Crystals for Resisting Temptation
Crystals For Resisting Temptation
One of the hardest things to do in life is resist temptation. It can be such a broad desire that it can become very difficult. If your desire is food, you have to resist temptation in your own home. If your desire is alcohol, you have to avoid many social situations in order to resist the temptation. Sometimes we are tempted by extramarital affairs or certain people we know may be bad for us. No matter your situations, we feel crystals can aid you in your quest to resist temptation.
You may be surprised to learn the tempting scarlet can actually aid you in resisting temptation. Scarlet combines the energy of the pure red ray and the exuberance and joy of the orange in a precious gift of nature. Scarlet is the color of strength and vitality, both physical and spiritual. Use scarlet-colored crystals in efforts to overcome fear and improve self-reliance. They are the crystals of victory, success, and skill.
Use Scarlet Crystals
Scarlet Crystals Bring You Strength, Vitality, Willpower and Dedication
It is in the lighter shades of scarlet that we find willpower centered. Light scarlet crystals are great for increasing willpower and dedication to a difficult mental effort. There are a great many temptations we wish to resist at one time or another. For many, excess weight is a constant battle. We seem to never be able to keep it off. If you are in need of focus and an ability to say no and really mean it, use a light scarlet crystal in your efforts. Among their many uses, the scarlet crystals are the Dieter’s Stone.
Jasper when it possesses the scarlet ray of influence as this one, is a crystal of physical energy, vitality, and protection. It is a healing crystal of the base chakra, a powerful fire element used in the south area of a home, and used in the devotions to several Goddesses. Wear or carry Red Jasper to alleviate stress and reconnect with Earth’s grounding energies. Its cleansing effect eliminates negativity, returning it to its source, and stabilizing the aura. It is an ideal worry or rubbing stone for soothing the nerves and restoring balance. Rub a scarlet colored Jasper when you are looking to resist temptation.
Scarlet Temple Lemurian crystals, being made of quartz is a Seeker Transformer Crystal. Seeker Transformers are talismans used when the desire is to find a way to transform a part of one’s life to a more desirable state. Seekers are used when we need some help to find a new path, a new approach, or in any quest to gain that which we desire but do not yet possess. The Seeker Transformer aspect of this crystal make it a powerful one for resisting temptation. We suggest meditating with one and focusing on the object of your desire in order to banish if from your mind. Focus on not needing that object or person in your life.
Jasper, with the Scarlet Color Ray of Influence is associated with the First Chakra, the Base Chakra which is located at the base of the spine and radiating through the legs and feet. This is the grounding Chakra and deals with the health of the physical body.
Scarlet Temple Lemurian
The Scarlet Temple Lemurian crystals are used for aligning the crown chakra. The crown chakra is our gateway to the expanded universe beyond our bodies. It controls how we think, and how we respond to the world around us.
What Authors Say About Crystals
Melanite Garnet
Judy Hall suggests Melanite Garnet which can help overcome lack of love.
Melanite Garnet strengthens resistance and promotes honesty. It releases blockages from the heart and throat chakras, enabling you to speak your truth.
Cassandra Eason recommends Orange Aragonite which is good for earth-based spirituality..
Orange Aragonite is the stone of moderation, especially is cases of extreme dieting or exercising.
Desire can be all around us at all times. We can be bombared with things we want but don’t necessarily need. Sometimes it can be hard to say no. Your temptations could be food, alcohol, or another person. Whatever it could be you know that you need the strength to resist them. That is where scarlet colored crystals come in. Scarlet influenced crystals can assist you in resisting temptation. We suggest using crystals such as Jasper and Scarlet Temple Lemurian crystals. You can also try crystals other authors have recommended such as Melanite Garnet and Orange Aragonite.