inca Rose or Rosinca. Indians of the Andes today still believe the blood of their ancient rulers turned into the gemstone there.
"One legend claims a cave deep beneath the Andes Mountains holds a Rhodochrosite heart-shaped boulder, believed to be the heart of Mother Earth, and that it beats once every two hundred years. It has been protected and revered by the locals for millennia."
The Alfonso lapidary describes an astringent stone called Almartac that is believed to be Rhodochrosite. It had cleansing and drying properties, calmed itching, and, when mixed with wax, healed ulcers, cleared away putrid flesh, and reduced pain.
Large, transparent specimens of Rhodochrosite are rare and in high demand from collectors. The largest faceted Rhodochrosite is from South Africa and weighs in at 59.65ct. It is part of a private collection. The largest and most perfect specimen of Rhodochrosite in the world to date is “The Alma King” from the Sweet Home Mine near Alma, Colorado, USA. This 30 million-year-old crystal was discovered in 1992 in a newly blasted crevice 400 feet beneath Mount Boss and is housed in the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. It is a rhombohedron nearly five inches long, embedded in a spectacular matrix of Clear Quartz and Fluorite crystals.
More Crystal Information
What is Rhodochrosite?
Rhodochrosite is a manganese carbonate mineral of the Calcite group.
Where is Rhodochrosite found?
Rhodochrosite can be found in various locations across the world. However, the most popular locations include Argentina, South Africa, Peru, Montana, Russia, China, Gabon, Mexico, and Japan.
How is Rhodochrosite formed?
Rhodochrosite forms in hydrothermal veins of copper, lead, and silver mines and as secondary deposits in sedimentary layers of manganese oxide.
What is Rhodochrosite good for?
Rhodochrosite helps make one buoyant and cheerful, dynamic, and active. It is mentally enlivening, stimulating creativity, dream states, and sense of personal power. It allows for the spontaneous expression of feelings and can enhance passion and sexuality.
Can Rhodochrosite go in water?
Rhodochrosite is a soft material that should not go in the water for long periods.
What does Rhodochrosite mean?
Rhodochrosite is known as the stone of the compassionate heart.
How do you cleanse Rhodochrosite?
The most recommended way to cleanse Rhodochrosite is with a Satin Spar Selenite Charging plate or bowl. Other methods besides water will also cleanse Rhodochrosite.
How do you charge Rhodochrosite?
The best method to charge Rhodochrosite is moonlight or with a Satin Spar Selenite charging plate.
Can Rhodochrosite be left in the sun?
Rhodochrosite should not be exposed to sunlight for long periods of time. The sun can change the color of the crystal.
How hard is Rhodochrosite?
On the Mohs Hardness Scale, Rhodochrosite is a 3.5 - 4.
Why is Rhodochrosite called Rhodochrosite?
The name Rhodochrosite comes from the Greek rhodos, meaning “rose,” and khros, meaning “color,” and refers to its vivid pink to rose-red color.
How to use Rhodochrosite?
Wearing, carrying, or meditating with Rhodochrosite helps make one buoyant, cheerful, dynamic, and active. Place Rhodochrosite over your Solar Plexus or Heart Chakra during a healing session to help heal your self-esteem and take more action.
What does Rhodochrosite look like?
Rhodochrosite has a vitreous and pearly luster, often banded in layers ranging from white or light pink, to those that are nearly red and opaque. Though most Rhodochrosite is in the pink to red color range, it can also be yellowish, orange or brown. It is often confused with the manganese silicate, Rhodonite, but is distinctly softer with white banding, rather than the black veins of manganese oxide present in Rhodonite.
It can sometimes look like a piece of bacon.
How can you tell if Rhodochrosite is real?
Rhodochrosite is an expensive and rare crystal that is often faked with resin. Fake Rhodochrosite is often made too bright in color and patterns too perfect. Real Rhodochrosite should be cold to the touch and contain imperfections.
What does Rhodochrosite symbolize?
Rhodochrosite symbolizes selfless love, moving one beyond mere empathy but stirring one to act on others’ behalf. Rhodochrosite, however, directs that love first toward the self for the specific purpose of emotional healing. By empowering one to earnestly examine old wounds, suppressed feelings, and traumas of childhood or past lives, it enables one to view old situations with new information, and allows one to acknowledge and release pain, along with destructive patterns of behavior one may have adopted as a means to cope. Its vibration of self-love, forgiveness, and compassion for the child within, assists in reclaiming the self one was born to be.
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Linda Mason
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Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007).
Cassandra Eason, The New Crystal Bible (London: Carlton Books Ltd., 2010).
William T. Fernie, The Occult and Curative Powers of Precious Stones (Blauvelt, NY: Rudolph Steiner Publications, 1973).
Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals (Scotland: Earthdancer Books, 2009).
Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003).
Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible 2 (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2009).
George Frederick Kunz, The Curious Lore of Precious Stones (New York: Dover Publications, 1971).
Florence Megemont, The Metaphysical Book of Gems and Crystals (Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 2008).
Dorothee L. Mella, Stone Power II (Albuquerque, NM: Brotherhood of Life, Inc., 1986).
Melody, Love Is In The Earth (Wheat Ridge, CO: Earth-Love Publishing House, 1995).
Katrina Raphaell, Crystal Enlightenment (Santa Fe, NM: Aurora Press, 1985)
Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007).
(Please note: Information on this website is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. All information on this website, including information about medical and health conditions, products, and treatments, is for informational purposes only. In addition, please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements, or exercise programs.)
[…] Rhodochrosite Uses and Meaning – Crystal Vaults […]
[…] you’ll say something snippy to your mom. Other times, you’ll bomb a presentation at work. Rhodochrosite is a crystal of compassion and empathy — for others, yes, but primarily for yourself. After all, […]