Crystals for Safety
Crystals for Safety
Safety is important in all aspect of our life. We want to be safe on the job, at home, in our car, etc. What if you could carry something that could help offer you just that little bit more protection? We believe crystals can help. Crystals and stones have been used for thousands of years for their perceived ability to protect us. Not only were they worn into battle, they were carried or worn every day as a sort of talisman to offer safety and protection from danger and accidents.
If you’re looking to feel safer and add some protection in your life, we suggest using green colored crystals. As spring continues to warm the earth’s crust, a frenzy of growth converts barren landscapes into lush glades, and the leaves of plants and trees emerge in a thousand shades of green. Like their counterparts in the plant kingdom, the green gems and minerals are the growth crystals. They are powerful conduits of the earth’s Life Force of birth, development, and creation, and of the power of nature’s constant renewal.
Use Green Crystals
Green Crystals Bring You Renewal, Success in New Ventures, and Good Health
While the growth is surely appreciated and can be used, it is in the darker shades of green that we begin to find it useful as a protective talisman. The darker green minerals and gems such as chrome tourmaline and aventurine have the strong element of growth muted with the deeper tones of the power, perspective, and mystery of black. These are the crystals of physical growth, and they are excellent aids in your efforts to become stronger, to become more flexible, or just to get into better shape. In dark green crystals you will find safety, shelter, survival, and overcoming fear.
Our first dark green crystal is the mesmerizing Malachite. Malachite is a powerful amulet of protection from physical harm and is an excellent meditation aid in connecting with the Mother Earth. Malachite absorbs negative energies and pollutants from the atmosphere and from the body. It guards against radiation of all kinds, clears electromagnetic pollution and heals earth energies. In the workplace Malachite protects against noise, over-bright fluorescent lighting, and harmful rays from technological equipment, negative phone calls and emails.
The deep Green Jasper is another stone that has been used throughout the years for safety. Jaspers have been revered by ancient peoples and civilizations throughout the world as sacred and powerful stones of protection, for both the physical and spiritual realm. Green Jasper was equally credited throughout the centuries for driving away evil spirits and ghosts, harmful fantasies, and witchcraft. It was particularly protective against venomous creatures, kept one from drowning, and warded off sorrow. It provided good health, made one amiable and brave, healed fever and edema, diseases of the stomach, lungs and chest, and increased fertility, aiding women throughout their pregnancy and childbirth.
Malachite helps battle depression and anxiety, gives resistance to emotional blackmail and heals emotional abuse, especially when suffered in childhood.
Green Jasper
All Jaspers connect to the Earth and may be placed on the Base Chakra to stabilize and energize the physical body. Laying it over each chakra in turn, will cleanse, boost and realign the chakras and aura.
What Authors Say About Crystals
Smoky Quartz
Judy Hall recommends Smoky Quartz which is a powerful grounding stone that is used extensively in healing and meditation work.
Smoky Quartz is one of the most efficient grounding and cleansing stones. This protective stone has a strong link with the earth. It blocks geopathic stress, absorbs electromagnetic smog, and assists elimination and detoxification at all levels.
Almandine Garnet
Naisha Ahsian suggests Almandine Garnet which are energy enhancers, and givers of joy.
Almandine Garnet’s energy helps cultivate a sense of physical security, safety, and abundance. It helps alleviate worry, panic, and fear and assists one in maintaining a sense of calm and grounded connection to the present.
Michael Gienger recommends Agate which is soothing, like a still night under a full moon.
Agate gives protection, security and safety by dissolving internal tensions, and also makes us better able to resist external influences.
It is in our natural instinct to protect ourselves and loved ones. We want to feel safe and secure. There are many crystals that offer protection but dark green crystals offer safety, shelter, survival, and overcoming fear particularly. If you are looking to feel safer or add some safety and protection to a loved one’s life, we recommend using dark green crystals such as Malachite and Green Jasper. You can also try crystals other authors have suggested such as Agate, Almandine Garnet, and Smoky Quartz.