Chakra Balance Spell Candle

More About Crystals, Scent, & Herbs

Red Jasper. Red Jasper is associated with the Root Chakra. It is located at the base of the spine and controls the energy for kinesthetic feeling and movement. Red Jasper is known as the Stone of Endurance, a gentle but vital stimulator of chi, or Life Force, bringing physical strength and energy, stamina, focus, and determination.

Carnelian. Carnelian is associated with the Sacral Chakra. It is located below the navel and above the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis. It controls the flow of energy and is the center of gravity of the body. Carnelian is a crystal of action, overcoming procrastination or indecision. It encourages one to stop waiting for dreams to appear and stimulates the courage to embrace change and Divine Will to begin to make one’s highest goals happen.

Citrine. Citrine is associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra. It is the energy distribution center and the chakra of relationships. This chakra is located between the rib cage and navel and controls the immune and digestive systems. Citrine’s frequency awakens creativity and imagination and sustains the process of transforming dreams and wishes into tangible forms. With its pure yellow energy, Citrine encourages the fullness of life, fresh beginnings, and new pursuits.

Amazonite. Amazonite is associated with the Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra, located near the center of the breastbone, regulates our interaction with the external world and controls what we embrace and what we resist. Amazonite helps us understand our own needs and emotions clearly. We can deal with the ebbs and flows of emotional relationships, understand their cyclic nature, and accept the changes.
Blue Lace Agate. Blue Lace Agate is associated with the Throat Chakra. The Throat Chakra is the body’s voice, a pressure valve that allows the energy from the other chakras to be expressed. Blue Lace Agate is a stone of communication, helping those who have difficulty being heard by others or who need confidence and articulation to share their truths. It provides clarity of thought and unwavering intent regarding what matters most.
Lapis Lazuli. Lapis Lazuli is associated with the Third Eye Chakra. The Third Eye chakra is our true inner self, our consciousness. It is the center of perception and command and directs our sight and everyday awareness of the world. Lapis Lazuli is a powerful crystal for activating the higher mind and enhancing intellectual ability. It stimulates the desire for knowledge, truth, and understanding and aids the process of learning. It is excellent for enhancing memory.
Amethyst. Amethyst is associated with the Crown Chakra. The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head and is our gateway to the expanded universe beyond our bodies. It controls how we think and how we respond to the world around us. Amethyst’s ability to expand the higher mind also enhances one’s creativity and passion. It strengthens the imagination and intuition and refines the thinking processes. It helps to assimilate new ideas, puts thought into action, and brings projects to fruition. Amethyst is also well-known as a talisman of focus and success.

Bergamot Scent provides a refreshing and soothing scent with purifying and cleaning effects.

Chamomile is well known for its calming and stress-reducing abilities. It is commonly used for purification and protection. It provides a sense of calm and peace.

Lavender is a staple in natural healing, promoting calm, relaxation and reducing stress. It promotes mental clarity, emotional balance, and thoughtful, assertive communication while also helping reduce mood swings, insomnia, and depression.

More About Candles

Spell candles are combinations of vibratory essences and aromatherapy that work on a deep level and are very powerful. They affect the physical and etheric levels to shift and raise your vibration, to energetically release that which is not of your highest good, to heal certain issues, rebalance you, and awaken your spiritual gifts and abilities. Their effects can be subtle or very intense. This depends on you and your chemistry. Experiment with them to see what works best for you! As everyone is different, no claims are made on what exact effect the candle will have on each individual. Please note that this candle is not a substitute for medical treatment, nor is it a medicine.

Do not leave candles unattended while burning. Keep out of reach of children. It is not recommended to burn the candle for more than 4 hours at a time. Keep away from things that catch fire. Never touch or move a hot candle. Be sure to trim the wick before use.
There are some aesthetic differences in soy wax; cosmetic frosting may occur. Frosting in soy wax candles is a natural byproduct of natural wax and in no way affects the burn ability or fragrance of the candle. It may occur on your candle’s surface due to extreme temperature changes. After lighting your candle is where you would most commonly see frosting occur due to the temperature difference between the room and the candle.

Since soy wax is natural, it dries much rougher than paraffin or mixed wax. We strived to make the candles as aesthetically pleasing as possible. However, there will always be some sort of small flaw. It’s worth noting, though, that frosting is a sign of purity, meaning that the candle is 100% soy with no other additives.

Aromatherapy is not meant to fragrance your home. However, you will find that this candle will fill a small area with an aroma.

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Amethyst, Rose Quartz, and Quartz Bracelet

Quick Healing Overview: ​Called the “all-healer”, Amethyst is one of the most effective crystals for healing people, plants, and animals. Amethyst is especially supportive of the emotional body, bringing those who are overworked, overstressed, or overwhelmed back to their center. It eases the mental anxieties that lead to physical tension and headaches and is a great crystal to calm those who tend to be hot-headed and easily angered.

Birthstone & Zodiac Uses: Amethyst is one of the natural birthstones of people born in late Autumn, from November 21st through December 20th. Amethyst is also the traditional birthstone of those born in February. Amethyst is the zodiac stone for those born under the sign of Pisces (February 19 to March 20), as well. If you were born at this time of the year, try wearing an Amethyst and see if you seem to feel much better about yourself

Uses in Meditation: Amethyst is one of the best crystals for meditation. The amethyst color stimulates the highest vibration of the Third Eye and placing an Amethyst stone directly over this area ushers in a serene meditative state that stills conscious thought and guides the mind toward deeper understanding.

For Chakra Balancing: Amethyst carries a high, sweet energy, particularly stimulating to the Third Eye, Crown, and Etheric Chakras. Meditation with Amethyst can work wonders to clear any blockages and balance both the Third Eye and Crown Chakras. They are also associated with the Higher Crown, Soul Star, and Stellar Gateway Chakras.

Crystal Color Energy: Amethyst embodies the red-violet ray that connects both time and color, of beginnings and endings, as the old year wanes and the new is about to arrive. It tempers the fiery red ray with the intuition of the violet ray, bringing passion and imagination, emotion and logic. It stimulates creativity and is particularly helpful in artistic endeavors.

Associated Goddesses: Amethyst honors Artemis, the Greek Goddess of the Hunt and Childbirth. She represents the love of the mountains and the forests where she chooses to spend her life. Her comfort is sought by women in labor. Amethyst also honors Diana, the Roman Goddess of the Moon, and Protector of Animals.

Feng Shui Uses: Amethyst has Fire Energy. Fire energy is the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination, and activity. It is the energy of heat, action, emotion, and passion – of ideas, concepts, and sex. Fire Energy is traditionally associated with the south area of a home or room, and with the fame and reputation area of your dwelling. Use its energy to give your life the boost it needs to enhance your standing in the community and within your family.

Uses in Divination: The Divinatory meaning of Amethyst is… I do not need to reward myself with any excesses of any kind to feel good. However, dreaming of Amethyst signifies freedom from harm.

Talisman Energy: Amethyst a Seeker Transformer Crystal. Seeker Transformers are talismans used when the desire is to find a way to transform a part of one’s life into a more desirable state. The transformative powers of these stones and crystals are legendary. The Seekers are powerful, numerous, and very useful crystals that will help you be successful in starting a new effort. The Seeker crystals help you to discover new opportunities and to achieve new goals.

What Other Crystal Authors Think: Amethyst is covered extensively in every crystal book. It has often been used as a balance and tranquility stone. Many practitioners use report success using amethyst to promote and enhance one’s spiritual wisdom. Some report it as very effective in helping restore memories. It is used to align the crown chakra and is a crystal of the Third Eye. You will find it to be the “Soul Stone” and a source of peace in a complex world. It has deep connections with the Angelic Realm. It is particularly associated with the Angel Michael.

In ancient times it was used to make goblets that would prevent drunkenness. It is used in Eastern areas of worship to create a calm environment. Amethyst is a stone of chastity. It is also the stone of Thursday; it is “Thor’s Stone.”

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African Blue Kyanite Spiral Wrapped Pendant

  • Barrier strengthenerKyanite is a Barrier Strengthener Crystal. Barrier Crystals are rather rare and powerful. With the inner form of a trapezium, a structure with no right angles, a triclinic crystalline structure gives a crystal strength in all directions allowing it to providing barriers to attack from all directions simultaneously. These Barrier crystals are very effective amulets for defending yourself from the misfortunes of this world.It can be a dangerous world. Disease, war, famine, heartbreak, accidents, and misfortunes of all kinds can await us. Ships founder, cars crash, the flu spreads. The Barrier crystals are useful when you want to protect yourself from such misadventures. They can aid you in your efforts to prevent mishaps and keep away from harm. The minerals that form in the triclinic, Barrier crystal structure are the true protection crystals.
  • Kyanite, with its blue color is one of the true birthstones of those born as the world awaits the vernal equinox and spring (February 19–March 19). This is a time when new life is about to burst forth, a time of faith and trust.
  • Kyanite is associated with the Throat Chakra. The throat chakra is the voice of the body. It is a pressure valve that allows the energy from the other chakra to be expressed. If it is out of balance or blocked it can affect the health of the other chakras.When it is in balance we can express what we think and what we feel. We can communicate our ideas, beliefs, and emotions. When the throat chakra is in balance and open, we can bring our personal truth out into the world.
  • Kyanite brings us Water Energy. Water energy is traditionally associated with the North area of a home or room. It is associated with the Career and Life Path area. Its flowing energy will assure a balance of energy as your life unfolds and flows. To keep your life moving forward towards your goals use the water elements energy. (In some modern feng shui approaches Blue is associated with Earth Energy, see Feng Shui explanation page.)
  • Kyanite is used as a meditation crystal when your are striving to give up a bad habit, or break a cycle of destructive behavior. It will focus the Universal Life Force on your efforts to be strong and resist the temptation that has caused you harm.
  • Melody reports that Kyanite is a key meditation stone. It will get you into a meditative state when no other crystal is helping. It is also reported to aid in the recall of dreams. The Encyclopedia of Crystals also notes the power of Kyanite to aid in meditation.
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Satin Spar Selenite 7 Chakra Charging Plate Kit

Charging Crystals with the Selenite Plate

Place the Selenite plate out into the sunlight for 4 hours or under the moonlight for 8 hours. You can then place your chakra crystals on the Selenite plate to charge before using them. The charge should last up to one month if you use your chakra crystals weekly.

How to Use this Chakra Set

The best way to use these crystals is to lay down and place each crystal over its corresponding chakra. Anywhere from 5-15 minutes will be enough to clear and balance your chakras. You should feel when you are ready to get up. We recommend doing this at least once a week or whenever you are feeling blocked and out of balance.

More About the Crystals Included in This Set

Red Jade. Red Jade is associated with the Root Chakra. It is located at the base of the spine and controls the energy for kinesthetic feeling and movement.

Carnelian. Carnelian is associated with the Sacral Chakra. It is located below the navel and above the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis. It controls the flow of energy and is the center of gravity of the body. Carnelian is a crystal of action, overcoming procrastination or indecision. It encourages one to stop waiting for dreams to appear and stimulates the courage to embrace change and Divine Will to begin to make one’s highest goals happen.

Citrine. Citrine is associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra. It is the energy distribution center and the chakra of relationships. This chakra is located between the rib cage and navel and controls the immune and digestive systems. Citrine’s frequency awakens creativity and imagination and sustains the process of transforming dreams and wishes into tangible forms. With its pure yellow energy, Citrine encourages the fullness of life, fresh beginnings, and new pursuits.

Malachite. Malachite is associated with the Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra, located near the center of the breastbone, regulates our interaction with the external world and controls what we embrace and resist. Malachite is a talisman of growth and transformation. It is a stone of the heart used to resolve issues centered there.

Blue Lace Agate. Blue Lace Agate is associated with the Throat Chakra. The Throat Chakra is the body’s voice, a pressure valve that allows the energy from the other chakras to be expressed. Blue Lace Agate is a stone of communication, helping those who have difficulty being heard by others or who need confidence and articulation to share their truths. It provides clarity of thought and unwavering intent regarding what matters most.

Sodalite. Sodalite is associated with the Third Eye Chakra. The Third Eye chakra is our true inner self, our consciousness. It is the center of perception and command and directs our sight and everyday awareness of the world. Sodalite increases consciousness, idealism, and striving for the truth and eliminates guilt and fears better than any other stone. It helps one own and verbalize one’s true feelings and stand up for oneself.

Amethyst. Amethyst is associated with the Crown Chakra. The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head and is our gateway to the expanded universe beyond our bodies. It controls how we think and respond to the world around us. Amethyst’s ability to expand the higher mind also enhances one’s creativity and passion. It strengthens the imagination and intuition and refines the thinking processes. It helps to assimilate new ideas, puts thought into action, and brings projects to fruition. Amethyst is also well-known as a talisman of focus and success.

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Light Yellow Jade Meowth

Quick Healing Overview: Jade is said to bless whatever it touches, serving mankind across the globe for nearly 6,000 years. An amulet of good luck and friendship, Jade signifies wisdom gathered in tranquility, dispelling the negative and encouraging one to see oneself as they really are.

Birthstone & Zodiac Uses: Jade is not a traditional birthstone. Yellow Jade is associated with the zodiac sign Virgo, from August 23 – September 22. It is one of the natural birthstones of those born at the beginning of summer (June 21–July 21).

Uses in Meditation: Yellow Jade enhances self-love and self-care, which is beneficial for meditation.

For Chakra Balancing: Yellow Jade, with its yellow Color Ray of Influence, is associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra. This chakra is located between the ribcage and navel. The Solar Plexus is the energy distribution center, the first of the chakras of relationships.

Crystal Color Energy: Yellow Jade contains yellow color energy. The yellow color ray is happy, energetic, and optimistic. It is also wonderful for getting things organized around you and in your mind. Yellow crystals can help you communicate better with others while becoming more alert and aware.

Associated Goddesses: Jade is used in honoring several Goddesses. Use it to pay respects to Bona Dea, the Roman Earth Goddess of Fertility; Brigit, the Irish Goddess of Fertility; Chalchiuhtlicue, Aztec Goddess of Lakes and Streams; Coatlicue, the Aztec Goddess of Life, Death and Rebirth; Dione, the Phoenician Earth Goddess; Hine-Nui-Te-Po, the Polynesian Goddess of the Night; Kuan-Yin, the Chinese Goddess of Mercy; and Maat, the Egyptian Goddess of Justice.

Feng Shui Uses: Yellow Jade has fire energy but is generally used in the center of a home or room to bring cheerfulness, light, and energy to the entire space. Yellow is the color of the middle of the year, the middle of space, the sun, and light energy. Use citrine in the center of a space to energize and vitalize it.

Uses in Divination: The Divinatory meaning of Jade: By acting unselfishly now, you are storing goodwill for yourself in the future. Any personal inconvenience will almost immediately be more than compensated for.

Talisman Energy: Jade is a Guardian Harmonizer talisman. The Guardian talismans do not reveal their inner strength. Harmonizers called the chain, and band silicates bind together in a long chain, distributing energy in a balanced, long-term way. They encourage efforts to smooth a path through difficulties, promoting harmonious relationships within a larger group, like family, and a peaceful acceptance of life’s inherent situations.

What Other Crystal Authors Think: Charms of Light says although tranquil, Yellow Jade is energizing and exciting. It makes people happy and joyful. teaches about the interdependence of all living things. The body’s digestive and excretory systems benefit from yellow Jade.

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Time to Slay Attuned Limited Edition Crystal Elixir

Time to Slay crystal elixir

More About the Time to Slay Crystal Elixir

Carrying around 5 crystals can be challenging but using a crystal elixir to take advantage of all of their healing power is easy! The Time to Slay Crystal Elixir will make sure you’re ready to face the day and any challenges it may bring. It will also help you feel more confident and in control of your destiny.

Size: 1 oz (30ml) bottle containing approximately 600 drops.

Ingredients: Pure Spring Water and the Attuned Essences of Citrine, Red Jasper, Carnelian, Amethyst, and Black Tourmaline.

More About Crystal Elixirs

Our Crystal Elixirs are made by our Certified Crystal Alchemists using the guidance of the Crystal Alchemist Handbook. Each crystal essence is made from special Reiki “Water Dia Ko Mio” attuned master crystals.

The attunement by our Reiki Masters draws on the Reiki energy of the Universe and the power of the cosmic energy to attune the crystalline core matrix of the crystals to the energy of flowing love.

This attunement aligns and focuses the crystal’s energy to potentialize loving reiki energy into water helping to shape and enhance the transfer of crystal energy into the water forming a powerful crystal essence. Crystal elixirs are then created by blending the essence and healing power of two or more crystals.

Using Crystal Elixirs

In the concentrated form found in this bottle, a daily dose of 4-6 drops is all that is needed. You can apply it directly from the bottle to one or more charka points. You may also just rub a couple of drops onto each wrist. Another favorite is to rub some elixir on tumbled stones or jewerly.

The mixture can be used in aromatherapy by adding about four drops to a locket pad or tabletop diffuser. It can also be used in any type of bath and body product. Add 6+ drops to a bath or add a few drops to shampoo or lotion.

Each use should be accompanied by a clear intention to be aligned with the Universal Intent and to have it aligned with your needs of the day. For added potency, speak a positive affirmation while using any crystal elixir.

How Crystal Elixirs Work

Crystal elixirs are combinations of vibratory crystal essences that work on a deep level and are very powerful. They affect the physical and etheric levels to shift and raise your vibration, to energetically release that which is not of your highest good, to heal certain issues, rebalance you, and awaken your spiritual gifts and abilities.

Their effects can be subtle or very intense. This depends on you and your chemistry. Experiment with them to see what works best for you! As everyone is different, no claims are made on what exact effect crystal essences will have on each individual. Please note that this product is not a substitute for medical treatment, nor is it a medicine.

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Fast Money Pocket Ritual Kit

How to use this kit for Fast Money:

Remove the items from the kit, and close the lid to use the case as your platform.  Put a few drops of the Fast Money  oil on the candle, then spread a pinch or two of the Fast Money herbs on the candle to dress it for the ceremony. Place the wooden disk in the center of the lid as an insulator for the candle in case it burns down and gets too hot.

Next, place the dressed candle in the middle of the top of the case on the wooden disk.  Then arrange the four Green Aventurines around the candle in a square (for Earth energy).   Now at the corners of the lid, place the four Citrines to attract wealth; this completes the setup and prepares it for a simple candle lighting ceremony.

The ritual is one of simply lighting the candle with the expressed, focused intention of seeking fast money (you must specify exactly what you wish.)   For example, you might say, “I see the power of the Universe for the money to get my car fixed.”  Hold the thought and watch the flame.    If you wish, add a few more pinches of the banishing herbs to the candle from time to time.

After a few minutes, you can extinguish the candle and put your ritual kit away to reuse. When you want to repeat the ritual, just add the oil and herbs each time you repeat the ritual and change the intention to what you desire.  You can easily replace the candle and use the ritual kit for many years.   


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Guide to Caring for your Crystals

How to Care for Your Crystals Did you know that some crystals are not water-safe or sun-safe? This is important to know so you can prevent damaging your crystals accidentally. It can also help you choose the correct methods of cleansing and charging for your crystals. Cleansing or washing certain crystals in water can cause…

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