Oak Bark Meaning, Healing, and Magical Uses

Welcome to the Masters’ Grimoire of Magical Herbs page for Oak Bark. Here you will learn everything you've ever wanted to know about this herb including Oak Bark's magical uses, Oak Bark physical healing, and emotional healing properties, plus its use in meditation, Oak Bark lore and legends, and much more!
Introduction to Oak Bark

Oak Bark comes from the Oak tree which is a tree or shrub from the genus Quercus. There are approximately 500 extant species of oak. The common name of oak appears in the names of species in the related genera. The genus Quercus is native to the Northern Hemisphere. I includes deciduous and evergreen species extending from cool temperate to tropical latitudes in the Americas, Asia, Europe, and North Africa.
North America has the largest numbers of oak species. Approximately 160 species are in Mexico and 109 are endemic with about 90 in the United States. The second greatest area of oak diversity is china with about 100 species existing.
Oak have spirally arranged leaves with lobate margins in many species. Some have serrated leaves and entire leaves with smooth margins. In the deciduous species many are marcescent, meaning they do not drop dead leaves until spring. In spring, a single oak tree can produce both male flowers and small female flowers. This means that they are monoecious. The fruit is a nut called an acorn or oak nut. Each acorn contains one seed, rarely two or three. Oak Bark is rich in tannin and is used by tanners for tanning leather.
The sacred number for Oak Bark is 65.
The Quercus species have been reported from Late Cretaceous deposits in North America and East Asia. It was concluded that pre-Paleogen and maybe pre-Eocene occurrences of Quercus macro remains are represented by poorly preserved fossils. The older records of Oak in North America from Oregon, dating to Middle Eocene, around 44 million years ago. The older records are from Asia from the Middle of the Eocene of Japan.
Oaks are a keystone species in a wide range of habitats. Oak trees are important components of hardwood forests and certain species are known to grow in associations with members of Ericaceae in oak-health forests. A number of kinds of truffles are known to have symbiotic relationship with oak trees. Also many mushrooms rely on oaks to grow. Many species are under threat of extinction due to land use changes, livestock grazing, and unsustainable harvesting of the oak species.
Oak Bark Magical Uses and Purposes
Oak Bark, particularly White Oak Bark has been used in magic for purification, removing negative energy and misfortune. It is also used to bring money, success, strength, fertility, stability, health, healing, potency, protection, and good luck. White Oak bark in your bath will cleanse the body and spirit. For a Lust and Strength Tea, mix 3 parts White Oak Bark, 1 part Mint, 1 part Orange Peel, with a piece of nutmeg and cinnamon. For a Removing Negativity Incense, burn White Oak Bark, Mistletoe, Rue and Wahoo Bark and use the smoke to cleans your body and space.
Oak Bark can be used in magical purposes for many things. Here are some of the key items: dealing with abandonment, belonging, comfort, communication, companionship, compatibility, overcoming conflict, contentment, dealing with detachment, emotional calm, emotional strength, emotional support, engagement, enhancing listening skills, family, fire energy, working well in a group, health, home, dealing with being homesick, hospitality, listening, material comforts, mothering, praise, reconciliation, recreation, redemption, relaxation, renewal, rest, establishing roots, safe place, security, sense of belonging, dealing with separation, sharing, spouse, thinking critically, clear thinking, togetherness, understanding, unity, warmth, community, dedication, nurturing, diversity, domestic bliss, empathy, family life, forgiveness, friendship, manners, marriage, abundance, enjoyment, merriment, better life, and harmony.
Healing with Oak Bark
Oak Bark Physical Health Benefits
Oak bark has had an important use in physical healing throughout history. It was used extensively in medicine as an antiseptic and hemostatic. It was also used to cure toothache and gastropathies. In addition to this, it was used as a pacifying agent in inflammation and as a healing agent for burns.
It has also recognized to have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antihemorrhagic activities. It has been suggested for treatment of patients with high levels of blood sugar and also the treatment of a sore throat. Studies have also shown that the outer bark of oak exhibited notable activities against Toxolplasma gondii parasite.
Spiritual Healing with Oak Bark
Oak Bark brings spiritual healing by soothing the body and spirit. It allows you to feel calm while exploring your spirituality and providing protection for spiritual journeys. The purification powers of Oak Bark when burnt are also beneficial for spiritual healing
Emotional Healing with Oak Bark
Oak Bark is beneficial for emotional healing for the soothing energies it provides. This allows you to feel serene when your emotions become chaotic. It’s powers of protection and purification also aid in calming the rage inside and allowing you to heal emotionally with whatever conflict you are experiencing.
Oak Bark for Chakra Healing
Oak Bark is associated with the Root Chakra.
The Root chakra is the first chakra and also sometimes known as the Base Chakra. It is located at the base of the spine and controls the kinesthetic energy for feeling and movement. It is the foundation of physical energy and spiritual energy for the body. When it is blocked or out of balance physical symptoms will arise in the form of lethargy, depression, and low activity and enthusiasm.
Color Energy of Oak Bark
Oak Bark is associated with the color Brown and its energy.
Brown is a comfortable color and can represent home and hearth and nature. It is the color of the surface of the earth and the color of grounding and connection. It brings relaxation and the feeling of being “on the ground” and at rest. It is a color of retreat and is restful. It is the most common color on Earth and most animals are brown in some parts.
Brown is the color to turn to when things are up in the air and excitement takes over. When you need to settle down, regroup, or revitalize, brown talismans are best.
Angels Associated with Oak Bark
Oak Bark is associated with the following angels.
Imamiah, the Protector and Rule of the dates December 8-12 and Sagittarius.
Lecabel, the Protector and Ruler of the dates August 23-28 and Virgo.
Oak Bark and the Goddess
Dryads are associated with oak trees as they are the goddesses of trees. The dryads were nymphs of the trees and groves, woodlands, and mountain forests. They were spirits of the oaks.
The Gods Zeus, Jupiter, Dagda, Perun, and Thor are associated with oak trees. These gods are also associated with thunder and lighting. Oak trees are known for being more susceptible to lighting strikes. This is because of the trees high water content and their height.
Oak Bark Birth Herb
Oak Bark is the birth herb for those born on
January 16, January 24, February 3, February 17, and Aug 29th.
If you were born on one of these dates, you might find that you have a particular attraction to Oak Bark. You may feel drawn to it. Those with the birth herb of Oak Bark will likely find it more powerful and intuitive to work with.
Oak Bark I Ching Hexagram
Oak Bark is associated with the first hexagram of the I Ching.
This hexagram tells us that just as the sky changes constantly, an empowered person always works to become stronger. Its keywords are; decisive action, overwhelming strength, forceful motion, dynamic creativity, and making a difference.
This hexagram encourages us to taking decisive action, the appropriate action at the best possible time as a means of aligning ourselves with the best possible future. It encourages us to set priorities and start focusing on the completion of fewer goals and to be persistent. It also encourages us to enhance our success by involving others.
It cautions us against charging ahead, wielding blind force, and pursuing your goals to the disadvantage of others. It also cautions us against squandering energy by trying to do everything at once and being offensively forceful.
Oak Bark Astrological Sign
Oak Bark is associated with the astrological sign Gemini.
This is because the Oak Tree is the birth tree for those born between the dates June 10 and July 7th in the Celtic astrological signs.
The sign of Gemini is often playful and curious. Those born under this sign have a variety of passions, hobbies, careers, and friend groups. They are social butterflies and are quick-witted. They can talk to anyone about anything.
Oak Bark is associated with the 2nd Mansion of the Moon, the Mansion of the Hearth.
Uses of Oak Bark in Feng Shui
Oak Bark is associated with the Wood Element in Feng Shui.
The bark of the Oak tree brings us wood energy. Wood element energy is the creative energy of motivation, personal growth, and renewal. Like the time of the new moon and the Winter Solstice, wood energy is new beginnings, hope, and rebirth. Use the bark of the Oak tree when you the energy of the Wood Element.
Uses of Oak Bark in Talismans and Amulets
Talismans and amulets made of Oak Bark can provide help for the following items: dealing with abandonment, belonging, comfort, communication, companionship, compatibility, overcoming conflict, contentment, dealing with detachment, emotional calm, emotional strength, emotional support, engagement, enhancing listening skills, family, fire energy, working well in a group, health, home, dealing with being homesick, hospitality, listening, material comforts, mothering, praise, reconciliation, recreation, redemption, relaxation, renewal, rest, establishing roots, safe place, security, sense of belonging, dealing with separation, sharing, spouse, thinking critically, clear thinking, togetherness, understanding, unity, warmth, community, dedication, nurturing, diversity, domestic bliss, empathy, family life, forgiveness, friendship, manners, marriage, abundance, enjoyment, merriment, better life, and harmony.
Using Oak Bark in Divination
Oak Bark from the White Oak tree was sacred to the druids.
To use Oak Bark for divination, simply burn the bark as an incense when you are ready to do divination work. The smoke of the burning bark will aid you in your practice and bring you the scared power and energy of the ancient druids.
Meditation with Oak Bark
Oak Bark when burns as incense can be calming and allow for the needed state of mind for meditation. The powers of Oak Bark can also provide protection from mental and psychic attack and distractions while meditating.
Lore and Legends of Oak Bark
Oak trees have always been held in high esteem in many major cultures of Europe. In the civilizations of the Greeks, Romans, Celts, Slavs, and Teutonic tribes, the oak tree was one of the most venerated trees of their culture.
Druids frequently worshipped and practiced rituals in the oak groves. The word Druid is derived from the Celtic word meaning “knower of the oak.” The Gaelic word for oak is darach.
Mistletoe is frequently grown on oak tees and one of the most potent plants in Druidic use.
Ancient kings presented themselves as representations of the gods associated with oak trees. They took responsibility for success in battle and the fertility of the land. They wore crowns of oak leaves as a symbol of the god they represented.
Roman commanders were presented with crowns of oak leaves during victory parades. Oak leaves have continued to e a symbol of military prowess.
Oak was favored for his its strength and durability. The bark was valued by the leather tanning industry as it contains a lot of tannin. During the Industrial Revolution large amounts were sent from northwest Scotland to Glasgow for this purpose.
Oak Bark also yields a brown dyed and oak galls gave the strong black dye from which ink was made.
A tonic derived from boiling oak bark was used to treat hardness sores on horses.
The Topless Oaks of Leicestershire were said to have been pollarded as as sign of mourning. This was due to the beheading of Lady Jane Grey in 1554. After the battle of Worcester in 1651, King Charles II hid from the Roundheads in a large oak at Boscobel. In 1660 he instigated the 29th of May as the Royal Oak Day to celebrate the restoration of the monarchy.
Oak is part of the clan badge of the Royal Clan of Stewart.
by Theresa Peters
Theresa Peters is an (almost) life-long Alaskan. She is a writer and artist for the Crystal Inner Circle and has been studying crystals and their metaphysical and magical properties since she was a teen. Living in Alaska she has grown to appreciate the magical qualities of nature and the way the effect it has on all living things.
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