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Lesson 4 - Crystal Healing (part 1)
Lesson 4 - Crystal Healing (part 2)
Video Transcripts
Lesson 4 - Crystal Healing (part 1)
Beyond just the sheer beauty and delight of crystals and stones, the subject of crystal healing is what first attracts most people to look more closely at crystals. The majority of crystal books on the market and in our library are focused on crystal healing. The reasons we find are simple. People are looking for solutions to real health issues.
Yes, modern science has learned a great deal about the workings of the human body, the human mind, and the connections between the two; but the mysteries remain. And while medical knowledge is doubling every 18 months, that means what is unknown dwarfs the current knowledge.
People understand this, and while we all are waiting for the next medical discoveries, it seems people intuitively know that alternative medicine can be an important supplement to established medical practices. There is always something to learn.
Science is teaching us that the Universe is a much stranger place than anyone imagined. Dark matter that is undetectable is thought to be most of the Universe. The discovery of particles that exist for billionths of a second like the Higgs Boson gives the Universe mass. Electrons might not be anything but an energy wave.
Science is also finding the complexity and the power of the human mind is far beyond what we perceive. For example, the phrase “gut feeling” might be more accurate than we thought.
There is evidence that trillions of gut microbes are in constant communication with your brain, and there’s mounting evidence that they may affect how you feel — not just physically but emotionally, according to Dr. Emeran Mayer, professor of medicine and psychiatry at UCLA.
Science, and medical science in particular. is on a voyage of discovery. The field of alternative medicines, like acupuncture, faith healing, Reiki, crystal therapy, and others are widely accepted and used simply because they too, for many of us, can be effective as extensions and adjuncts to the current medical practices and may well employ therapies, that while effective, are not yet based on known science.
We do not pretend to understand how crystal healing works. But we do know that its efficacy seems to stem from:
- A belief in the Universal Life Force,
- A belief in the power of the human mind, and
- A belief in the power of crystals to combine, focus, and amplify the power and energy of the Universal Life Force and the human mind to affect the healing of the human body and spirit.
Does crystal healing work for everyone? No. Does aspirin work for everyone? No. Can crystals cure cancer? No. Can aspirin cure cancer? No. Does that mean crystal healing doesn’t work? No. Does that mean aspirin doesn’t work? No.
What it all means is that crystal healing, just like aspirin and every other healing regimen, is effective for certain ailments and issues; and works for some people for some issues and not others.
Think about this one sentence: "If you think you feel better, you do". There is much truth in that sentence. Crystal healing works, like many other established medical regimens through the human mind.
What you believe affects your response to almost everything in life and certainly affects the results of any healing regimen. Science has demonstrated this over and over - belief is the most powerful force on Earth. You, in many ways, decide if you will be healthy and happy or not. Your beliefs can work miracles or keep them from occurring.
Let’s explore each of the beliefs that affect our ability to gain the benefits of Crystal Healing in our lives.
First: There is a Universal Life Force that permeates the Universe originating in the Divine.
Crystal healing therapies and practices stem from an understanding that the sources of crystal healing power are native to the Universe, not to the healer or the crystal.
Vast currents of creative life force set in motion by the Creator cascade downward through multiple levels of the Universe from the galactic to the molecular. Some people call these currents Chi, Qi, Subtle Ether, Astral Light, God’s love, or Prana.
All of Creation is enveloped with these primordial currents. This force was described by Colleen Deatsman in her book Energy for Life as "the formless pervasive, casual undercurrent of all that is...the Divine intelligence, the engine of creation, the cosmic grid upon which and from which the Universe springs."
The Picatrix tells us that these life-enabling, healing currents are refracted by the stars and planets like rays of light striking moving crystals, and descend to the Earth with greater or lesser force, depending on the complex geometries of astrological relationships, planetary locations, and the earth’s alignment and forms.
This belief underscores most Eastern belief systems. In China and the Orient, the concept of a life force is very familiar, even commonplace. Everyone, from politicians to schoolchildren, understands it. The notion of chi and its applications are part of daily life.
As this belief spreads into Western culture, we have coined a phrase to explain it - bio-energy, the intrinsic electrical forces, and paths that sustain living organisms. Knowledge related to bio-energy is called bio-information. While Western scientists still have to come to grips with this belief, science seems to be leading them to this realization as the concepts of Eastern and Western beliefs merge in the modern world.
Second: The human mind has seemingly magical power over the body and the spirit.
This is actually easy to believe because modern science is constantly finding it to be true as the research in mind-body science continues.
Current scientific studies do show that if you think you're receiving a treatment, and you expect that treatment to work, it often will. An article in Scientific American noted that healing effects can arise not only from a conscious belief in a drug but also from subconscious associations between recovery and the experience of being treated.
The article by Dr. Espay noted that subliminal conditioning can control bodily processes of which we are unaware, such as immune responses and the release of hormones.
It seems the brain churns out more dopamine when a person is anticipating a reward -- like symptom relief from a drug or a crystal therapy. In other words, your brain decides how effective a treatment will be. This was demonstrated in another recent study, which found that people with back pain who believe that acupuncture might be helpful actually get more pain relief from it, compared to those who do not believe it will work.
Third: Crystals can combine, focus, and amplify the power and energy of the Universal Life Force and the human mind to affect the healing of the human body and spirit.
Used with care, understanding, and reverence, crystals can form the basis of an elaborate context of rituals and symbols that constitute every successful healer-patient relationship. The crystals are a conduit and a vehicle through which healing energy is transmitted. No different than the acupuncturist’s needle, the surgeon’s scalpel, or the kiss of a mother to a child’s skinned knee; crystals bring us a physical manifestation of the healing energy. They give form and substance to the life force and allow us to manipulate and apply it consistently.
Using the internal energy matrixes of the crystals, the chemical bonding energy of their component elements, and the color energy of their reflected rays, a crystal healer can focus, amplify, and align the Universal Life Force to effect positive outcomes in the health, energy level, and spirit of a person or animal companion.
But you do not have to be a “crystal healer” to gain the benefits of crystal healing in your life. If you wish to set up a practice and make your living as a crystal healer, there are some great courses available from folks like Ashley Leavy and Hibiscus Moon.
But if you want to use crystals yourself to better your personal life, watch for the next lesson - Crystal Healing - Using Color to Heal. You will discover that for the beginner and the expert alike, using crystal color is the basis of one of the most powerful crystal healing regimens with a long history in almost every culture.
In this lesson, we went over part 1 of lesson four, Crystal Healing. We discussed the science behind crystal healing as well as the three beliefs that affect our ability to gain the benefits of crystal healing in our lives.
We hope this lesson helped you start your journey to understanding what crystal healing is and how you can begin to apply it to your life.
Lesson 4 - Crystal Healing (part 2)
There are two fundamental paradigms of crystal healing: the spiritual healing paradigm and the resonance placement paradigm. The spiritual healing approach is based on the belief that the crystals are selected to focus and amplify the Universal Life Force either directly or through the healer.
The resonance placement paradigm is based on the concept that the crystals themselves by nature of their color, composition, shape, design, and crystal structure can create a resonance that encourages healing to occur.
In this Basic Course, we will combine these two approaches. We will, however, keep the discussion simple by considering the effects of color as the primary therapeutic element.
A focus on the effects of color on the ability of a crystal to both focus and amplify the Universal Life Force and to also augment that with its inherent therapeutic value while assuring that our approach allows for either of the paradigms to be of use regardless of specific beliefs.
While a crystal’s composition, shape, design, and crystal structure are valid considerations in its selection and use as a healing aid, we will leave those discussions for more advanced classes.
Color is one of the ancient correspondences used in healing and magic along with the planets, the elements, spirits, herbs, shapes, and numbers. But it is only in the last two hundred years or so that science has been able to verify much of the healing potential of color.
From the early texts such as the "Theory of Color" by JW von Goethe in 1810 to modern crystal healing books such as "Healing with Crystals & Chakra Energies" by Sue and Simon Lilly, researchers have been exploring the healing effects of color and light and sharing their insights.
Scientists such as Dinshah Ghadiali have devised complete systems of healing using color, that along with others, form the basis of the crystal healing regimens of today.
While the fundamental meanings and influences of colors have been present in the wisdom of all cultures, they have been somewhat confusing and occasionally misinterpreted. But with the research of today’s practitioners of biology, biochemistry, and physics, we have a much better view of their relationships and effects.
Based on extensive research in both the history and tradition of crystals and the more modern human psychological studies of the fundamental effects of color on human bodies and minds, we now know the real, natural effects of gemstone, crystal, and mineral color influence rays. This wisdom is captured in the Great Color Wheel of Influence.
The Color Wheel is essentially the rainbow folded back on itself having the red from one side connected to the violet on the other by the color that combines them: amethyst. In this way, the Color Wheel is continuous and can be related to many natural cycles.
For example, in the inner circle, you see the times of the day, and the outer circles show various times of the year and the passages of our lives. (Be aware that the Color Wheel is read counterclockwise.)
Using the outer circles, you can see the colors match the time of the year. Our tour of the Wheel begins here in early spring with the melting of the turquoise waters of the brooks and lakes as they are freed of ice. The colors are turquoise, green, and olive.
The time is of discovery, renewal, and awakening, both in nature and in us. The colors start with turquoise and slowly change to the greens of spring and then to the light olive, the combination of green and yellow as the world finds summer approaching. This is a time of new beginnings, new life, and new hope in our lives too.
The Wheel of Life continues to the bright yellows of the hot summer sun. The colors are the yellow of the high sun in summer, the gold of the late summer sun, and the orange of the last days of summer as the leaves begin to turn.
The times are those of enlightenment, success, enthusiasm, and joy. The summer of one’s life, like the summer of the year, is the high season of growth, accomplishment, and success.
The colors then start to darken, first to the scarlets, then to the reds and amethysts as the world transitions from summer to winter months.
The time is one of strength, maturity, vitality, harvest energy, and courage. In the autumn of our lives, it is the time of proven performance and physical strength.
The Wheel turns to the Winter Solstice. The colors are the violets, indigo, and blues of the winter sky.
The time is one of imagination, wisdom, and trust. The winter of the world is dark but holds the promise of the coming spring as a new generation awaits. The promises of age, wisdom, and trust in the cycle of life have arrived, and the time of magic and wonder as the world awaits a new beginning.
On the Wheel, the colors are annotated with their meanings and influences based on research gathered from a combination of many sources and references. While not all-inclusive, or consistent with every source, the uses, and meanings of the colors are as accurate a representation as can be found.
Notice that the relationships on the Wheel are emotional, intellectual, and spiritual elements of life.
Color therapy is also related to the physical body. Imagine the rainbow (upside down) superimposed on a human body.
As you see, the colors are now related to parts of the body with red at the foot transitioning all through the rainbow to violet at the top of the head. As we see this relationship has long been known and forms the basis for the Chakra colors.
By popular request, we now have an 18 in. x 24 in. heavy-duty laminated poster available of the Color Wheel on the Crystal Vaults. You can find it here.
Also, if you are a member of the Crystal Inner Circle, we have posted an 8 in. x 10 in. downloadable copy of the Color Wheel in the Crystals for Beginners Library. It is available for you to download and print.
In this lesson, we started to explore the color wheel and what the meanings of colors represent in both crystals and life. We also began to explore relating those colors with our chakras and chakra healing.
We learned that color is one of the ancient correspondences used in healing and magic along with the planets, the elements, spirits, herbs, shapes, and numbers. But it is only in the last two hundred years or so that science has been able to verify much of the healing potential of color.
We also touched on the topic of how colors are related to parts of the body with red at the foot transitioning all through the rainbow to violet at the top of the head.
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