Guide to
Your Guardian Angel
Your Guardian Angel Crystals
- art by Eric Grant
You have a Guardian Angel, in fact several. They are special angels that watch over you and encourage you to develop your spiritual well being and happiness. (Lower on this pages you will find a table that will tell you the name of your Guardian Angel, based on when you were born.)
There are numerous references to angels and guardian angels in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam history and holy books. The roots of the belief in angels seems to even predate these religions. Angels are real.
( NOTE: On this page are children's drawings of Angels. We believe that the "little ones" see them best.)
Both the Old and New Testament of the Bible are full of references to angels. St. Thomas Aquinas himself tells us that all people have guardian angels. Moses is told "My angel will go before you." The Gospel of Matthew speaks about the "little ones" each having a Guardian Angel.
It is possible to call on your Guardian Angel by name for guidance and support. Since many of the names come from old Hebrew and Middle Eastern texts, the names can be hard to pronounce. That's OK. You can say them anyway you like. Your angel will know what you mean. And, we have provided a common name for each angel.
It is also easy to use a crystal or stone of a certain color preferred by your angel to facilitate your communication. Angels are spirits, Beings of Light. Using a crystal that brings your angel's favorite light to them can only make it easier to communicate. A Guardian Angel crystal helps form and strengthen the bond between you and your angel. Guardian Angel crystals are not special crystals. Rather they are crystals of the color that is best liked by your angel.
On this page you will find your main Guardian Angel assigned to you at birth based on when you were born.
You can immediately find the crystals to use in contacting your Guardian Angel by clicking on the Crystal Color for that angel.
You will get a listing of all the crystals we have in stock that you might find suitable. A Guardian Angel crystal does not have to be only of the color listed. It is just one color. Your Guardian Angel might like several colors.
When you are "connected" with your Guardian Angel, find out if perhaps another color crystal would be better and use that. Our suggestions for Guardian Angel crystals is a place to start.
We also suggest you have several crystals of your Guardian Angel's color near your bed at night. It will encourage a close watch over you as you sleep.
We encourage you to explore the relationship with your Guardian Angel. You will find peace and happiness will grow as you do. Use your Guardian Angel crystal often. The more you use it, the more effective it will be.
Birth Dates | Guardian Angel | Crystal Color |
January 1-5 |
Nemamiah"Nema"Nema guards the new year, the newborn, and the beginnings of life. |
Find Green Crystals for Angel Nemamiah |
January 6-10 |
Yeilael"Yei"Ilie guards the financial well being of all. |
Find Orange Crystals for Angel Ieilael |
January 11-15 |
Harahel"Hara"Hara is the guardian of schools and knowledge. |
Find Lt. Scarlet Crystals for Angel Harahel |
January 16-20 |
Mitzrael"Mitz"Mitz guards our freedom of speech. |
Find Dk. Amethyst Crystals for Angel Mitzrael |
January 21-25 |
Umabel"Umbee"Umbee is the guardian of scientist and explorers. |
Find Orange Crystals for Angel Umabel |
January 26-30 |
Iahhel"Eye"Eye is the guardian of light and those that live alone. |
Find Lt. Scarlet Crystals for Angel Iahhel |
Birth Dates | Guardian Angel | Crystal Color |
January 31-February 4 |
Anauel"Anun"Anun is the guardian of people that protect the property of others. |
Find Lt. Scarlet Crystals for Angel Anauel |
February 5-9 |
Mehiel"Mehe"Mehe is the guardian of public speakers. |
Find Brown Crystals for Angel Mehiel |
February 10-14 |
Damabiah"Damah""Damah is the guardian angel of those who fly. |
Find Brown Crystals for Angel Damabian |
February 15-19 |
Manakel"Manny"Manny is the guardian angel of sea creatures and those that travel the rivers and oceans. |
Find Amethyst Crystals for Angel Manakel |
February 20-24 |
Eiael"Eel"Eel is the guardian angel of your health. |
Find Dk. Turquoise Crystals for Angel Eiael |
February 25-29 |
Habuhiah"Habu"Habu is the guardian angel of farmers and those that work the land. |
Find Amethyst Crystals for Angel Habuhiah |
Birth Dates | Guardian Angel | Crystal Color |
March 1-5 |
Rochel"Rock"Rock is guardian angel of those that help people that are lost. |
Find Dk. Indigo Crystals for Angel Rochel |
March 6-10 |
Gabamiah"Gaba"Gaba is the guardian of musicians. |
Find Dk. Indigo Crystals for Angel Gabamiah |
March 11-15 |
Haiaiel"Haj"Haj is the guardian angel of painters and artists. |
Find Gold Crystals for Angel Haiaiel |
March 16-20 |
Mumiah"Mumja"Mumja is the guardian angel of doctors, nurses, and caregivers. |
Find Dk. Red Crystals for Angel Mumiah |
March 21-25 |
Vehuiah"Veho"Veho is the guardian angel that makes every day seem new and wonderful. |
Find Turquoise Crystlals for Angel Vehuiah |
March 26-30 |
Jelial"Jell"Jell is the guardian angel of government officials. |
Find Dark Indigo Crystals for Angel Jelial |
March 31- April 4 |
Sitael"Sita"Sita is the guardian angel of those having a hard time financially |
Find Dark Green Crystals for Angel Sita |
Birth Dates | Guardian Angel | Crystal Color |
April 5 - 9 |
Elemiah"Elem"Elem is the guardian angel of travellers. |
Find Orange Crystals for Angel Elemiah |
April 10-14 |
Mahasiah"Maha"Maha is the guardian of mysteries and dreams. |
Find Indigo Crystals for Angel Mahasiah |
April 15-20 |
Lelahel"Lea"Lea is the guardian angel of love. |
Find Olive Crystals for Angel Lelahel |
April 21-25 |
Achaiah"Acha"Art by Alexa - Her Guardian Angel - Achaiah Acha is the guardian angel of the natural world. |
Find Yellow Crystals for Angel Achaiah |
April 26-30 |
Cahatel"Cat"Cat is the guardian of gardens. |
Find Amethyst Crystals for Angel Cahatel |
Birth Dates | Guardian Angel | Crystal Color |
May 1-5 |
Haziel"Haze"Haze is the guardian angel of optimism that dispels the darkness of worry. |
Find Light Blue Crystals for Angel Haziel |
May 6-10 |
Aladiah"Aladin"Aladin is the guardian angel of peace and joy. |
Find Clear Crystals for Angel Aladiah |
May 11-15 |
Lauviah"Lavi"Lavi is the guardian angel of those who write and report the news. He is also the guardian angel of those born Jun 11 - 15 |
Find Lt. Yellow Crystals for Angel Lauviah |
May 16-20 |
Hahaiah"Hai"Hai is the guardian angel of service to others and also those born July 17-22. |
Find Red Crystals for Angel Hahaiah |
May 21-25 |
Iezalel"Izel"Izel is the guardian angel of justice. |
Find Lt. Indigo Crystals for Angel Iezalel |
May 26-31 |
Mebahel"Mebe"Mebe is the guardian angel of wealth and opportunity. |
Find Silver Crystals for Angel Mebahel |
Birth Dates | Guardian Angel | Crystal Color |
June 1-5 |
Hariel"Harry"Harry is the guardian angel of pets and domestic animals. |
Find Pink Crystals for Angel Hariel |
June 6-10 |
Hakamiah"Hawk"Hawk is the guardian angel of truth. |
Find Lt Green crystals for Angel Hakamiah |
June 11-15 |
Lauviah"Lavi"Lavi is the guardian angel of those who write and report the news. He is also the guardian angel of those born May 11-15. |
Find Lt. Yellow Crystals for Angel Lauviah |
June 16-21 |
Caliel"Calie"Calie is the guardian angel of those in danger. |
Find Blue Crystals for Angel Caliel |
June 22-26 |
Leuviah"Leu"Leu is the guardian angel of secrets. |
Find Lt. Yellow Crystals for Angel Lauviah |
June 27-July 1 |
Pahaliah"Paha"Paha is the guardian angel of faith and spiritual values. |
Find Dk. Yellow Crystals for Angel Pahaliah |
Birth Dates | Guardian Angel | Crystal Color |
July 2-6 |
Nelchael"Nick"Nick is the guardian angel of preserving the ecology of the earth. |
Find Indigo Crystals for Nelchael |
July 7-11 |
Ieiaeil"Illia"Illia is the guardian angel of a loving home. |
Find Lt. Green Crystals for Ieiaeil |
July 12-16 |
Melahel"Mela"Mela is the guardian angel of a better tomorow. |
Find Turquoise Crystals for Melahel |
July 17-22 |
Hahueuiah"Hai"Hai is the guardian angel of service to others. and also those born May 16-20 |
Find Red Crystals for Hahaiah |
July 23-27 |
Nith-Haiah"Nith"Nith is the guardian angel of poets. |
Find Dk. Yellow Crystals for Nith-Haiah |
July 28-August 1 |
Haaiah"Haya"Haya is the guardian angel of diplomacy. |
Find Lt. Blue Crystals for Haaiah |
Birth Dates | Guardian Angel | Crystal Color |
August 2-6 |
Terathel"Tera"Tera is the guardian angel of those in prison. |
Find Orange Crystals for Angel Terathel |
August 7-12 |
Seheiah"Seth"Seth is the guardian angel to protect against accidents. |
Find Dk. Yellow Crystals for Angel Seheiah |
August 13-17 |
Reiiel"Riki"Riki is the guardian angel of elections. |
Find Clear Crystals for Angel Reiiel |
August 18-22 |
Omael"Omar"Omar is the guardian angel of language. |
Find Dk. Yellow Crystals for Angel Omael |
August 23-28 |
Art by KatlynLeca is the guardian angel of crops and harvest.
Find Turquoise Crystals for Angel Lecabel |
August 29-September 2 |
Vasiariah"Varah"Varah is the guardian angel of justice. |
Find Lt violet Crystals for Angel Vasiariah |
Birth Dates | Guardian Angel | Crystal Color |
September 3-7 |
Yehudiah"Yeada"Yeada is the guardian angel of newborns. |
Find Green Crystals for Angel Yehudiah |
September 8-12 |
Lehahiah"Leha"Leha is the guardian angel of law and police. |
Find Dk. Green Cystals for Angel Lehahiah |
September 13-17 |
Chavakiah"Chekov"Chekov is the guardian angel of peace and quiet. |
Find Orange Crystals for Angel Chavakiah |
September 18-23 |
Menadel"Mendal"Mendal is the guardian angel of family. |
Find Violet Crystals for Angel Menadel |
September 24-28 |
Art by AlexaAnael is the guardian angel of friendship. |
Find Lt. Olive Crystals for Angel Anael |
September 29-October 3 |
Haamiah"Ham"Ham is the guardian angel of faith and honesty. |
Find Scarlet Crystals for Angel Haamiah |
Birth Dates | Guardian Angel | Crystal Color |
October 4-8 |
Rehael"Rehal "Rehal is the guardian angel of parents and teachers. |
Find Brown Crystals for Angel Rehael |
October 9-13 |
Ieiazel"Izzy"Izzy is the guardian angel of negotiations |
Find Indigo Crystals for Angel Ieiazel |
October 14-18 |
Hahahel"Haha"Haha is the guardian angel of miracles. |
Find Lt. Orange Crystals for Angel Hahahel |
October 19-23 |
Mikael "Miki"
Art By Katyln - Her Guardian Angel - MikaelMiki is the guardian angel of fairness. |
Find Red Cystals for Angel Mikael |
October 24-28 |
Art by KatlynVella is the guardian angel of cooperation. |
Find Lt. Indigo Crystals for Angel Veualiah |
October 29-November 2 |
Ielahiah"Leha"Leha is the guardian angel of inspiration. |
Find Lt. Amethyst Crystals for Angel Ielahiah |
Birth Dates | Guardian Angel | Crystal Color |
November 3-7 |
Sealiah"Seal"Seal is the guardian angel of celebrations. |
Find Gold Crystals for Angel Sealiah |
November 8-12 |
Ariel"Ari"Ari is the guardian angel of wildlife. |
Find Pink Crystals for Angel Ariel |
November 13-17 |
Asaliah"Ash"Ash is the guardian angel of respect. |
Find Dk. Red Crystals for Angel Asaliah |
November 18-22 |
Mihael"Mia"Mia is the guardian angel of mothers. |
Find Lt. Orange Crystals for Angel Mihael |
November 23-27 |
Vahuel"Val"Val us the guardian angel of new ideas. |
Find Amethyst Crystals for Angel Vahuel |
November 28-December 2 |
Daniel"Dan"Dan is the guardian angel of accuracy. |
Find Dk. Scarlet Crystals for Angel Daniel |
Birth Dates | Guardian Angel | Crystal Color |
December 3-7 |
Hahasiahn"Hasign"Hasign is the guardian angel of spirituality. |
Find Clear Crystals for Angel Hahasiah |
December 8-12 |
Imamiah"Imma"Imma is the guardian angel of long distance journeys. |
Find Dk. Red Crystals for Angel Imamiah |
December 13-16 |
Nanael"Nan"Nan is the guardian angel of scholarship. |
Find Indigo Crystals for Angel Nanael |
December 17-21 |
Nithael"Nith"Nith is the guardian angel of adventurers. |
Find Yellow Crystals for Angel Nithael |
December 22-26 |
Mebahiah"Meba"Meba is the guardian angel of children. |
Find Dk. Orange Crystals for Angel Mebahian |
December 27-31 |
Poiel"Poi"Poi is the guardian angel of the future. |
Find Dk. Green Crystals for Angel Poiel |
You may be wondering where this information comes from. The listing of the Guardian Angels and the date is from the "The Encyclopedia of Angels" by Richard Webster. He reports the list as being the names of the Schemhamphora angels. The same list is found in "Angel Magic" by Cassandra Eason. We most highly recommend this book published in 2010 by Lewellyn Publications. The crystal color for each angel is from research conducted by Eric Grant of The Crystal Vaults.