Lunar Mansion 10 - The Mansion of the Storm


The combination of Fire and Water energy is often rife with conflict and turbulence. This is the Mansion of the Storm as the energies mix and lightning seeks to overcome and re-balance instability. This is a mansion of caution and care. The energies can be quite powerful at times.

(The Mansions of the Moon are the 28 divisions of the zodiac visited by the moon in its 28-day orbit of the Earth. Each area of the Zodiac has a special energy.  As the Moon travels the Zodiac it amplifies and focuses that energy.  If you want to track the Moon and understand its effects on your spirit and life - get your Daily Crystal Horoscope kit. You can also check out the Crystal Inner Circle's daily Moon Travel blog.)

Those born while the Moon is in the Mansion of the Storm are strong, resilient individuals with the inner strength to face life’s physical and emotional turmoils and tempests with steadfastness and courage (See: What Mansion were you born in?). Both physically and emotionally they are the ones among us “running towards the danger".

When the Moon transits this Mansion, time for steadfastness in the face of trials and challenges in life. The energy is that of dealing with chaotic elements and “weathering the storms” we all face, it seems way too often, in our lives. Take strength from the storm. Feel your resolve to deal with it, knowing it will pass. Time is one of strength in the face of adversity. Examine the challenges you have. Determine to gain the upper hand on some of them while the Universal energy is strong for such efforts. Find a way to hold your ground and stay grounded in the turmoil around you.

Mansion of the Storm Products



Mansion of the Storm Elixir-0

Mansion of the Storm Elixir

This elixir is made of Red Jasper, Blue Chalcedony, Sodalite, Carnelian, and Clear Quartz. This essence is specially designed to allow you to employ the power of the Universal Life Force as we experience it with the effects of the Mansion of the Storm. It is used with Sugilite in the production of the Violet Storm. Shop Now >>


Mansion of the Storm Crystal Kit-0

Mansion of the Storm Crystal Kit

This crystal kit has been specially designed by our Certified Crystal Alchemist to bring you the energies of the Mansion of the Storm to your life. It is primarily used each month as the Moon visits the 10th Mansion of the Moon. It contains a set of Red Jasper, Blue Chalcedony, Sodalite, Carnelian, and Clear Quartz Stones. Shop Now >>


Red Jasper Tumbled Stone Set (Extra Large)-136362

Red Jasper

Red Jasper is the crystal of the Mansion of the Storm. Red crystals are used when the situation needs passion: active, involved, energetic action. Red empowers, uplifts, and engulfs. It cures apathy. It gets things done. Red is action and drive. If you are suffering from a lack of power, listlessness, or a low emotional state, you need more red. Like the scarlet ray, the red ray brings us self-confidence built on fearlessness. When the need is for action without hesitation or self-doubt, use a crystal with a fiery ray of bright red.

Historically, Red Jasper was known as a stone of vibrancy and endurance, a talisman of warriors, and a promoter of justice, protection, and life. It staunched the blood of wounds, stirred the pulse, and increased fertility. According to Viking and Germanic legend, the hilt of the magical sword of Siegfried, the dragon-slayer, was inlaid with Red Jasper to bring him courage. Shop Now >>