Crystals for Popularity

Crystals For Popularity

Crystals for Popularity



The Social Order

When we are young children growing up, we seek out friends but we don’t seem to seek out any sort of social order. However, as we age, a natural social order seems to evolve, often leading to different cliques or social groups. Often times, we feel outside of these groups and it can leave us feeling as if we are unpopular. If you are seeking to increase your popularity either with classmates, co-workers, or friends, then crystals can help you on your journey. The crystals will not directly make you more desirable, but it is what the crystal moves within you and how it can help you grow that will increase your popularity.

If you are thinking about social circles and popularity as colors, you would see the popular crowd generally exudes a bright color. There is no other bright color in nature than orange. The passion of the red ray has an almost multiplicative effect in the orange ray as it combines with the happy elements of gold, making orange the color of joy and friendship. Orange is a happy, outgoing, and sharing color. It brings things and people together. It integrates the parts of our communal lives. It is the home stone, the village stone,and the community stone.

Use Orange Crystals

Orange Crystals

Orange Symbol

Orange Colored Crystals Bring You Joy, Friendship, Pleasure, and Family Togetherness

Specifically in lighter shades, orange is the color of friendship, companionship, loyalty, popularity, and overcoming shyness. Combining these affects can aid in making the perfect recipe for seeking out popularity. You can use light orange crystals to find new friends, keep in touch with lifetime friends, and find ways to keep friendships alive. Light orange is the color ray of companionship, charm, encouragement, praise, sharing, and affection. It is a very powerful ray, and crystals that possess it are particularly valuable.

Sunstone may be one of the most useful stones for gaining popularity. Sunstone is an abundance stone. It encourages independence and originality, is inspirational in revealing talents, and attracts fame and unexpected prosperity. Sunstone provides a source of strength if you are dependent on others emotionally, or have suffered the sudden loss of a partner. It helps alleviate fearfulness and stress, and protects against those who drain your energies or finances. Those who hold back because of fears and self-doubt may find Sunstone melts away the sense of unworthiness, feelings of being discriminated against, disadvantaged or abandoned. It emanates a rich and positive spectrum of energies that re-balances one’s emotional patterns, and encourages optimism and enthusiasm.




Sunstone is an incredibly effective barrier against misfortune. This is the ultimate protection in the mineral kingdom to protect you from the accidents and misfortunes of today’s world. It will filter out negative energy that can cause you harm. This is one of the most powerful magical protection talismans known.


What Authors Say About Crystals

What Other Authors Say



Judy Hall suggests Malachite which is is a talisman of charity and service to others.

Malachite releases inhibitions and encourages expressing feeling. This stone develops empathy with other people, showing how it would feel to be in their place. It alleviates shyness, and supports friendships.


Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli

Michael Gienger recommends Lapis Lazuli which is a valuable talisman for gaining respect, keeping negative energy away, and for helping us to remember to be humble in our dealings with others.

Lapis Lazuli bestows wisdom and honesty and reveals our own inner truth. It heps us be ourselves and liberates us from compromises and holding back. It makes us enjoy contact with others and helps us convey feelings and emotions. It is considered to be the stone of friendship.




Robert Simmons advocates Strontianite.

Strontianite initiates a positive attitude in life. It eliminates doubt and hesitation, encouraging one to leap into expeiences and enjoy it. It enhances the senses, making it possible for one to discharge feelings of numbness and isolation. It opens one’s eyes to the common humanity we all share and courages friendship.

In Summary

Popularity is a fleeting thing. You can be popular amongst your group of friends and as you grow up or grow apart, it may change. However, if you are looking to gain popularity now amongst friends, co-workers, and family, crystals can help. Orange colored crystals can aid us in bringing out our energy, our zest for life, and gaining and improving relationships in our lives. If you are looking to increase your popularity we suggest using light orange crystals such as Sunstone You can also try crystals that other authors recommend such as Malachite, Lapiz Lazuli, and Strontianite.


Stones of the New Consciousness

Stones of the New Consciousness: Healing, Awakening and Co-creating with Crystals, Minerals and Gems
Stones of the New Consciousness
Simmons, Robert

(Berkely, CA:
(North Atlantic Books 2009)

Crystal Power, Crystal Healing

Crystal Power, Crystal Healing
Crystal Power, Crystal Healing
Gienger, Michael

(United Kingdom:
Blanford 1998)

The Crystal Bible

Crystal Bible
The Crystal Bible
Hall, Judy

(Cincinnati, OH:
Walking Stick Press, 2003)

Crystal Vault

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