Crystals for Unity


Crystals for Unity

Crystals for Unity

Crystals for Unity



Feeling Whole

The definition for unity is the state of being united or joined as a whole. Unity itself can be applied to many aspects of your life. You may want to feel unity within yourself, to feel whole again, you may desire more unity in your relationships and family. Sometimes thing can begin to unravel and fall apart but the right crystals can help unite them again and make them whole. The right crystal placed in your home or work place, wherever you need to feel more unity, can help bring the pieces back together again.

When we are looking to bring more unity into our lives or particular situations, white is the best color to use. In today’s modern world, white is the color of cleanliness, purity, unity, and innocence. But these are fairly modern meanings and by no means universal. The timeless, natural powers of white rays are those of the moon. White is the color we see when the moon reflects the sun’s light to us. White is the color of natural cycles. It is the color of beginning and endings. White is the color of the feminine gender, manifested as the Goddess in many cultures, and, as such, the color of the world of birth, and regeneration.

Use White Crystals

White Crystals

White Symbol

White Crystals Bring You the Power of the Illumination and Nature’s Cycles

White is a cool color of the night, the sleeping world, and it offers us the best guide to the hidden world beyond understanding, just as the moon is our only illumination in the dark world of night. The white crystals include moonstones, quartz, calcite, selenite, and white forms of lepidolite, topaz, and beryl. Use them to experience and appreciate the cyclic nature of the universe. The white crystals are of the spiritual world that is sensed but not seen. White crystals are guides when we don’t know where we are going. They are the guides to understanding and knowledge that we don’t even know exists.

Howlite, which is often known as a potent guardian stone, is also a Harmonizer stone. For efforts aimed at smoothing a path through difficulties, or aiding in promoting a harmonious relationship within a larger group, like an extended family, then a Harmonizer is an excellent choice. Howlite also brings you Metal elemental energy. Metal energy is traditionally associated with the northwest and west areas of a home or room. It is the energy of togetherness and crystallization – of ideas, of concepts, and of groups. Use Howlite to enhance any space that you use for concentration, gathering strength, or working with a group.

Selenite is a high energy crystal. This cluster brings the protective element of the universal life force to you in a powerful way. Selenite will deepen the sense of belonging and home. Use this crystal formation as a home stoneby placing it centrally in your house to ensure the hospitality of home and hearth. To keep a family happy together, a team working well, or a congregation united, this crystal formation is perfect. The energy it emits is quite amazing.




Howlite is a Guardian Crystal. Guardian crystals are used in the physical world to protect your loved ones, your possessions, and your physical security.



Selenite, with is associated with the Second Chakra, the Sacral Chakra. It controls the flow of energy and is the center of gravity of the body. It is the center of the Life Force of the body.


What Authors Say About Crystals

What Other Authors Say



Naisha Ahsian suggests Turquoise which is an amulet stone of tranquility, peace, and protection from the undesirable elements of life.

Turquoise enhances one ability to perceive the disparate aspects of self and to integrate those aspects into a cohesive whole.



Michael Gienger recommends Chrysoprase which is a talisman of growth and development.

Chrysoprase endows us with the experience of being part of a greater whole. It makes us alert and quick witted and draws our attention to seemingly random coincidences in which we can perceive the activity of the spiritual realm.

In Summary

We need unity in our lives in many ways, even if we tend to resist it. Most of us need to be able to work with other people either in our personal life or our work life. We also may be seeking more unity in our relationships or within our home. In either case, white crystals represent unity and harmony and are perfect as an addition to your home or person or as a gift. We suggest using powerful white crystals such as Howlite and Selenite. You can also try crystal other authors have recommended such as Chrysoprase and Turquoise.


The Book of Stones

The Book of Stones
The Book of Stones
Simmons, Robert
Ahsian, Naisha

(East Montpelier, VT:
Heaven & Earth 2007)

Crystal Power, Crystal Healing

Crystal Power, Crystal Healing
Crystal Power, Crystal Healing
Gienger, Michael

(United Kingdom:
Blanford 1998)

Crystal Vault

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