Lunar Mansion 16 - The Mansion of Wings

Wings harness the magic of flight, of aspiration to the greatest heights of accomplishment whether of the physical or the spiritual world. The Mansion of Wings is a mansion of power, rulership, dominion, and a kind of magic - flight - that is to be respected. The power to soar above the Earth, to dominate the Air, to harness Fire for propulsion, and to glory in conquering the Waters of the Oceans all comes from the wonders of flight made possible by wings.
When the Moon transits this Mansion, it is time to soar. Do what you do, but at this time do it as well as possible. Excel during this time. Fly to new heights in whatever you do. You are a baker? Make your finest cake today. Do you teach 3rd grade? Make it the best day your students ever experience. Serve food in a cafeteria? Make every customer glow with the memory of the amazing service they got today. Use your wings today and climb to new heights on the currents of air that are all around you.
(The Mansions of the Moon are the 28 divisions of the zodiac visited by the moon in its 28-day orbit of the Earth. Each area of the Zodiac has a special energy. As the Moon travels the Zodiac it amplifies and focuses that energy. If you want to track the Moon and understand its effects on your spirit and life - get your Daily Crystal Horoscope kit. You can also check out the Crystal Inner Circle's daily Moon Travel blog.)
Those born while the Moon is in the Mansion of Wings are those that soar to new heights in their professions (See: What Mansion were you born in?). They are the leaders, the rulers, the makers of rules. They are the ones that pay their dues, learn their trades then soar on the wings of accomplishment to the lofty heights. They are not any more gifted than others, they are more accomplished. They fly on the wings of their work, their dedication, their endurance, their will, and their spirit.
Mansion of Wings Products
Mansion of Wings Elixir
This elixir is made of Fluorite, Howlite, Silver Topaz, Amethyst, and Clear Quartz. It is formulated to harness the magic of flight, of aspiration to the greatest heights of accomplishment whether of the physical or the spiritual world. It brings power, rulership, dominion, and a kind of magic. Shop Now >>
Mansion of Wings Crystal Kit
This crystal kit has been specially designed by our Certified Crystal Alchemist to bring you the energies of the Mansion of Wings to your life. It is primarily used each month as the Moon visits the 15th Mansion of the Moon. It contains a set of Fluorite, Howlite, Silver Topaz, Amethyst, and Clear Quartz Stones. Shop Now >>
The crystal of the Mansion of Wings is Flourite. Known as the “Genius Stone,” Fluorite represents the highest state of mental achievement, boosting aptitude and discernment, the absorption of new information, and helping one work through complex issues. Expanding the consciousness, it advances the mind to greater mental, spiritual, and psychic awareness. It stirs creativity and provides a limitless range of avenues for exploration. It allows for soaring to new levels of accomplishment. Shop Now >>