Crystal Moon Astrology
Crystal Moon Astrology is growing in popularity for very good reason. It offers everyone an easy-to-use, easy-to-understand connection to the Cosmos and its energy. It provides easy-to-follow guidance for your individual spirit. And you don't need complex birth charts, you don't need to pay astrologers, you don't need everyone else's standard horoscope.
All you need is a simple understanding of two facts:
- The Moon when it is over the horizon has about 1 million times more cosmic, astrological influence on your spirit than all the other stars and planets in their orbits and houses. You see it is like a searchlight in your front yard pointing at your window. Its light and influence dwarf some candles moving around in China.
- You get to "start over" every year. In Moon Astrology, yes the Moon was somewhere in the heavens when you were born. And that colored your first year. But the Earth orbits the Sun and starts a new orbit each year. And so do you. You grow, develop, think, change, and evolve. So, in Moon Astrology it matters where the Moon is ON YOUR BIRTHDAY each year. You start a new year, a new orbit of the Sun, and as you change, the influences you make on others, and the influences of the Universe on you change.
That's it. You are a Moon Astrologer. Now all you need is some reference guide as to how the Moon moves in the heavens and what that means for you. Here you go.
The Mansions of the Moon
What are the Mansions of the Moon?
The Mansions of the Moon are the 28 divisions of the Zodiac that the Moon visits on her approximately monthly journey around the Earth. Now, you may well know the 12 zodiac signs like Aries and Gemini. These are the 12 divisions of the zodiac. The Sun takes a year to cycle through all 12 signs. The Moon takes only about 28 days.
Long ago in India, the astrologers determined that the zodiac could be divided by 28 as easily as 12. So they created the 28 divisions and called them the Lunar Mansions or the Mansions of the Moon. They did this because it made it much easier to track the Moon. Instead of saying it was half the way through Aries, they could say it was in the Second Mansion.
Why do the Mansions of the Moon Matter?
The Mansions of the Moon matter to us because according to most ancient astrology and magic books such as the Picatrix, the position of the Moon tells us the most auspicious time to make magical talismans, amulets, magic potions. The travels of the Moon in the zodiac through the Mansions of the Moon also tell us when it is advantageous to undergo certain activities and when certain crystals have the most energy. They also set the energy for our year. Knowing what Mansion the Moon is transiting on our birthday tells us what energy we have been given for the coming year. Powerful knowledge.
Therefore, understanding the 28 Mansions of the Moon and knowing which Mansion the Moon the Moon visited on our last birthday, and which one it is currently visiting tells us how best to use our crystals and magic.
The descriptions of the Mansions in earlier texts use the ancient Arabic names and offer the advice that was aimed at the princes of ancient India. So, you will find information such as a particular mansion is named something like "Al-Thuraiya" and the ancient translations offer advice such as, "when the moon is in this Mansion, kings may begin to war and to lay sieges and pursue enemies and malefactors." You can use such information if it works better for you. However, there is a much better way.
As each generation adapts the wisdom of the ancients, that wisdom is applied to the times. Nowadays, the Mansions have been updated in name to reflect the elemental energy (fire, water, air, and earth) of the section of the zodiac in which they reside. This approach offers you a much clearer understanding of the energy you can expect from the Moon each day.
For example, when the Moon is in the first few Mansions which are part of the area of the sky we know as Aries, the Mansions have the fire energy of Aries and have such names as the Mansion of the Sacred Flame and the Mansion of the Hearth. Another example, when the Moon is in Mansions that are part of the zodiac we call Libra. The air energy of that part of the sky is reflected in the Mansion’s names and energy such as the Mansion of Clouds and the Mansion of Wings.
Astrology, like all science, must keep up with the times in order to stay relevant and useful to each generation. If we stay true to the basic elements that rule the zodiac and interpret the Moon’s travel accordingly we find using the Mansions of the Moon to time our crystal use makes those crystals much more powerful and effective.
You can track the Mansions of the Moon easily with our Daily Crystal Horoscope. You can also read the daily Moon Travel blog posted in the Crystal Inner Circle. Finally, you can also use the calendars provided at Lunarium.
Using the Mansions of the Moon
As we mentioned before, the Mansions are used to align your crystal use with the prevailing energy of the Universe as it is modified and shaped by the travels of the Moon in the Zodiac. This guide is a basic guide to familiarize you with each Mansion. To read hundreds of blogs and articles and watch videos about the Mansions, join the Crystal Inner Circle. Here you will find extensive coverage of the Mansions. In the Crystal Inner Circle Libraries, you will find articles with much more in-depth coverage of each Mansion and videos of each. It is here you will learn how to use your knowledge of the Mansions to use your crystals effectively by aligning their energy with the energy of the Cosmos.
You can track the Mansions of the Moon easily with our Daily Crystal Horoscope Kit. You can also read the daily Moon Travels blog posted in the Crystal Inner Circle. You can also use the calendars at Lunarium.
Here are the 28 Mansions of the Moon. We have 28 more guides tied to this page and you will find links to each of them here in the discussions of each Mansion below. Let them be the beginning of your discovery. And when you are ready for more, we have a complete course of Crystal Moon Astrology available free to all Annual and Lifetime members of the Crystal Inner Circle.
Mansion 1: The Mansion of the Sacred Flame
Aries 0 Aries to 12 Aries 51 - Fire
When the Moon is in the Mansion of the Sacred Flame, it is a time of benevolence and giving the Universal Life Force is at its strongest and focused almost exclusively on rebirth and regeneration. If there is a time when the Universal Life Force is the Universal Love Force, it is now.
This is also the Mansion of Beginnings. It is a time to begin journeys, particularly those from illness to health. The moons’ energy is that of change, of new beginnings, and of journeys well begun.
This is a time of the energy of the Fire element as the Moon begins its transits of the Mansions of the Moon aligned with the sign of Aries. This element manifests itself through creativity and those in its spirit are lively and courageous. The time of the fire element is one for sharing the glowing health and fervor for life with others, particularly those in need.
The crystal of the Mansion of the Sacred Flame is Fire Agate.
Fire Agate, known as the spiritual flame of absolute perfection, carries a great mystery locked inside its deep brown crystal. You need only touch the stone and fiery embers ignite. Peer into its depths and flames leap within its chambers. Study it closely and it will almost show you its secrets. They are absolutely perfect for personal talismans as they are easy to carry in one's pocket or purse. Use your Fire Agates when the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Sacred Flame. And during this time you will find that it is an auspicious time for certain crystal uses.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Sacred Flame is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for benevolence, new beginnings, rebirth, dealing with a broken heart, and dealing with imperfections.
To learn more about the Mansion of the Sacred Flame, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 2: Mansion of the Hearth
12 Aries 51 to 25 Aries 42 - Fire
This is a time of cooks, farmers, hunters, gardeners, chefs, restaurant staff, and everyone in every house that cooks and bakes for a family. To provide sustenance to others with love is one of the greatest gifts you can give to others.
This is also the Mansion of Evening. It is a time of gathering, eating, family, and warmth. The energy is that of family, friends, and feasting. The time of the fire element is one for sharing the glowing health and fervor for life with others, particularly those in need.
The crystal of the Mansion of the Hearth is Almandine Garnet.
Almandine is a stone of physical love and relationships, and a spiritual stone of psychic protection. It increases willpower and resistance to all things negative. Almandine Garnet ranges in color from light to deep scarlet, dark red, and muted shades of brown. Use your Almandine Garnets when the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Hearth. They are particularly powerful during this time. And when the Moon is transiting this mansion it is an auspicious time for some crystal uses.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Hearth is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for emotional calm, dealing with homesickness, reconciliation, finding a safe place, building unity, and for good family life.
To learn more about the Mansion of the Hearth, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 3: The Mansion of the Dawn
25 Aries 42 to 8 Taurus 34 - Fire + Earth
As the moon transits the third Mansion, we are in a time of Enlightenment and banishing darkness and dark thoughts. The energy of the Universe is that of growing hope, creativity, and courage. This is a wonderful time.
Look forward to the time when the Moon transits this Mansion for it is the time of courage in the face of all our troubles and worries and the time we will find the energy to find creative solutions to our issues.
The Mansion is one of both the elements of Fire and Earth. The fire energy of Aries combines with the earth energy of Taurus to make our hearts glow with a warm, steady flame of hopes realized.
The crystal of the Mansion of the Dawn is Sunstone.
Sunstone is an abundance stone. It encourages independence and originality, is inspirational in revealing talents, and attracts fame and unexpected prosperity. It is an excellent “good luck” crystal for competitions.
Wear Sunstone to feel alive and enthusiastic. It increases vitality and is beneficial in starting, and maintaining, a fitness program or aerobic activity, and for occupations requiring high energy throughout the day. You will find your sunstone very powerful when the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Dawn.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Dawn is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for hope, dealing with melancholy, rejuvenation, easing worry, and awakening.
To learn more about the Mansion of the Dawn, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 4: The Mansion of the Herbalist
8 Taurus 34 to 21 Taurus 25 - Earth
As the moon transits the fourth Mansion, we are in a time of physical and mental healing from the herbal energy of the planet. The energy of the Universe is that of natural healing. Take advantage of this time. Herbal remedies will be particularly effective during this time.
A herbal bath will do wonders as the moon transits this mansion. Herbal tea will be particularly powerful medicine. Celebrate the wonders of herbs and the magic of their effects as the moon visits the Mansion of the Herbalist.
The crystal of the Mansion of the Herbalist is Moss Agate.
As a stone of abundance, Moss Agate is known for its benefits in agricultural pursuits and has been successful in promoting the growth of new crops. Planted in a pot or flower bed, it increases the overall health of plants. Use your Moss Agate when the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Herbalist. They are particularly powerful during this time
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Herbalist is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for warding off curses, banishing ill wishes, physical growth, wildlife energy, and revitalization.
To learn more about the Mansion of the Herbalist, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 5: The Mansion of the Eagle
21 Taurus 25 to 4 Gemini 17 - Air + Earth
As the Moon visits the Fifth Mansion the energy is that of both the Taurus influence of Earth energy and the Gemini influence of Air energy. This is the Mansion of the Eagle, born on Earth, but living in the Air. This is the mansion of vision and spiritual connection to the divine.
The Eagle represents the power of a person’s spiritual connection to the divine because it flies higher and soars closer to the heavens than all others as our spirits strive to do.
The crystal of the Mansion of the Eagle is Emerald.
Called the "Stone of Successful Love", Emerald opens and nurtures the heart and the Heart Chakra. Its soothing energy provides healing to all levels of the being, bringing freshness and vitality to the spirit.
You will find your Emeralds particularly powerful when the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Eagle. And when the Moon's transiting this Mansion you will find it is a good time for some crystal uses.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Eagle is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for accessing the Akashi Record, communicating with angels, spiritual energy, and astral travel.
To learn more about the Mansion of the Eagle, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 6: The Mansion of the Sky
4 Gemini 17 to 17 Gemini 8 - Air
The Sky overhead is the canvas of the winds, Zephyrus, Boreas, Notos, and Euros. On it, they paint the brilliant oranges, reds, and golds of sunrises and sunsets, the silver ghostly fogs, the bright whites and the angry grays of the clouds, the blues of summer, the blacks of night, and the pale greens of the reflected oceans. The colors of the sky color our lives and emotions.
While the moon is in the Mansion of the Sky, it is a time of expression and creativity that has always been essential to our humanity. Humans have always used art to express themselves. From the early times of petroglyphs, cave paintings, and ancient sculptures, our imagination has always been a part of our world, and we should value it with our own artistic expressions.
As the moon transits the Mansion of the Sky, join humanity in painting your dreams on your canvas as the winds paint theirs on the canvas of the sky.
The crystal of the Mansion of the Sky is Amethyst.
Amethyst’s ability to expand the higher mind also enhances one’s creativity and passion. It strengthens the imagination and intuition and refines the thinking processes. It helps in the assimilation of new ideas, puts thought into action, and brings projects to fruition.
Amethyst is also well-known as a talisman of focus and success. Use Amethyst when the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Sky.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Sky is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for clear sight, dealing with emptiness, contacting fairies, artistic expression, and following your heart.
To learn more about the Mansion of the Sky, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 7: The Mansion of Free Spirits
17 Gemini 8 to 0 Cancer - Air
As the Moon transits the Seventh Mansion, the energy is that of empowerment and the essence of true free will. The energy weakens oppressive forces, conformity, and suppression and encourages those of choice, freedom, and truth. This is a time of innovation, of dreaming, new horizons, and new realities. It is a time of new directions and new methods. This is a time of the power of visions as the Moon transits the Mansion of the Free Spirit.
Follow your heart during this time, for it is the home of your spirit. When you do, and the accomplishments towards your desires become real, you will feel free. Find your passions today and pursue them.
The crystal of the Mansion of the Free Spirits is Amber.
Amber is an exceptional rubbing stone for discharging negative moods, relieving anxiety, or deflecting energy from others. It warms the more it is touched and generates a positive, uplifting current of energy. Use your Amber when the Moon transits the Mansion of Free Spirits.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of Free Spirits is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for change, satisfying curiosity, emotional unblocking, liberty personal growth, and curing self-doubt.
To learn more about the Mansion of Free Spirits, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 8: The Mansion of the Lake
0 Cancer - 12 Cancer 51 - Water
The waters of a lake represent mystery and illusion. They are just mirrors of their surroundings, hiding what is within. While the Moon transits the Eighth Mansion, it is a time of reflection and a time for deciding what is shared and what is kept from sight. Keeping secrets can be very debilitating, just as a lake that does not have an outflow and fresh inflow becomes stagnate and lifeless.
While the Moon is here, consider what you are concealing and surface that which might be causing you discord. That which is truly the personal spirit of your life is certainly something to be protected and out of public view. But the spirit you bring to the world should be shared regularly.
The crystal of the Mansion of the Lake is Lapis Lazuli.
A stone of truth, Lapis encourages honesty of the spirit, and in the spoken and written word. Wear it for all forms of deep communication. It is also a stone of friendship and brings harmony to relationships. It will be most powerful when the Moon is visiting the Mansion of the Lake.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Hearth is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic dealing with aging, belief, giving, centering, facing reality, soothing a troubled mind, and solving mysteries.
To learn more about the Mansion of the Lake, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 9: The Mansion of the Sea
12 Cancer 51 to 25 Cancer 42 - Water
The Mansion of the Sea is one of the most powerful Water elemental energy times of the Moon’s travel. Water Energy is constantly flowing, a hidden, yet unyielding energy. It is the energy of understanding, devotion, forgiveness, and flexibility.
While the Moon travels through the Mansion of the Sea the power of the Water energy is primal. Those born while the Moon is in this Mansion are the sailors and ship’s captains, the deep-sea fishermen, the undersea explorers, and submariners. These are the explorers whose home is the sea. They are also the most devoted and nurturing of people devoted to family and community.
The crystal of the Mansion of the Sea is Aquamarine.
Aquamarine embodies all things connected to the sea, as well as those things relating to Heaven reflected on the surface of the water. It becomes a mirror, reflecting itself indefinitely, making it possible to discover hidden meanings of reality.
As a stone of symmetries, it is conducive for meditation and revelation, a stone of prophets, shamans, healers, and mystics. It is powerful to use when the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Sea.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Sea is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for emotional energy, fertility, perseverance, dealing with powerlessness, and growing Yin Energy.
To learn more about the Mansion of the Sea, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 10: The Mansion of the Storm
25 Cancer 42 to 8 Leo 34 - Water + Fire
The combination of Fire and Water energy is often rife with conflict and turbulence. This is the Mansion of the Storm as the energies mix and lightning seeks to overcome and rebalance instability. This is a mansion of caution and care. The energies can be quite powerful at times.
When the Moon is transiting the 10th Mansion is a time for steadfastness in the face of trials and challenges in life. The energy is that of dealing with chaotic elements and "weathering the storms" we all face, it seems way too often, in our lives.
The crystal of the Mansion of the Storm is Red Jasper.
Red Jasper also stimulates passion in one’s creative work, manifesting new ideas and freshness, and the energy to continue a project even after the initial excitement has dwindled. Its energy brings focus and self-mastery. When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Storm, it is the best time to use your Red Jasper crystals.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Storm is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for dealing with adversity, getting more energy, self-reliance, strategic thinking, and physical prowess.
To learn more about the Mansion of the Storm, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 11: Mansion of the Alchemist
8 Leo 34 to 21 Leo 25 - Fire
Today’s alchemists are those that are continually striving to turn a disadvantage into an advantage. As the alchemist of the Middle Ages sought to create gold from other metals through the use of fire, today’s alchemists seek to bring success in endeavors with the fires of creative thought.
They are the strivers, the researchers, the inventors, the explorers, the gamblers, the prospectors, the scientist, and the garage mechanics of our world. Fire energy burns bright and those that use it wisely are capable of “setting the world on fire” with their creativity.
While the Moon is here in the 11th Mansion take advantage of the energy of discovery. Work on your inventions. Take the time to try to solve something that has puzzled you. Make an effort to explore someplace or some subject of interest. Take the time to discover something of this world. Find a creative outlet that will bring success. The energy is that of discovery through creativity.
The crystal of the Mansion of the Alchemist is Carnelian.
Carnelian is said to attract prosperity, new resources, and good luck. It is a talisman for success in any money-making venture. In the workplace, it is a crystal of ambition, drive, and determination. Your Carnelians will be most powerful when the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Alchemist.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Alchemist is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for innovation, learning, organization, order, and open-mindedness.
To learn more about the Mansion of the Alchemist, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 12: The Mansion of the Red Dragon
21 Leo 25 to 4 Virgo 1 - Fire + Earth
The red dragon is a symbol of power, strength, and good luck. People born while the Moon is in the Mansion of the Red Dragon are life’s lucky ones. They will succeed sometimes without effort. The dice fall their way more often than seems possible. Their investment seems uncannily successful. It seems the heavens are smiling at them. In fact, the heavens are smiling on them and all of us during this time.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Red Dragon is a time of good luck and for making lucky talismans and amulets. Everyone should mark their calendars and not miss a minute of the time the Moon is in the Twelfth Mansion of the Red Dragon.
Your time of good luck is at hand and it will be short-lived as the Moon spends but a few hours a month here. Plan ahead for your activities. Take chances that will lead to success with a bit of luck. Plan well, and be prudent, but use this time to take advantage of the best time of the moon’s travels for good luck.
The stone of the Mansion of the Red Dragon is Bloodstone.
Bloodstone carries a tremendous power to ground one fully in the body, in the here and now, and to enhance one’s capacity to function with strength, determination, and courage. You should get out your Bloodstone crystals and use them when the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Red Dragon.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Red Dragon is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for conquest, success, luck, excitement, fame, and overcoming fear.
To learn more about the Mansion of the Red Dragon, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 13: The Mansion of the Valley
4 Virgo 17 to 17 Virgo 8 - Earth
The Mansion of the Valley is strong with Earth energy of growth, prosperity, commerce, and community. As the fertile valleys of the Earth bring forth the crops that sustain life, so too do those born while the Moon transits this Manson bring forth the sustenance of life for us. These are the farmers, ranchers, horticulturists, gardeners, herders, shepherds, growers, and all that bring the bounty of the earth to our tables.
These are the early risers, those of long hours, and those with the patience to deal with the weather, the insects, the microbes, and all the other challenges of bringing in the crops.
When the Moon transits this mansion it is a time of growth, a time of planting or harvesting. This is a time when the energy is that of life sustained by the energy of plants. This is a time of sustenance from Mother Earth and from the men and women that tend them.
The crystal of the Mansion of the Valley is Malachite.
Malachite is a protection stone that absorbs negative energies and pollutants from the atmosphere and from the body. It guards against radiation of all kinds, clears electromagnetic pollution, and heals earth energies. When the Moon transits the Mansion of the Valley, your Malachite crystals will be more powerful.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Valley is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for abundance, material wealth, support, and freedom from want.
To learn more about the Mansion of the Valley, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 14: The Mansion of the Mountains
17 Virgo 8 to 0 Libra - Earth
Almost all religions revere mountains as they are the universal symbol of the nearness to the Godhead, the life bringer, the Universal Creator. They are the highest points of Earth as it reaches upward to the sky and the heavens. Throughout history, mountains have symbolized constancy, eternity, firmness, and stillness.
Those born while the Moon transits the Mansion of the Mountain are blessed with the gifts of quiet strength to overcome obstacles no matter how formidable, firm resolution, unyielding devotion, and a vantage point that sees clearly the spiritual truths that guide life.
As the Moon transits the Mansion of the Mountain it is the time of spiritual strength, but the earth energy strength of solid physical support to the needs of the Spirit. The spirit of giving requires real-time and treasure to be expended. The spirit of love requires the same. The nearness to heaven of the physical mountain top reminds us that we must seek heaven here on earth.
The crystal of the Mansion of the Mountains is Golden Topaz.
From the pure light of clear Topaz to the gold and sunny yellows, to the fiery pink-red varieties, Topaz warms to its solar energy, diffusing and radiating its gentle power in all directions… soothing, healing, stimulating, and recharging. It brings solid, lasting energy, joy, generosity, and abundance. Your Topaz crystals will be more powerful when the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Mountains.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Mountains is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for bliss, goal setting, mindfulness rapture, and wisdom.
To learn more about the Mansion of the Mountains, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 15: The Mansion of Wings
0 Libra to 12 Libra 51 - Air
Wings harness the magic of flight, of aspiration to the greatest heights of accomplishment whether of the physical or the spiritual world. The Mansion of Wings is a mansion of power, rulership, dominion, and a kind of magic - flight - that is to be respected. The power to soar above the Earth, to dominate the Air, to harness Fire for propulsion, and to glory in conquering the Waters of the Oceans all comes from the wonders of flight made possible by Wings.
Those born while the Moon is transiting the Mansion of Wings are those that soar to new heights in their professions. They are the leaders, the rulers, the makers of rules. They are the ones that pay their dues, learn their trades then soar on the wings of accomplishment to the lofty heights. They are not any more gifted than others, they are more accomplished. They fly on the wings of their work, their dedication, their endurance, their will, and their spirit. These are the generals of the world, the admirals, the top sergeants, and chiefs.
The crystal of the Mansion of Wings is Fluorite.
Known as the “Genius Stone,” Fluorite represents the highest state of mental achievement, boosting aptitude and discernment, the absorption of new information, and helping one work through complex issues. Its energy stimulates the electrical charge of brain cells, drawing in more life force (prana) as it encourages both hemispheres to work harmoniously together in balance. When the Moon transits the Mansion of Wings, it is the best time to use your Fluorite crystals.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of Wings is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for developing an ability, advancement, professionalism, profit, prosperity, and a better life.
To learn more about the Mansion of Wings, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 16: The Mansion of Clouds
12 Libra 51 to 25 Libra 42 - Air
Clouds are ephemeral. They are in a constant state of movement and change. They are transitory, short-lived, and only exist in the present. They leave no trace of their passage through the sky. They have no shape or measurable size but take all shapes and sizes. They are veils, hiding what lies above and behind them. We are all very attuned to clouds but rarely think of them.
Those born during the time the Moon transits the Mansion of the Clouds are the children of today. They live in the present, taking life as they find it. They do not worry about the future and are untroubled by the past. Most work in jobs and professions that are hands-on and physical.
While the Moon is transiting the Mansion of Clouds take pleasure in the transitory elements of your life. See the child’s smile, for it will be passing. See the sunset which will not be repeated exactly. Watch the rain on the road form puddles that are never to exist again the same. See the wonders that pass by, at least today.
The crystal of the Mansion of Clouds is Blue Lace Agate.
Blue Lace Agate inspires loyalty and trustworthiness. It is a support crystal for all caregivers, calming stress-related situations and overcoming communication difficulties. Carry or wear Blue Lace Agate if you struggle to express your emotions without getting upset. Your Blue Lace Agate crystals will be very powerful when the Moon is transiting the Mansion of Clouds.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of Clouds is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for amazement, magic, dreams, and delight.
To learn more about the Mansion of Clouds, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 17: The Mansion of the Snows
25 Libra 42 to 8 Scorpio 34 - Air + Water
Snow is joy. It is rejuvenating, it inspires a sense of wonder. Snow gives us pause to admire the intricate beauty of a snowflake. It is newness, and gives us a fresh take on life, as it often disrupts the mundane world of being on time. Fresh snowfall is pure calmness. It evokes stillness, reverence, and childlike inner happiness. Snow, like all beauty, is also fleeting.
Those born while the Moon is in the Mansion of the Snows are the beautiful people of the world. They are fresh faces with fresh ideas. They brim with enthusiasm for fun and frolic. They are happy people, at peace with themselves and life. They enjoy life, and in many ways never lose the joys of their childhood.
While the Moon is in the 17th Mansion, take the time to see the wonder of life. Go outside, regardless of the weather. Feel alive, feel free, and feel human. Take a new perspective on your life from this time. The world is a wonder, so bring some of that wonder into your life today and experience simple joy.
The crystal of the Mansion of the Snows is Snow Quartz, also known as Milky Quartz.
Snow Quartz crystals are excellent aids to awaken your spirit, keep yourself in balance with nature, honor the Goddess, and focus your energy on your gifts. They can be helpful as you explore your abilities and choose how best to use them in your life. Use Snow Quartz when the Moon transits the Mansion of the Snows.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Snows is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for curing heartache, pleasure, wonder, joy, shamanic dreaming, and dealing with stress.
To learn more about the Mansion of the Snows, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 18: The Mansion of the Stream
8 Scorpio 34 to 21 Scorpio 25 - Water
Adaptable, and boundless, streams are resolute. They go around, over, under, or through obstacles, wearing them down over time. Streams persevere and the hardest rock is eventually defeated. As they grow, they gather strength and become forces of nature.
Those born while the Moon is in the Mansion of the Stream are the pioneers of life. They take on all challenges and overcome them. They are infinitely patient, but unstoppable. They find a way. They never give up. Inventors, researchers, explorers, prospectors, and adventurers in pursuit of new discoveries are the children of this Mansion. Those born while the Moon is in the Mansion of the Stream are forces of nature to be reckoned with. Once they have an idea, there is no stopping them. They persevere regardless of obstacles.
When the Moon is in the 18th Mansion draw the strength to persevere in the face of whatever difficulties appear to be in your way to the life you seek. Find ways to go around them, flow over them, or wear them down with your unstoppable will.
The crystal of the Mansion of the Stream is Sapphire.
Sapphire releases depression and lightens the mood. It brings calm and focus to the mind, and restores balance within the body. Throughout history it was believed to bring protection, good fortune, and spiritual insight. Sapphire will be more powerful when the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Stream.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Stream is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for dealing with distress, perseverance letting go of the past, dealing with problems, and traveling safely.
To learn more about the Mansion of the Stream, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 19: The Mansion of Steam
21 Scorpio 25 to 4 Sagittarius 17 - Water + Fire
Combining Fire and Water can cause water to transform to steam, significantly releasing massive energy levels. Steam is power, power to work, and power to purify. Steam is water vapor with very high energy content. It brings the chemical energy of the fire into the air via the transformation of water. Steam is a conduit from the lower energy levels and lower spiritual levels, to those of the higher planes.
Those born while the Moon transits the Mansion of Steam are the powers of the Earth. They make things happen. They transform low energy and low productivity to higher levels. They are the managers, the leaders, and the captains of the industry. They are the doers, the activists, and the strivers of the world. You will find them in every walk of life.
While the Moon is in this Mansion, use the energy of Steam to power your activities towards your goals. Reach up, strive, use every muscle and idea you have. This is a day to work and work some more. The fire of your desires can fuel the transformation of yourself into a high-energy version of yourself. Stoke those flames today.
The crystal of the Mansion of Steam is Fire Opal.
Fire Opal crystals make excellent charms for those who wish to be independent and live by their own rules, and for those who wish to make their mark in life, either personally or professionally. They protect against danger and are especially empowering for removing oneself from situations of injustice or mistreatment. Use your Fire Opals when the Moon transits the Mansion of Steam.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of Steam is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for curing bad habits, protection from physical harm, growing strength, increasing stamina, finding a soul mate, and exploring the unknown.
To learn more about the Mansion of Steam, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 20: Mansion of the Flame of Passion
4 Sagittarius 17 to 17 Sagittarius 8 - Fire
Fire energy is both physical and spiritual. Fire hot passion can be all-consuming. It’s what keeps you going and working hard even when things get tough. It is about endurance not euphoria. It is about committing to something even when you know it is difficult, makes you tired, eats up your time, and often just plain hurts.
Those born while the Moon transits the Mansion of the Flame of Passion are the people that have a calling in life. They may be dedicated marathon runners, devoted parents, or collectors of art. They are the ones among us that know what they truly value, and they have the patience, the fortitude, and the stamina to pursue it every day and every hour. It defines them.
When the moon is in the 20th Mansion really take some time to examine what you truly want and what you truly care about. Only you can really know, and it is easy to just ignore those things as daily life seems to intrude and keep you from what you truly want. This is not easy. It turns out one of the easiest people to lie to is yourself. But while the Moon is in the 20th Mansion this month, sit down and talk to yourself, and listen to what you have to say.
The crystal of the Mansion of the Flame of Passion is Ruby.
Ruby utilizes Fire Energy, the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination, and activity. It is Yang in nature. It is the energy of heat, action, emotion, and passion – of ideas, concepts, and sex. It is very powerful when the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Flame of Passion.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Flame of Passion is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for gentleness, glory, love, persuasiveness, kindness, and passion.
To learn more about the Mansion of the Flame of Passion, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 21: Mansion of the Aurora
17 Sagittarius 8 to 0 Capricorn - Fire
Caused by the winds of the flaming sun, the aurora that at times appear high in the air near the Earth’s poles are what seem to be the glows of distant fires or the dreams of spirits far above the horizon. Their beauty inspires awe and profound respect for the creation we find ourselves in.
Those born while the Moon is in the Mansion of the Aurora are the dreamers of this world. They can be aloof, somewhat distant at times, and do not always seem to be fully engaged with the “real world.” They are colorful sometimes in dress, sometimes in conversation. But often their mind is working and exploring something distant and indistinct. These are the creators of ideas, of music and art, but ideas, music, and art that is new, different, and original.
When the Moon transits the 21st Mansion take time to dream and to wonder. Ask yourself hard to answer questions about life, love, and the Universe. Ask why things exist, what your role really is here on earth. Ponder these questions. It will give a new perspective to your day.
The crystal of the Mansion of the Aurora is Labradorite.
Wearing or carrying Labradorite allows one’s innate magical powers to surface. It enhances the mental and intuitive abilities of clairvoyance, telepathy, prophecy, and coincidence control, and assists in communication with higher guides and spirits in accessing Akashic records, psychic readings, and past-life recall. Your Labradorite crystals will be more powerful during the time the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Aurora.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Aurora is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for vivid dreams, wonder, awakening, visualization, creation, and clearing negative energy.
To learn more about the Mansion of the Aurora, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 22: The Mansion of the Desert
0 Capricorn to 12 Capricorn 51 - Earth
The Desert is a hard place to survive, a place of constant challenge and difficult obstacles to conquer. The Desert brings us the appearance of lifelessness, yet we know much life thrives in its difficult terrain and climate. Life is adaptable, canny, wary, careful, and cautious.
Those born while the Moon transits the Mansion of the Desert are those that learn to take life carefully and to adapt to the changes they find. The Moon’s influence teaches them caution, and they learn it well. These are the people that work dangerous jobs, yet are not victims of the dangers of those jobs. They work in high places, deep places, exposed places, and places that offer little protection from the elements or other dangers.
When the moon transits the 22nd Mansion, take some time to review how you live and what risks you take. Examine your approach to life and see if there is space for a bit more caution and care. See how your living environment is changing and focus your effort on adapting to them to assure your long-term survival and prosperity. This is a time for looking around and seeing what dangers are possible and taking steps to deal with them.
The stone of the Mansion of the Desert is Picture Jasper.
Picture Jasper is superb for healing and sustaining the physical and emotional bodies during injury, prolonged illness, or hospitalization. Its Earth energies bring gradual strength and renewed vitality while helping one to understand and endure these frustrating or painful experiences. Use Picture Jasper when the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Desert.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Desert is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for preventing accidents, showing humility, avoiding sickness, and speaking the truth.
To learn more about the Mansion of the Desert, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 23: The Mansion of Trees
12 Capricorn 51 to 25 Capricorn 42 - Earth
Trees have always been economic and environmental resources for society, but they are also a part of our emotional, cultural and spiritual lives. Ties between trees and people go back thousands of years. Our special relationship of reverence for trees has been kept in many ways across the world and the centuries in religious rites and folk tradition.
Those born while the Moon transits the Mansion of Trees are in many ways old souls. They have an appreciation for the simpler times when man's relationships with nature was one of both reverence and respect. These are the naturalists of today’s world. These are the climate scientist, the gardeners, and the environmentalist all working to protect and defend Mother Earth.
When the Moon is in the 23rd Mansion, we all need to be naturalists for the time. Find a way to do your part to help preserve the natural beauty and bounty of Mother Nature. Work in a garden, volunteer on an ecology project or nature center. the earth is your mother, and the energy today is one of nurturing that relationship.
The crystal of the Mansion of Trees is Green Aventurine.
Green Aventurine is known as the "Stone of Opportunity," thought to be the luckiest of all crystals, especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth, or for increasing favor in competitions or games of chance. Use your Green Aventurine crystals when the Moon transits the Mansion of Trees.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Trees is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for dealing with grief and loss, improving memory, accessing past lives, and healing emotional wounds.
To learn more about the Mansion of Trees, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 24: The Mansion of the Wind
25 Capricorn 42 to 8 Aquarius 34 - Air + Earth
The Elements of the Air and Earth combine energy as the winds bring changes to the land from the atmosphere. The winds of change are a part of the life on this planet, and the power of the wind to change the land is demonstrated constantly.
Change is difficult for humans, and most animals. Most of us are all creatures of habit and when we have worked to get our lives, our homes, and our spirits "just so" we do not like them disrupted. We do welcome a cool breeze on a hot day, (minor variations) but the gales of windstorms (major disruptions to our lives) are never welcome.
Those born during the time the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Wind are the agents of change and those that seek it out. They constantly try new things like a new way to drive to work. They seek different perspectives and are mentally adaptable. They enjoy meeting new people who give them new ideas.
When the Moon is transiting the 24th Mansion it is time to be a bit more flexible in your life and to take a chance or two on a new experience. With a strong belief in yourself and the benign nature of the Universe today, try something different and make an effort to take it on with a healthy dose of adventure.
The crystal of the Mansion of the Wind is Herkimer Diamond.
Herkimer Diamond carries an energy of delicate harmony and an understanding of the essential being within the self. It allows for appreciation of all that is within us and encourages us to recognize that there is “nothing to become,” that we already are what we are seeking and only need to allow the actualization. Your Herkimer Diamonds will be more powerful while the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Wind.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Wind is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for acceptance, individuality, change, and adventure.
To learn more about the Mansion of the Wind, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 25: The Mansion of Breath
8 Aquarius 34 to 21 Aquarius 25 - Air
With every breath we take, the element of Air and the Divine breath of the Universal Life Force it contains sustains our life. We can not exist without it. The life-giving breath of the Divine is the source of all life and the life-giving breath we take every few seconds is the source of all our life and energy.
We do not often consciously breathe, it is an autonomous nervous function. We can control it and regulate it for short periods. We take deep breaths when we wish to prepare for physical activity or to calm down after great exertions.
Those born when the Moon transits the Mansion of Breath are those that realize the gift of the Divine in giving us the air we breathe and the life it sustains. They are aware of the nature of God to breathe life into his creations and are thankful for the blessing it provides.
When the Moon is transiting the 25th Mansion be thankful for the breath of life you take. Share that breath of life with others. Pay your debt forward by making the lives of others better.
The crystal of the Mansion of Breath is Silver Topaz.
Silver Topaz removes stuck or stagnant energy, allows one to discover their inner wealth of knowledge and abilities, and pushes creative and spiritual endeavors to the limit. It is highly effective for honing psychic and intuitive gifts, especially clairvoyance and clairsentience, and is a remarkable stone of truth, permitting one to perceive the truth in others and to maintain adherence to the truth in oneself. Your Silver Topaz crystals will be more powerful when the Moon transits the Mansion of Breath.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of Breath is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for balancing chakras, charity, kindness, justice, and an understanding heart.
To learn more about the Mansion of Breath, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 26: The Mansion of the Waves
21 Aquarius 25 to 4 Pisces 17 - Air + Water
Waves are windswept water, the perfect balancing of the complementary energies to create something more powerful. A wave is one of the strongest forces of nature that sweeps over everything in its path. Stopping one requires great resistance, and they do not travel alone.
Those born while the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Waves are powerful individuals that can be unstoppable in their quests and desires. They overcome resistance and gather others to their quests. They are leaders of movements, communities, and organizations. They work tirelessly towards their goals and are never diverted from their path.
When the Moon is in the 26th Mansion it is time for you to again focus on your goals and set a path that you will follow without deviation. Set goals and move towards them resolutely. Find others to join and help you on your quests. If you want to lose weight then start and focus on the wave approach in which you just keep going and are never diverted from your goal.
The crystal of the Mansion of the Waves is Celestite.
Celestite is an excellent gem for artists, musicians, designers, and all who need to stimulate creativity and expand their ideas. It is important to those in visionary businesses, such as a New Age store, metaphysical services, or any spiritual-related business to be prosperous and present while still maintaining one’s ethics and connection to the spiritual world. The best time to use your Celestite is when the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Waves.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Waves is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for autonomy, fighting chaos, devotion, persistence, and domestic bliss.
To learn more about the Mansion of the Waves, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 27: The Mansion of the Bridge
4 Pisces 17 to 17 Pisces 8 - Water
Bridges are paths across obstacles. Building bridges is repairing relationships that have developed barriers or obstacles to be overcome. Bridges are connections to what "lays on the other side." A physical bridge gets you to the solid ground over an obstacle of some kind. A spiritual bridge gets you past obstacles, too, and brings you to a new spiritual place once you cross it.
Those born while the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Bridge are the peacemakers of our world. They find a way for those on one side of an issue to connect with those on another. They find ways to overcome obstacles in the path of people seeking to journey to distant places. They are the clergy, the referees, the ambassadors, the counselors, and the judges of the world.
When the Moon is transiting the 27th Mansion it is a time to find ways to bridge differences with your family and friends. There are obstacles in all relationships but bridging them is what keeps families and friends together.
The crystal of the Mansion of the Bridge is Blue Chalcedony.
Considered a nurturing stone, Chalcedony absorbs negative energy and dissipates it before it can be passed on. It promotes brotherhood and goodwill, opening the mind to new ideas, instilling feelings of benevolence and generosity. It is very powerful when used while the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Bridge.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the Bridge is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for cooperation, grace, cohesiveness, completeness, and generosity.
To learn more about the Mansion of the Bridge, visit our complete guide.
Mansion 28: The Mansion of the River
17 Pisces 8 to 0 Aries
Rivers are wonders of our world. They bring fresh water to the lowlands and allow us to grow food. They provide transportation to allow civilizations to grow and flourish. They are entertainment, recreation, commerce, and to many, life itself. Rivers are a power of nature that brings what is above to what is below.
Those born during the Moon transits the Mansion of the River are born to move, to help others to move, to be mobile, and to see new things. They are the movers and truck drivers of the world. They are the train and aircraft crews. They are the airline, dock, warehouse, and transportation workers. Those born at this time are part of the flow of life, its facilitators.
When the Moon transits the 28 Mansion consider the moves and flows of your life. Is it going in the direction you wish? Is it flowing peacefully and nourishing those it passes? Take some time and make sure as you pass by people in the flow of your life that you are nourishing them as you go.
The crystal of the Mansion of the River is Iolite.
Iolite helps in recovering balance and is recommended for those suffering from disorientation, lack of motivation, chronic disorganization, and distraction. It strengthens the resolve to take on responsibility and carry through and provides self-assurance and endurance in adverse situations. It is an excellent source of energy when used for the elimination of debt and the responsible management of money. Use your Iolite crystals when the Moon transits the Mansion of the River.
When the Moon is transiting the Mansion of the River is an auspicious time to use crystals and crystal magic for sharing, overcoming selfishness, generosity, encouragement, and cooperation.
To learn more about the Mansion of the River, visit our complete guide.