Reiki the Universal Life Force

Photo by Ale Romo Photography on Unsplash

“In the deeper reality beyond space and time, Our sorrow and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion” – Buddha There is a nonphysical ubiquitous energy that gives life to every living organism. For many thousands of years, we have known of this energy and have sought to develop ways to harness…

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Crystals for Meditation

  Crystals For Meditation   Meditation is often a little understood and even less practiced act of complete calming, understanding, and relaxation. We believe the reason most people do not meditate is because they either do not know how or cannot seem to achieve the deep meditative state they seek. In today’s busy and often…

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Crystals for Joy

Crystals For Joy   Joy is one of the fundamental feelings of life. Without having joy in our lives the world can look grey, unappealing, and lonely. At times joy can be displaced in our life due circumstances or events. Other times there is no catalyst and we have just felt the joy slip from…

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Crystals for Dealing with Anxiety

Crystals for Anxiety Overcome Your Anxiety with Crystals Feelings of anxiety vary, as does the cause. They can be triggered by short-term situations such as an important meeting, a doctor’s appointment, or an upcoming trip. They can also long-term and triggered by stress, unhappiness with a part of your life, or a fear of change.…

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