Lunar Mansion 2: The Mansion of the Hearth



When the Moon transits the Mansion of the Hearth  each month it  a time for  gathering family and friends, , eating, and warmth. It is a time each month to provide sustenance to others with love. This is the Mansion of Evening. As the Moon transits this mansion, the energy is that of family, friends, and feasting. The time of the fire element is one for sharing the glowing health and fervor for life with others, particularly those in need.

(The Mansions of the Moon are the 28 divisions of the zodiac visited by the moon in its 28-day orbit of the Earth. Each area of the Zodiac has a special energy.  As the Moon travels the Zodiac it amplifies and focuses that energy.  If you want to track the Moon and understand its effects on your spirit and life - get your Daily Crystal Horoscope kit. You can also check out the Crystal Inner Circle's daily Moon Travel blog.)

Those born while the Moon is in the Mansion of the Hearth are the masters of sustaining life with the nourishing energy of fire (See: What Mansion were you born in?). The power of those born while the moon is in the Mansion of the Hearth holds the power of nourishing both bodies and spirits with the fires of sustenance. While fire can destroy and do so without mercy, so can it provide the food we need from the gifts of the earth.

When the Moon transits this Mansion, take the time to enjoy the benefits of good food, and good company as a fire burns nearby cooking the soon-to-be-eaten meal. Light a cooking fire today, a fire of giving to others. It can be in your heart, it can be in the heart of another. This is a day to give food and drink. To share the bounty of the earth blessed by the cooking fires of life. Go with the flow…. call your mother, visit your grandparents, take a child to the park. Cook supper for everyone. Have a barbecue. This is a time of reconciliation too. The evening meal near the fire is the time for families to work out issues and come together.

As the Moon transits the Mansion of the Hearth it brings the cosmic and crystal energy needed for such uses as:

Dealing  with Abandonment, Finding more Belonging, Seeking Comfort, Better Communication, Finding Companionship, Discovering Compatibility, Overcoming Conflict, Being more Contented,  Dealing  with Detachment, Finding Emotional Calm, Gaining Emotional Strength, Finding Emotional support, Better Engagement, Enhancing listening skills, Bringing Family Together, Using Fire Energy, Get a Group Working Together, Better Health, Happy Home, Dealing  with Homesickness, Enhancing Hospitality, Getting more Laughter in Life, Better Listening, Material comfort, Better Mothering, Gaining Praise, Finding Reconciliation, Recreation, Redemption, Relaxation, Renewal, Rest, Establish Roots, Safe place, Better Security, Sense of belonging,  Dealing  with Separation, Be better at Sharing, Thinking Critically, Clearer Thinking, Finding Togetherness, Gaining Understanding, Developing Unity, Finding Warmth, Better Community, Being more Dedicated, Being more Nurturing, Enhancing  Diversity, Enjoying Domestic Bliss, Finding Empathy, Better Family life, Seeking Forgiveness, Finding new Friendships, Having Better Manners, Better Marriage, Seeking Abundance, Finding Enjoyment, Being more Merry, Finding Better life, and Living in Harmony.


Mansion of the Hearth Products



Mansion of the Hearth Elixir

This elixir is made of Almandine Garnet, Green Aventurine, Lapis Lazuli, Carnelian and Clear Quartz. It is formulated for the energy of family gatherings and harmony. It is a Fire Element elixir that is for use when sharing the fervor for life with others, particularly family. Shop Now >>




Mansion of the Hearth Crystal Kit

This crystal kit has been specially designed by our Certified Crystal Alchemist to bring you the energies of the Mansion of the Hearth to your life. It is primarily used each month as the Moon visits the 2nd Mansion of the Moon, the Mansion of the Hearth. It contains a set of Almandine Garnet, Green Aventurine, Lapis Lazuli, Carnelian and Clear Quartz Stones. Shop Now >>


Mansion of the Hearth Blessing Grid-0

Mansion of the Hearth Blessing Crystal Grid

Set up the Blessing Grid of The Mansion of Hearth to provide sustenance to others with love. The crystal and stones amplify and empower the Blessing bringing it to you and your home. It is primarily used each month as the Moon visits the 2nd Mansion of the Moon. The Focus stone is Clear Quartz. Way stones are Moss Agate and the Desire stones are Red Jasper. Shop Now >>


Almandine Garnet


The crystal of the Second Mansion is the Almandine garnet. The Almandine garnet brings the brown color ray of stones and bricks of which many hearths are made and the red orange glow of the cooking fire. When the Moon transits the Second Mansion, keep a small garnet near your hearth or fireplace. By using Almandine Garnet while meditating, you can make this connection and discover the power of the Mansion of the Hearth. Shop Now >>


Learn more…. Here are a few blogs from the Crystal Inner Circle that can help you use the energy of the Moon when it transits the Second Mansion of the Moon, the Mansion of the Hearth. Learn more and join today…

Mansion of the Hearth: Mansion of Connection and Family

Using Foxglove in the Mansion of the Hearth

Using Aloe Vera in the Mansion of the Hearth

The Lovers Tarot Card in the Mansion of the Hearth

Using Hawthorne in the Mansion of the Hearth

Using the Four of Wands with the Lunar Mansion of the Hearth

Born in the Mansion of the Hearth? – this tea is for you

If you would like to learn much more about the Mansions of the Moon and your special one, join us in the Crystal Inner Circle where we explore all the Mansions and the crystal energy they bring to our lives. Learn more here.