Crystals for Discipline

Crystals for Discipline

Crystals for Discipline

Crystals for Discipline


Having Discipline

A lot of things conjure up to mind when we think of discipline. Most of us may think of needing self-discipline. But what about those of us that have unruly children or possibly even an unruly spouse? We may be lost on the proper way to bring discipline to our children or we may want to bring discipline to a person that we may not be able outright offer. Crystals can be a great help for these types of situations. In can aid in discipline such as time out or grounding being more effective and handled better. It can also help bring discipline to those around you, especially if it is put at a central location in the home.

If discipline is a concern in your life then we suggest using olive colored crystals. When the vibrant green rays of growth combine with the yellow of pure sunshine, the powerful color ray of olive is produced. The combination awakens us to the possibilities that are rapidly developing. Olive colored crystals help focus and enhance our early efforts to seek wisdom, lighting our path to understanding. Olive is the color ray of receptiveness to new meanings and ideas. Olive colored crystals are excellent to help you in the beginning of a search for knowledge and enlightenment.

Use Olive Crystals

Olive Crystals

Olive Symbol

Olive Colored Crystals Bring You Awakening, Exuberance, Learning, and Meaning

We find lighter shades of olive to be the best for enhancing discipline. The lighter shades of olive have a very special purpose: perseverance in quests for enlightenment, deep wisdom, and understanding of the natural universe. They aid in efforts that require deep concentration and painstaking accuracy. They help you in your efforts to strengthen your resistance, determination, and endurance for mental challenges, particularly those of long duration.

Prehnite crystals help focus and enhance your efforts to seek wisdom, lighting your path to understanding. It has a powerful Olive ray. Olive is the color ray of receptiveness to new meanings and ideas. Olive colored crystals are excellent to help you in the beginning of a search for knowledge and enlightenment. This is a stone to aid the apprentice, the student, and the assistant, which are all well versed in matters of discipline. Prehnite also provides Wood Energy. Wood energy is traditionally associated with the East and Southeast areas of a home or room. It is connected with the Family and Health area and the Prosperity and Abundance area.

Pyromorphite is a crystal used to augment the energy of other healing crystals. It should be in your healing environment bringing the Life Force to your healing crystals. Pyromorphite is used in healing efforts associated with imbalances in the energy associated with the 4th Chakra, the Heart Chakra. It is used particularly in efforts to rebalance your mind and body, thoughts and experiences, and dreams and reality. The life force brought to you by Pyromorphite can aid in your efforts to obtain more discipline.




Prehnite is a Dispeller Bonder Crystal. Dispellers are very helpful talismans for mental and spiritual problems. Bonders are outstanding crystals to use when there is need to create something that is bound tightly.



Pyromorphite is a Seeker Buffer Crystal. Use a Seeker Buffer crystal to insulate yourself from external demands, temper shocks, and add some emotional padding to your daily life.



What Authors Say About Crystals

What Other Authors Say



Robert Simmons suggests Onyx which is a stone for banishing grief, enhancing self-control and wise decision making.

Onyx can help one to control, focus, and direct the will, and this brings about considerable increase in one’s personal power. For those who have an abundance of ideas, but lack the discipline to carry them out, Onyx can bring one down to Earth and keep one on task.



Michael Gienger recommends Chrysoberyl which is thought to bring luck and prosperity.

Chrysoberyl encourages strategic thinking and planning, as well as becoming conscious of and recognizing thought, behavioral and social structures.

In Summary

Discipline is needed throughout our lives for many things. We especially need it for ourselves. However, we will often find that we may need discipline in other areas of our life, with other people, in our relationships, and with our children. In times like these crystals can be an invaluable aid. They can be put in children’s rooms, carried, or put in central rooms like the living room. Light olive colored crystals as especially useful with discipline. We suggest using light olive colored crystals such as Prehnite and Pyromorphite. You can also try crystals other authors have suggested such as Chrysoberyl and Onyx.


The Book of Stones

The Book of Stones
The Book of Stones
Simmons, Robert
Ahsian, Naisha

(East Montpelier, VT:
Heaven & Earth 2007)

Crystal Power, Crystal Healing

Crystal Power, Crystal Healing
Crystal Power, Crystal Healing
Gienger, Michael

(United Kingdom:
Blanford 1998)

Crystal Vault

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