Dandelion Meaning, Healing, and Magical Uses
Welcome to the Masters’ Grimoire of Magical Herbs page for Dandelion. Here you will learn everything you've ever wanted to know about this herb including Dandelion's magical uses, Dandelion physical healing, and emotional healing properties, plus its use in meditation, Dandelion lore and legends, and much more!
Introduction to Dandelion

Dandelion is the common name for the herb Taraxacum. It is a large genus of flowering plants of the family Asteraceae. This genus is native to Eurasia and North America but the two most common species of dandelion was introduced into North America and Europe and now propagate as wildflowers. Both species are edible, both the flower and plant.
The flower heads are yellow to orange in color and are open during the daytime and closed at night. The heads are on a single stem and is usually leafless. The stems and leaves rise from the sides of the main stem and exude white, milky latex when broken. The flowers mature into spherical seed heads called blowballs or clocks. These contain many single-seeded fruits called achenes. Each achene is attached to papas of fine hair-like material which enables wind-aided dispersal over long distances.
Dandelion is a perennial, herbaceous plant native to temperate areas of the Northern Hemisphere. Dandelion have small flowers collected together into a composite flower head. Each single flower is a head called a floret. Due to their abundance, dandelions are one of the most vital early spring nectar sources for a wide host of pollinators. Many dandelion species produce seeds asexually without pollination, resulting in offspring that are genetically identical to the parent plant.
Dandelion is completely edible, including the leaves, stems, flowers, and roots. Raw dandelion greens contain high amounts of vitamins A, C, and K and moderate amounts of calcium, potassium, iron, and manganese. Raw dandelion greens are 86% water, 95 carbohydrates, 3% protein, and 1% fat. A 100 gram amount supplies 45 calories. The raw flowers contain diverse phytochemical include polyphenols such as flavonoids apigenin, isoquerictirin, and caffein acid. The roots contain a substantial amount of prebiotic fiber inulin. Dandelion green contain lutein.
The petals of dandelion are used along with citrus to make dandelion wine. The roots after being ground can be used as a caffeine-free coffee alternative. Dandelion was also traditionally used to make a traditional British soft drink called dandelion and burdock, one of the ingredients being root beer.
Dandelion is also a source of natural rubber from the natural latex produced from its stems. Using modern cultivation methods develop in Germany, the Russian dandelion is suitable for current commercial production of natural rubber. The latex produced shows the same quality as natural rubber from rubber trees.
The common name of Dandelion is from French “dent-de-lion” meaning “lion’s tooth” and is also given to the specific members of the genus. The Latin name Taraxacum originates in medieval Arabic writings on pharmacy. The scientist Al-Razi around 900 CE wrote “the tarashaquq is like chicory” and the scientist and philosopher Ibn Sina around 1000 CE wrote a book chapter on Taraxacum.
The English name dandelion is a corruption of the French. The plant is also known as a blowball, cankerworm, doon-head-clock, witch’s gowan, milk witch, lion’s tooth, yelllow-gowan, Irish daisy, monks-head, priest’s-crown, and puff-ball. Other names include faceclock, pee-a-bed, wet-a-bed, swine’s snout, white endive, and wild endive.
In English the folk name “piss-a-bed” refers to the strong diuretic effect on the plant’s roots. In northeast Italian dialects, the plant is known as “pisacan” or “dog pisses” because they are found at the side of pavements. In Swedish it is called “maskros” meaning “worm rose” after the insects that usually thrive inside the flowers. In Finnish and Estonian the names “voikuka” and “voilill” translate as “butter flower” due to the color of the flower. In Lithuanian, it is known “piene” meaning “milky” because of the white latex that is produced when the stems are cut.
The Danish name “maelkebotte” means “milk bin” or the “the devils milk bin” and also refers to the milky latex and its ability to spread. Similarly, it is called “Maslacak” in Croatian which refers to clarified butter. The Welsh, German, Norwegian, Portuguese, and Spanish means the same as the French and English names. In Czech it is known as “pampeliska” where the “liska” part directly translates to “fox” possible due to the color. In Irish it is “caisearbhan” that derives from “curly-haired” and “oats”. In Japanese it is “Tampopo”.
The Sacred Number of Dandelion is 55.
Dandelion Magical Uses and Purposes
Accordion to the I Ching, Dandelion is useful in magical purposes for abundance. It can be used in spells and rituals to inspires abundance, making the most of the time we have, productivity, and keeping and maintaining a working schedule. It is useful in spells that make use of the good fortune that has been bestowed upon us. In other words, it is best for spells to keep the magic and positivity flowing.
Dandelion is associated with growth and transformation. To rid yourself of a bad habit, pick a dandelion puff and imbue the bad habit upon the flower by associating by voice and then blowing on it to disappear and blow it out and away.
Because dandelion can grow just about anywhere, they are also associated with strength and the ability to overcome adversity or resilience.
Healing with Dandelion
Dandelion Physical Health Benefits
Dandelion has been used in traditional medicine in Europe, North America, and China. Some people develop dandelion pollen allergies when eaten or touched. Contact dermatitis is possible after handling dandelion to some sensitive people due to the latex from the stems.
Spiritual Healing with Dandelion
Dandelion root enhances psychic abilities enabling us to more clearly connect with our spiritual side. Use the dandelion root in a tea in order to enhance any spiritual journey for the purpose of healing. And... you can use the seeds to just recapture your childlike wonder at the world too!
Notes from the Masters
Dandelion contains many of the same medicinal properties as calendula. It is a great substitution in a pinch!
Emotional Healing with Dandelion
Dandelion can be used in emotional healing as it allows for clearing the body of emotions. It clears away old anger and fear that can be stored in the liver and kidneys.
Dandelion for Chakra Healing
Dandelion is associated with the Solar Plexus. The Solar Plexus is the energy distribution center and the first of the chakras of relationships. This chakra is located between the ribcage and navel. It controls the immune system and digestive systems. When this chakra is in balance you will have the physical strength to fight off infections and be free of allergic reactions as well as use the nutrients you ingest. Spiritually, you will be free to interpret the word through your own thoughts and emotions and not live in fear of other decisions.
When it is out of balance you will have a physically low tolerance to infection, suffer form hormone disorders, and have a lower tolerance for many foods. Spiritually, you will feel fear, fear of others, and of disappointing others.
Color Energy of Dandelion
The colors energy of Dandelion is Yellow. Yellow is the color of happiness, energy, and optimism. It is a wonderful color for getting things organized in your mind.The color yellow helps us be more alert and aware. Yellow is the color of the coming sun and the warmth that it brings. It is the color of the bright days of early summer. This color brings enlightenment and knowledge. It is the color of the Summer Solstice, warm temperatures, and sustained vigor.
Angels Associated with Dandelion
Dandelion is associated with two different angels:
Tzakmaqiel, Master of the 17th Tarot Card, “The Star”
Terathel, Protector and Ruler of the dates August 2-6, Leo
Dandelion and the Goddess
Dandelion is associated with The Morrigan.
The Morrigan - The name Morrigan means Great Queen but also Phantom Queen. She is described as the consort of the Irish god Dagda. She specializes in binding magic and is often depicted as a crow. She is a shape shifter and can assist us in making important decisions.
Dandelion is also associated with the Goddess Aphrodite because of her connection with bees. It is also associated with Hecate due to the plants association with the underworld.
Dandelion Birth Herb
Dandelionis the birth herb for those born on
February 11, February 20, March 26, April 12, April 29, August 9, September 28, October 5, and December 3. If you were born on one of these dates, you might find that you have a particular attraction to Dandelion. You may feel drawn to it. Those with the birth herb of Dandelion will likely find it more powerful and intuitive to work with.
Dandelion I Ching Hexagram
Dandelion is associated with the 55th hexagram of the I Ching.
This hexagram is about Having It All.
It tells us that the empowered person sees a time of abundance and thinks of the noonday sun; warm, bright, and luxurious. However, it is also the beginning of its daily decline.
The hexagram encourages us to make hay while the sun shines and revel in our achievements. Take advantage of the supreme good fortune we have while preparing for change. Be grateful for our blessings and take action while our energy is at its most positive.
This hexagram cautions against wasting perfect opportunities and believing that a time of great luck, energy, and progress will last forever. Do not hoard the fruits of progress and refuse to deploy them for the good of all. Do not disregard all potential for change or a downturn.
Dandelion Astrological Sign
Dandelion is associated with the astrological sign of Leo. Leo is the sign for those people born between July 23 and August 22. Dandelion is a yellow like the sun and opens when the sun is out and shuts when the sun is gone, much like those born under the sign of Leo. In Moon Astrology, Dandelion is associated with the 6th Mansion of the Moon, the Mansion of the Sky.
While the moon is in the Mansion of the Sky, it is time of expression and creativity which has always been essential to our humanity. Humans have always used art to express ourselves. From early times of petroglyphs, cave paintings, and ancient sculptures, our imagination has always been a part of our world, and we should value it with our own artistic expressions As the moon transits the Mansion of the Sky, join humanity in painting your dreams on your canvas as the winds paint theirs on the canvas of the sky. You will find this energy in your uses of Dandelion.
Uses of Dandelion in Feng Shui
Dandelion is primarily associated with Earth Energy in Feng Shui.
The roots of the dandelion bring us Earth Energy. Earth energy is the Yin energy of home, roots, family, security, grounding, permanence, and tradition. Use the roots of the dandelion for security, family, and maintaining traditional values.
If you use the flowers in some manner you will be getting Fire energy from them. This is the energy of nspiration, art. self expression, free will, passion, love, and beauty. Use the flower energy of Dandelion in your feng shui practices.
Uses of Dandelion in Talismans and Amulets
Dandelion is associated with the Mansion of the Sky and can be used for talismans and amulets for the following purposes: civility, clear sight, clarity, eloquence, deal with emptiness, fairies, fashion, freedom, fulfillment, music, self-expression, stimulate imagery, talent, artistic expression, beauty, enchantment, awareness, artistic inspiration, and following your heart.
Using Dandelion in Divination
According to the “Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs” by Scott Cunningham, dandelion roots in tea are useful to aid in divination and prophetic dreaming. This is due to the roots enhancing psychic abilities.
Meditation with Dandelion
There is a special meditation called “Dandelion Meditation” that is used for times of duress. When you feel your heart begin to race and you get easily flustered and frustrated over basic things in life, take time to meditate. Imagine a dandelion, big and yellow and fluffy, than focus on imagining the dandelion slowly transforming to a fluff ball full of seeds.
Focus all your troubles and anxieties upon the puff ball and then imagine blowing the seeds away. As the seeds disappear, allow your stress and worries to go along with it. Once you are done, you should feel more relaxed and ready to take on life’s demands.
Lore and Legends of Dandelion
Dandelions are thought to have evolved about 30 million years ago in Eurasia. Fossil seeds of dandelion have been recorded from the Pliocene of souther Belarus. Dandelions have been used by humans for food and as an herb for much of recorded history.
They were well known to ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. They have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for a thousand years. The plant was used in food and medicine by Native Americans. Dandelions were probably brought to North America on the Mayflower for their medicinal benefits.
Wester tradition says that someone who blows the dandelion seedbeds out and think of a wish, their wish will come true.
Medieval lore says that if you hold a dandelion under your chin and your skin appears yellow that you will be rich one day.
Five dandelion flowers are the emblem of the White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia. The citizens celebrate spring with an annual Dandelion Festival.
The Dandelion is the official flower of the University of Rochester in New York State, and “Dandelion Yellow” is one of the school’s official colors. “The Dandelion Yellow” is an official University of Rochester song.
The ability of dandelion seeds to travel as far as a kilometer in dry, windy, and warm conditions was inspiration for the design of light-weight passive drones.
The yellow flowers have been dried and ground into yellow-pigmented powder and used as dye and is still done today.
As of May 2014, the first prototype test tires were made with blends of dandelion-rubber that are scheduled for testing on public roads over the next few years. In December 2017, Linglong Group Co. Ltd., invested in $450 million into making commercially viable rubber from dandelions.
by Theresa Peters
Theresa Peters is an (almost) life-long Alaskan. She is a writer and artist for the Crystal Inner Circle and has been studying crystals and their metaphysical and magical properties since she was a teen. Living in Alaska she has grown to appreciate the magical qualities of nature and the way the effect it has on all living things.
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