Throughout life we receive messages of approval and disapproval which can impact how we look at and feel about ourselves. Our parents told us when we were being good or bad, school identified what we were good and not so good at, and we began defining ourselves by the social cliques we did or did not fit into. In some cases the people that should have taken care of us treated us badly. The media bombards us with what we should look like, act like, possess, or be. It is hard to not internalize these negative feelings that have surrounded us. Whether it be a current situation or all of the pessimism that has plagued us throughout our life, self-love and acceptance is deep down inside of you
Self-Acceptance is a form of love and acceptance of yourself for what and who you are; the good, the bad, and the ugly. It is recognizing and appreciating all of your characteristics, flaws, unique talents, and feelings. You do not have to like all of them but you have to identify and admit they are there. Denying parts of ourselves exist can make us feel inferior, unhappy, undeserving, unqualified, and unloved. While professional help is important in severe cases, the use of crystals can be very beneficial in building you self-acceptance.
Blue Crystals are best for dealing with self-doubt and negative feelings of self, such as low self-esteem and self-worth. Learn more by clicking the symbol.
To enhance your self-acceptance we recommend using light blue crystals. In lighter shades, blue crystals are strengthened with subtlety. With the color of shallow pools of water reflecting the sky, light blue crystals help us reflect, ponder, question, and relax in the acceptance of ourselves. Use light blue crystals when you need to develop patience, reconcile differences, or seek forgiveness.
Light blue crystals such as Blue Chalcedony or Blue Calcite can aid you in accepting yourself, even your imperfections. The light blue rays are excellent for recovery efforts from addiction or destructive behavior patterns. They aid in curbing tempers and helping us become more tranquil and composed. Their rays are potent and they can aid us in changing our lives to become more optimistic and confident. They are also helpful in dealing with grief, letting go of the past, and easing feelings of guilt.
Blue Chalcedony brings the elegant, calming water energy to your life, which allows you to let criticism and self-doubt roll off of your inner spirit.
If you need to restore yourself, meditation with calcite is highly recommended. Restoring balance is critical to your wellbeing.
Judy Hall also recommends Aragonite as a stone that teaches acceptance or Rhyolite to boost your self-worth.
Margherita recommends Tiger Eye (Bull's Eye) as a root strengthening stone to create the balance between disappointment and self-acceptance. Pietersite contains Tiger Eye and is also a good choice.
Feelings of low self-esteem and self-worth can be damaging to you and your outlook on life. It can leave you feeling depressed, unworthy, or even unloved. You are worth more than that! You have the power inside of you to change and feel good about who you are. You truly deserve to feel the warmth and power of self-acceptance. We recommend using light blue crystals to remove the self-doubt and restore your self-acceptance. Crystals such as Blue Chalcedony or Blue Calcite can help restore your feelings of self-worth and bring you closer in your journey of self-acceptance. You can also try some of the crystals that other writers have found effective such as Aragonite, Rhyolite, Tiger Eye, Seriphos Green Quartz, or Rhodonite.