Crystals for Dealing with Crisis


Crystals For Dealing with Crisis

Crystals for Dealing with Crisis

Dealing with Crisis



Finding Support

We all have hard times in our life. However, sometimes we have to deal with a crisis. A crisis can be anything from losing a loved one, losing your job, or getting in an accident. Only you can define a crisis to yourself, however we’ll define it as anything big in your life that is difficult to deal with. In times of crisis we need the people closest to us, we need support. We need something that can help lift us up out of our bad spot and give us hope again. In times of crisis, crystals are there for you.

It is in olive hues that you can find the strength and hope to deal with a crisis in your life. When the vibrant green rays of growth combine with the yellow of pure sunshine, the powerful color ray of olive is produced. The combination awakens us to the possibilities that are rapidly developing. As life on Earth, still in high bloom, sees the promise of the approaching hot summer sun and a time of less vigorous, yet strong growth, we can use the olive crystals to focus our efforts that began well but now need strength to mature.

Use Olive Crystals

Olive Crystals

Olive Symbol

Olive Colored Crystals Bring You Awakening, Exuberance, Learning, and Meaning

It is in lighter shades of olive that you find perseverance, motivation, endurance, and easing of failure. They are essential the perfect hue for dealing with crisis. The lighter shades of olive have a very special purpose: perseverance in quests for enlightenment, deep wisdom, and understanding of the natural universe. They aid in efforts that require deep concentration and painstaking accuracy. They help you in your efforts to strengthen your resistance, determination, and stamina for mental challenges, particularly those of long duration.


Prehnite crystals help focus and enhance your efforts to seek wisdom, lighting your path to understanding. It has a powerful Olive ray. Olive is the color ray of receptiveness to new meanings and ideas. Prehnite is a Dispeller Bonder Crystal. Dispellers are very helpful talismans for mental and spiritual problems. All of us have problems. Some are physical, some spiritual. Certainly our lives would be more enjoyable and more productive if we could rid ourselves of them. Worry, anxiety, fear, and doubt can literally cripple us and make our lives miserable. Prehnite can help rid your life of them and whatever crisis you may be dealing with.




Prehnite is used in healing efforts associated with imbalances in the energy associated with the 4th Chakra, the Heart Chakra. It is used particularly in efforts to rebalance your mind and body, thoughts and experiences, and dreams and reality.


What Authors Say About Crystals

What Other Authors Say

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

Judy Hall recommends Rose Quartz which is a stone of unconditional love and infinite peace.

Excellent for trauma or crisis, Rose Quartz acts as a rescue remedy, providing reassurance and calm. This stone draws off negative energy and replacing it with loving vibes.




Michael Gienger advocates Garnet which brings light and hope.

Garnet helps in situations with no way out. It is the classical stone of crises, whenever our work view collapses or general life circumstances become extremely difficult. It is a fact that is has always been in fashion in times of crisis.

In Summary

Life is full of small problems we deal with sometimes on a daily basis. However, there are times the problems are much larger and harder to face. Usually these are considered times of crisis. In times of crisis we need support, help, and the healing power of the Universal Life Force given by crystals. It can help you through hard times and make you better able to deal with crisis in your life. For dealing with crisis we suggest using light olive colored crystals to bring perseverance, motivation, endurance, and easing of failure. We suggest using such light olive colored crystals as Prehnite. You can also try crystals other authors have recommended such as Rose Quartz and Garnet.


The Encyclopedia of Crystals

The Encyclopedia of Crystals
The Encyclopedia of Crystals
Hall, Judy

(Beverly, MA:
Fair Winds Press 2007)

Crystal Power, Crystal Healing

Crystal Power, Crystal Healing
Crystal Power, Crystal Healing
Gienger, Michael

(United Kingdom:
Blanford 1998)

Crystal Vault

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