Crystals For a Job Interview

    A job interview is a very stressful and nerve racking thing that most all of us have had to go through. Finding a job can be hard enough, once you actually get to the point of an interview, you’ve had plenty of days to sweat about it. It can be hard to think…

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Crystals for Overcoming Negative Thoughts

Crystals For Overcoming Negative Thoughts   Negativity is a very hard thing to overcome. At some point in your life, maybe even now, you have to overcome negativity in your life. These bad vibes may be coming from those around you, which we can separate ourselves from, or at least get a break from to…

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Crystals for Leo

Crystals For Leo   If you were born from July 23rd to August 22nd, you are a Leo. The middle of the summer is the time for people under the zodiac sign Leo to shine. Making an impression is Job One for Leos, and when you consider their personal magnetism, you see the job is…

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The South Wind

  The South is the direction of optimism, enlightenment, clarity and awakening. Father Sun is climbing high into the sky, the earth is approaching summer, and men and women are in young adulthood. South is the direction of alignment, connection, and finding directions. The South Wind brings us the great warmth of awareness, intelligence and…

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Crystals for Overcoming Nervousness

  Crystals For Overcoming Nervousness   Nervousness is a feeling I am sure we have all experienced as some point in our life. Unfortunately, some of us tend to experience it more than other. We can become nervous from a big speech we have to give, speaking in front of our peers, a project that…

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Crystals for Verbalizing Needs

Crystals For Verbalizing Needs   You may have heard someone called a mother hen before, but what exactly does that mean? A mother hen is a person who worries about, cares for, or watches over other people. Often these are the caretakers in our life. They can be a parent, partner, or friend. Often these…

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Crystals for Clarity

Crystals For Clarity   Clarity is defined as the quality or state of being clear and the quality of coherence and intelligibility. Clarity can be sought in many ways. You may be looking to find clarity on a particular situation or question; to try and clear the fog and find the correct path. You may…

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Prasiolite Tumbled Set (Large)

prasiolite for meditation
Talismans or Amulet
Feng Shui
Other Info
  • seeker transformerPrasiolite is a Seeker Transformer. Seeker Transformers are talismans used when the desire is to find a way to transform a part of ones life to a more desirable state.Seekers are used when we need some help to find a new path, a new approach, or in any quest to gain that which we desire but do not yet possess.  When they possess the Earth Power of the Transformer, like this opaque green quartz, they have the power to aid us to find new relationships that will transform some part of our life.Prasioliteis a safety talisman, a talisman of profit, and as a personal talisman in long term efforts to have financial security in old age.
  • Prasiolite used to honor Brigit, the Irish Goddess of Fertility and Dione, the Phoenician Earth Goddess.
  • Prasiolite provides Wood Energy. Wood energy is traditionally associated with the East and Southeast areas of a home or room. It is associated with the Family and Health area and the Prosperity and Abundance area.Wood energy is vital to your well being It is associated with family, ancestors, and community. Use this stone in the East area of a room or home if you want to keep Qui, the Universal Life Force flowing properly there.Prasiolite will enhance energy flow aiding your efforts that are devoted to enhancing family and community.
  • Green Quartz is used for grounding and centering in the beginning of a meditation ritual. It will allow you to harmonize with nature and ease the transition to the meditation state. Use this stone the first few minutes of any meditation then switch to a crystal that attuned to the intent of your session.
  • Other practitioners report that Green Quartz is very grounding. It is used to develop and mature a love of the earth from which we evolved. It brings you significant understanding of nature and humankind’s true role in protecting the environment.
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Crystals for Communication

Crystals For Communication   One of the most important attributes we possess is the ability of speech. It separates us from many other species in the animal kingdom. You think with this wonderful gift of speech we have been given, we would be natural at communication, right? Not always so. We can struggle with communication…

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Medicine Wheel Guide

Link to Birth Moon Chart

Native American Medicine Wheel & Crystal Totems Guide   THIS GUIDE INCLUDES 40 PAGES – You can find an easy to use INDEX / Table of Content here so you can jump to where ever you want more information  Are you seeking a new beginning in your spiritual quest? Perhaps a clear quartz crystal, a…

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