Basics of Crystal Massage

    Welcome to the second part of our Crystal Massage on-line guide. (If you want to start at the beginning, click here) This is a beginning lesson for crystal wand massage. In it we will show you how to hold a wand, how to move the wands and how to give your first crystal wand…

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Answers to your Questions

Photo by Sara Johnston on Unsplash

We asked you on what questions you had about crystals. We’ve picked out several to address in this email but we will be answering more soon! Do you have a question you want to ask our crystal experts? Click here to send it in. What is the difference between Onyx and Sardonyx? Can they be used…

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Have you ever wanted to travel anywhere or visit anyone?

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

We use crystals for astral travel. Astral travel is the word used to depict an out-of-body experience. It is where your light spirit travels outside of your physical body into the astral plane. During the experience, your light spirit does remain “attached” to the body, but it is able to explore the universe. Most often…

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Reiki the Universal Life Force

Photo by Ale Romo Photography on Unsplash

“In the deeper reality beyond space and time, Our sorrow and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion” – Buddha There is a nonphysical ubiquitous energy that gives life to every living organism. For many thousands of years, we have known of this energy and have sought to develop ways to harness…

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How to Use Shungite Plus its Many Healing Benefits

Quick History of Shungite Shungite was formed billions of years ago in the Paleoproterozoic Era. It is only found one place in the world, Russia, where it extends over a vast 3,000+ square mile area. It was first described from an ancient deposit near Shunga village, in Karelia, Russia, from where it gets its name.…

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Crystals for a Positive Outlook

      Life has its ups and downs. Even positive people can have problems with having a positive outlook all the time. It’s even harder for people who may view the glass as half empty but would like to be more positive. We may be approaching a large problem in our life and we…

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Crystals for Astral Travel

Crystals for Astral Travel Traveling the Astral Plane with Crystals Astral Travel is one of life’s greatest gifts and an even greater mystery. What exactly is astral travel, you ask? Astral travel has been practiced throughout history. Astral travel is an interpretation of an out-of-body experience that assumes the existence of an “astral body”; separate…

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Crystals for Letting Go of the Past

  Crystals For Letting Go of the Past   Letting go of our past can be one of the hardest challenges that we ever face. While many of us learn to move on from our past, it still lingers in the back of our minds. This could be a bad relationship, a poor childhood, abuse,…

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