Hibiscus Meaning, Healing, and Magical Uses

Welcome to the Masters’ Grimoire of Magical Herbs page for Hibiscus. Here you will learn everything you've ever wanted to know about this herb including Hibiscus' magical uses, Hibiscus physical healing, and emotional healing properties, plus its use in meditation, Hibiscus lore and legends, and much more!
Introduction to Hibiscus

Hibiscus is a genus of flowering plants in the mallow family. It is a large family with hundreds of spaces that are native to warm temperate, subtropical regions throughout the world. They are usually showy flowers that are renowned for their beauty and most commonly known as hibiscus. Other names include; hardy hibiscus, rose of Sharon, and tropical hibiscus. These flowers are widely cultivated as ornamental plants.
The leaves of hibiscus are alternate, ovate to lanceolate with a toothed or lobed margin. The flowers are large and conspicuous with a trumpet-shape with five or more petals. They can range in colors from red, white, pink, blue, orange, peach, yellow, or purple. Flower color in certain species changes with age. The fruit of the hibiscus is red and white and is a dry five-lobed capsule that contains several seeds in each lobe. These seeds are released once the fruit has matured.
A tea can be made from hibiscus flowers and is known by many names around the world. It can be served both hot or cold. The beverage is known for its red color, tart flavor, and vitamin C content. This tea is know as bissap in West Africa, “Gul e Khatmi” in Urdu and Persian; Agua de Jamaica in Mexico and Central America; Orhul in India. Some refer to the tea as “roselle” which is also a common name for Hibiscus. In Ghana it is known as soobolo.
The most commonly known ornamental species of flower is the Hibiscus Syracuse or Garden Hibiscus. It is also known in some areas as the Rose of Althea or Rose of Sharon but not to be confused with the unrelated Hypericum Calycinum also called the Rose of Sharon. In tropical areas, Chinese Hibiscus are popular along with several hybrids of the species.
Hibiscus is a very hardy, versatile plant and is grown for landscaping to beautify a garden and attract butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. Being versatile it can easily adapt itself to thrive in balcony gardens and small urban spaces. It does well in pots as a creeper plant or in a hanging pot. It is a perennial and flowers throughout the year.
The inner bark of the Sea Hibiscus also called “hau” is used in Polynesia for making rope and the wood for making canoe floats. In Mexico, dried hibiscus is a delicacy. It can also be candied and used as a garnish for desserts.
Hibiscus Magical Uses and Purposes
Hibiscus can be used as an aphrodisiac or to attract love. You may also use it for protection, healing, and divination. Hibiscus, like the Rose, is versatile and can used for many different purposes depending on the color. Red is for lust and love. White is for purification and protection. Yellow is for harmony and peace. Blue and purple are for divination and enhancing psychic abilities.
Burning red hibiscus flowers as incense can increase the passion in a room. Sleeping with hibiscus next to you or underneath your pillow can encourage prophetic dreams.
To create a Love Jar Spell using Hibiscus for the sake of attracting new love into your life or invigorating and old one, you willl need the following items; a small jar, 6 red hibiscus flowers, a small red candle, a piece of rose quarts, dried cinnamon, rose oil, 1 tsp of dried coriander seeds.
Gather all your ingredients into a quiet space where you can work undisturbed. Close your eyes and center yourself while taking five deep breaths. Open your eyes. Place the Rose Quartz at the bottom of the jar, then place the hibiscus flowers on top of it. Then add the coriander seeds. Next, sprinkle cinnamon and couple of drops of rose oil. Alternately, you may use rose petals instead of rose oil.
Next, screw the jar of the lid on tightly. Take the candle and anoint it with a couple drops of rose oil. Roll the candle in some dried cinnamon. Attach the candle to the top of the jar by melting the bottom of the candle and then holding it in place until it sticks. Light the candle. Now, close your eyes and imagine the passionate love that you would like to invite into your life. Feel as if you are experiencing this love already. Imagine the love surrounding you and making your body sing.
Now, direct this energy into the jar. Fill the jar with as much energy as you can manage. Now, open your eyes. While looking into the flame say the following words: “ I call on the life transforming energies of this flame to turn this energy into reality. Coriander and Hibiscus, grant me your powers of passion. May the love that I deserve empower me. So Mote It Be.”
Allow the candle to burn down to nothing. Be careful not to disturb any of the wax that has melted over the jar. Anytime you would like to activate the jar, repeat the steps of anointing the candle on, or simply restate the words while directing energy into the jar.
Healing with Hibiscus
Hibiscus Physical Health Benefits
Hibiscus is used for many folk medicine remedies in Indian Ayurveda. It is a good source antioxidants and of vitamin C and helpful to the immune system.
It is claimed that the sour tea derived from the hibiscus may lower blood pressure. It has also been claimed to lower blood fat levels, encourage weight loss, prevent infections from harmful bacteria, calm irrupted stomachs, aid digestion, and prevent fluid retention. It has also been used to boost liver health, though large doses of hibiscus may cause liver damage. It is also claimed to prevent dandruff and hair loss.
Because of studies done on rodents, hibiscus is not recommended to be used by pregnant women. It can cause a stimulated contraction and may cause menstruation or abortion. This is not medically confirmed in humans but is cautioned against nonetheless.
Spiritual Healing with Hibiscus
Hibiscus brings us spiritual healing by reminding us of life’s beauty. It is a universally recognized symbol of beauty, love, and romance. Spiritual journeys can be filled with challenges, but the hibiscus reminds us that spiritual journeys are beautiful and essential to our daily lives. Hibiscus allows us to see the beauty of life in a physical way and helps us spiritually by exploring that connection through passionate thought and ideas.
Emotional Healing with Hibiscus
Hibiscus is emotionally healing for the romantic inside all of us. This flower celebrates love and romance and brings beauty wherever it grows. Having the hibiscus around, smelling its scent, admiring its petals, all bring reminders of love and passion. Love is one of the most desired of emotions and hibiscus is a beautiful symbol of romance and inspiration of love.
Hibiscus for Chakra Healing
Hibiscus is associated with the Sacral Chakra.
The Sacral Chakra is the second chakra, located below the naval and above the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis. It controls the flow of energy and is the center of gravity of the body. It is the center of the Life Force of the body. It is the reservoir of the Life Force. It controls the flow of information from the body to the mind and vice versa. Gut feelings, intuition, and other “non-linear” communications come from this chakra.
When this chakra is in balance you will have grace, feel pleasure in life, enjoyment of life, play, and find that you are more flexible in both body and mind. You can “go with the flow” of your life and times in good spirits.
Color Energy of Hibiscus
Hibiscus is associated with the color energy; Red.
Red is the color of fire, energy, and passion. Visually, it can represent anger, energy, and passion. Red brings us drive, determination, and inner strength when we require courage and fearlessness. Red is the color of energy, life, and love. It motivates us. It is a strong color that reminds us of fire and blood. Emotionally it is intense and affects us by raising our blood pressure and speeding up the metabolism.
The color red is a call to action. It can be a sign of a warning but it can also be a call to excitement and passion. It gives us more life, more energy, and enthusiasm for life.
Angels Associated with Hibiscus
Hibiscus is associated with two angels:
Chamuel (Khamael), Master of the 11th Tarot Card “Justice”
Zuriel, also Master of the 11th Tarot Card “Justice”
Hibiscus and the Goddess
The hibiscus is significant to the Hindu Goddess Kali. It appears frequently in depictions of her in the art of Bengal, India. In this art the flower and goddess are often merging in form. The flower is often used as an offering to the Kali and the god Ganesha in Hindu worship.
It is also associated with the Goddess Aphrodite for beauty, love, and passion.
Hibiscus Birth Herb
Hibiscus is associated with the following dates:
January 22, January 24, March 17, March 23, March 31, April 9, April 27, July 21, July 29, August 22, and September 26.
If you were born on one of these dates, you might find that you have a particular attraction to Hibiscus. You may feel drawn to it. Those with the birth herb of Hibiscus will likely find it more powerful and intuitive to work with.
HibiscusI Ching Hexagram
Hibiscus is associated with the 11th I Ching Hexagram.
This Hexagram is Heaven on earth! It tells us that the empowered person recognizes fleeting nature of prosperity and unity, and moves to take best advantage of it, empowering all!
Its keywords are: Unity, cohesiveness, prosperity, productivity, fairness, respect, mutuality, togetherness, stability.
It encourages us to share wealth and work, make hay while the sun shines, expecting a change for the better, work to establish heaven on earth, increase productivity, divide work fairly among many, share rewards as they come.
It cautions us against hoarding wealth, unequal distribution of work, responsibility, or reward, allowing events to unfold without careful oversight, allowing rampant production to create chaos, expecting prosperity to come about without careful planning.
Hibiscus Astrological Sign
Hibiscus is associated with the astrological sign Sagittarius.
Hibiscus is a vibrant flower and is bold. It comes in a variety of colors. These flowers are full of life, just like the Sagittarius. They thrive on socialization. Hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies flock to their petals. They soak up water and energy from everything around them. This is also true for Sagittarians who are filled by adventure and the thrill of the outside world.
It is associated with Mansion of the Flame of Passion.
Uses of Hibiscus in Feng Shui
Though hibiscus is notably associated with the water element, in Feng Shui it is associated with Fire Energy.
The flowers of Hibiscus bring us fire energy. This is the energy of inspiration, expression, free will, passion, love, and beauty. Use the flower energy of the hibiscus in your practices to celebrate the joys of love and life. It is the happiness element and should be a part of most ceremonies.
Uses of Hibiscus in Talismans and Amulets
Hibiscus is good as a talisman for the following items: Unity, cohesiveness, prosperity, productivity, fairness, respect, mutuality, togetherness, stability.
Use hibiscus as a talisman to promote good relationships and to get done what you need to get done. When you wear the hibiscus as a talisman you will gain respect, stability, and promote fairness.
Using Hibiscus in Divination
Hibiscus is associated with divination in the form of tea. The flavor of the tart tea is both energizing and flavorful. By drinking this tea, it inspires the fires of passion and increases divinatory and intuitive senses. It is especially useful to drink hibiscus tea before doing a tarot reading or pendulum readings.
Meditation with Hibiscus
Hibiscus is useful in meditation for finding inner beauty and a source of passion and love. Romance is brought forth when this flower is near, either with an intended partner or with yourself. Hibiscus brings to mind feelings of love and passion. These feelings can be translated to passion for life or love of oneself. Meditating with this flower close at hand is an inspiration for deeper love and passion.
Lore and Legends of Hibiscus
Sea Hibiscus bark is used to make rope. This kind of rope was used on the missionary ship, Messenger of Peace.
In the Philippines, the gumamela or hibiscus is used by children as part of a bubble-making pastime. The flowers and leaves are crushed until the sticky juices emerge. Then hollow papaya stalks are dipped into this mixture and used as straws for blowing bubbles. Together with soap, hibiscus juices produce more bubbles. It is also called “Tarukanga” in Waray, in the Eastern Samar province.
The hibiscus flower is traditionally worn by Tahitian and Hawaiian women. If the flower is worn behind the left ear, the woman is married or has a boyfriend. If the flower is worn on the right, she is single and openly available for a relationship. The yellow hibiscus is the Hawaiian state flower.
The hibiscus is the national symbol of Haiti. It is also the national flower of the Solomon Islands and Niue. Hibiscus Syriacus is the national flower of South Korea. The Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis is the national flower of Malaysia.
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by Theresa Peters
Theresa Peters is an (almost) life-long Alaskan. She is a writer and artist for the Crystal Inner Circle and has been studying crystals and their metaphysical and magical properties since she was a teen. Living in Alaska she has grown to appreciate the magical qualities of nature and the way the effect it has on all living things.
FootnotesIChing for Beginners - by Mark McElroy
the website witchy-tips.tumblr.com/post/116782180904/magical-uses-for-hibiscus
Https:// wiccanow.com/magickal-properties-of-hibiscus/
(Please note: Information on this website is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. All information contained on this website, including information relating to medical and health conditions, products, and treatments, is for informational purposes only. Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements, or exercise programs.)