Lunar Mansion 28 – The Mansion of the River


Mansion of the AuroraRivers are wonders of our world. They bring fresh water to the lowlands and allow us to grow food. They provide transportation to allow civilizations to grow and flourish. They are entertainment, recreation, commerce, and to many, life itself. Rivers are a power of nature that brings what is above to what is below. Their journey from the hills and mountains to the sea moves earth, animals, plants, humans, cargo, treasure and trash. As they do they nourish all they pass by bringing the life force of water to the Earth.

When the Moon transits this Mansion, consider the moves and flows of your life. Is it going in the direction you wish? Is it flowing peacefully and nourishing those it passes? Take some time and make sure as you pass by people in the flow of your life you are nourishing them as you go.

(The Mansions of the Moon are the 28 divisions of the zodiac visited by the moon in its 28-day orbit of the Earth. Each area of the Zodiac has a special energy.  As the Moon travels the Zodiac it amplifies and focuses that energy.  If you want to track the Moon and understand its effects on your spirit and life – get your Daily Crystal Horoscope kit. You can also check out the Crystal Inner Circle’s daily Moon Travel blog.)


Those born while the Moon is in the Mansion of the River are born to move, to help other to move, to be mobile, and to see new things (See: What Mansion were you born in?). They are the movers and truckers of the world. They are the train and aircraft crews. They are the airline, dock, warehouse and transportation workers. Those born at this time are part of the flow of life, its facilitators.


Mansion of the River Products


Mansion of the River Elixir-0

Mansion of the River Elixir

This elixir is made of Sodalite, Blue Chalcedony, Chrysocolla, Blue Lace Agate, and Clear Quartz. It is formulated to help us move, to help others to move, to be mobile, and to see new things. It helps us be apart of the flow of life. Shop Now >>


Mansion of the River Crystal Kit-0

Mansion of the River Crystal Kit

This crystal kit has been specially designed by our Certified Crystal Alchemist to bring you the energies of the Mansion of the River to your life. It is primarily used each month as the Moon visits the 28th Mansion of the Moon. It contains a set of Sodalite, Blue Chalcedony, Chrysocolla, Aquamarine, and Clear Quartz Stones. Shop Now >>





The crystal of the Mansion of the River is Iolite. Like a crisp, dark winter sky, Iolite, in shifting shades of violet-blue carries the spirit of journey, of dreams and intuition, of exploration and illumination. It is known as the Vikings’ Compass, and provides the vision to move us, physically and spiritually, from one realm to the next. Shop Now >>