Crystals for Communication
Crystals For Communication
One of the most important attributes we possess is the ability of speech. It separates us from many other species in the animal kingdom. You think with this wonderful gift of speech we have been given, we would be natural at communication, right? Not always so. We can struggle with communication in a variety of different ways such as talking with our spouse, family, friends, or crush, giving a speech, or even writing. They are all various forms of communication that we engage with on pretty much a daily basis. You may have heard some people are just more charismatic, but what you don’t know is that it is not all about charisma. You too can improve your communication just by using the healing vibrations of crystals. If you think you need a boost of confidence to go along with your new found voice, check out Crystals for Confidence.
When looking through the color spectrum one always tends to pop out, and that is the color yellow. Yellow is the color of the coming of the sun and the warmth it brings. It is the color of the bright days of early summer, and as the sun high in the sky lights up the landscape, its yellow color ray brings us the power of enlightenment, lighting up the landscape of our search for knowledge. They help you to see things in new ways and to become enlightened. They add clarity to your life. They help you wake things up and add zest, optimism, and meaning to your life and relationships.
Use Yellow Crystals
Yellow Crystals Bring You Enlightenment, Optimism, Warmth, and Clarity
Yellow crystals are helpful enough by bringing you clarity and enlightenment, however it is light yellow crystals that given you the enhanced communication skills you desire. In lighter shades, yellow crystals are useful for keeping awareness of important things, when day-to-day life can lead to forgetfulness. They are used extensively for ensuring that new relationships get off to a good start by aiding in the establishment of good communication. They give you the power of heightened awareness that lets you focus on the needs of the person or group you are getting to know. They let you use your energy to be aware of your surroundings and the subtle nuances coming from others. Use light yellow crystals for efforts that involve enhancing communications, particularly within families!
Citrine is one of the few light yellow crystals. Therefore, their color rays are potent and spectacular to clear your mind and allow communication to work the way it should. Citrine is a premier stone of manifestation, imagination, and personal will. Carrying the power of the sun, it is warm and comforting, energizing and life giving. It stimulates the chakras like the sunlight of spring, clearing the mind and stirring the soul to action. Its frequency awakens creativity and imagination, and sustains the process of transforming dreams and wishes into tangible form. With its pure yellow energy, Citrine encourages fullness of life, fresh beginnings and new pursuits. Citrine is a popular healing and meditation crystal. This natural Citrine with its internal dynamics is reported to be able to clarify your thoughts and allow the creative juices to flow in your mind.
Heliodor is another beautiful light yellow crystal and can expand your mind, knowledge, and aid in your efforts for improved communication. Heliodor invokes the celestial Golden Ray of knowledge and learning, to stimulate the higher mind and enable the brain to function more efficiently. It is a stone of true nobility and selfless leadership, and allows one to make decisions based on wisdom instead of emotion or reaction. It encourages a sense of hope, possibility and vitality to the emotional body. It is empowering and optimistic, and assists in learning whatever is necessary to promote change in one’s reality, helping to accomplish one’s dreams and goals. It is the ultimate confidence and well-being crystal, often called the sunshine stone.
Citrine opens the higher mind to accept joy in one’s life, releasing anger and negative feelings, deep-seated fears and destructive tendencies. An excellent crystal for overcoming depression, Citrine reduces the sensitivity to criticism and inspires creativity and self-expression. It raises self-esteem, and by letting go of the past, allows one to move forward optimistically.
Heliodor may stimulate both the Crown and Solar Plexus Chakras, connecting wisdom with spirituality, and stimulating activity, adaptability, and vitality. This connection to the crown allows for the personal identification with the Infinite, and provides peace and oneness. Heliodor is a hope stone, alleviating irritability and nervousness, and providing relief from heavy burdens and immense pressure.
What Authors Say About Crystals
Judy Hall suggests Lapis Lazuli which is a valuable talisman for gaining respect, keeping negative energy away.
Lapis Lazuli encourages taking charge of life. It reveals inner truth, encourages self-awareness, and allows self-expression without holding back or compromising. If repressed anger is causing difficulties in the throat or in communication, Lapis Lazuli releases these.
Michael Gienger recommends Moss Agate which promotes self-acceptance and confidence, encouraging the speaking of one’s own truth.
Moss agate encourages the ability to communicate. It enhances certainty, helps us understand even the most difficult set of circumstances, and enlives the intellect.
Robert Simmons advocates Aquamarine which is traditionally a calming stone, and it is associated with the Throat Chakra.
They are good for all types of calming and cooling, from hot flashes to anger, yet they also activate the throat chakra, assisting one in the clear communication of one’s highest truth.
It is natural for people to want to communicate with each other, whether they are both comfortable with it is another question. There are some people that seem to communicate effortlessly, they are witty, charismatic, and always have something to day. On the other hand, we have others who might have things to say but can’t quite get them out right or even further ones that might know what to say at all. For any of these issues, crystals can help. We suggest light yellow crystals such as Citrine and Heliodor. You can also try crystals that other authors recommend such as Lapis Lazuli, Moss Agate, and Aquamarine.