Your Questions Answered

We asked you what questions you had about crystals. We’ve picked out several to address in this email but we will be answering more soon! Do you have a question you want to ask our crystal experts? Click here to send it in.   What crystal grid do I need to place under my son’s bed…

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Rough Orange Calcite (Medium)

Rough Orange Calcite (Medium)-0
Talismans or Amulet
Feng Shui
Other Info
  • seeker builderrCalcite is a Seeker Builder Crystal. Seeker Builder crystals are used to focus your efforts to achieve a highly desirable goal. Finding your true love, getting your perfect home, or having a financially secure retirement are all dreams that take a great deal of focus and energy to accomplish. Calcite is a perfect aid for such efforts.

    With its orange color, orange calcite has the strength of the red rays joined with the powerful fire of the gold rays giving it the powers to combine, integrate, and unite. Orange is the color of physical pleasures. All together, the attributes of calcite provide a powerful talisman for using in growing your enjoyment of the physical world. It can help you continually experience life with joy and pleasure.

  • Calcite has Metal elemental energy. Metal energy is the energy of intelligence, contraction, healing, and creativity. It is the energy of togetherness and crystallization – of ideas, of concepts, and of groups. It is some times hard, sharp, and often destructive, yet an essential element in all lives. In Calcite, its metal energy is tempered and more focused on power for avoiding being a victim of others.

    The metal element brings the power of concentration and determination to our lives and our dwellings. Use Calcite in the west area of your home or room to bring the Metal energy of concentration to your efforts.

  • These wands have been used to determine the sex of a baby using a pendulum. After the wand has been held by the expectant mother, lay it on a table in front of you. Hold a pendulum over the wand. If the pendulum swings towards you and away from you, the indication is that the baby is the same sex as you. If the pendulum swings side to side, the baby will be of the opposite sex.

  • Calcite is a meditation stone used when you need to restore balance in your life, when it is out of balance from an excess of Yang energy. The world can be a harsh, hard, loud, and forceful place. Calcite is a repose. For many, just holding one for a few minutes brings great relief.

  • Other practitioners report that Calcite facilitates time travel, inspires, and energizes you. It is also reported to cure resentment and animosity. The wands do seem to also be used for strengthening character, fighting bigotry, and combating sexism.

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Your Questions Answered

Photo by Dan Farrell on Unsplash

We asked you what questions you had about crystals. We’ve picked out several to address in this email but we will be answering more soon! Do you have a question you want to ask our crystal experts? Click here to send it in. What crystals are best for bringing prosperity into my life? and What…

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Celestite Healing Properties, Meanings, and Uses

  The Crystal Vaults Comprehensive Illustrated Guide to Crystals Your On-Line Guide to The Healing Energies, Metaphysical Properties, Legendary Uses and Meaning of Celestite Shop for Celestite Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Celestite Celestite holds special significance for all who look to the light-filled heavens and experience a wonderful sense of peace, an…

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Green Calcite Heart

Talisman or Amulet: Calcite is a Seeker Builder Crystal. Seeker Builder crystals are used to focus your efforts to achieve a highly desirable goal. Finding your true love, getting your perfect home, or having a financially secure retirement are all dreams that take a great deal of focus and energy to accomplish. Calcite is a perfect aid for such efforts. Green Calcite is a “growth crystal” – a powerful conduit of the earth’s Life Force of birth, development, and creation, and of the power of nature’s constant renewal. It is a potent aid in nurturing, whether of fledgling family relationships or a new business venture. Green crystals are perfect for keeping a venture on course, a project on schedule, and life on track. Light Green crystals promote spiritual growth and a renewed commitment to a higher purpose. Those of a darker hue are talismans of physical growth and strength, and safety in travel.

Feng Shui: Green Calcite utilizes Wood energy, the energy of growth, expansion, new beginnings, nourishment, and health. It enhances vitality, brings abundance, and keeps us growing physically. Use green crystals to enhance any space used for eating, in the room of a small child, or in a place of your home where you are beginning a new project. Wood energy is traditionally associated with the East and Southeast areas of a home or room. It is associated with the Family and Health area, and the Prosperity and Abundance area.

Meditation: Calcite is a meditation stone used when you need to restore balance in your life when it is out of balance from an excess of Yang energy. The world can be a harsh, hard, loud, and forceful place. Calcite is a repose. For many, just holding one for a few minutes brings great relief.

Other Information: Other practitioners report that Calcite facilitates time travel, inspires, and energizes you. It is also reported to cure resentment and animosity. The wands do seem to also be used for strengthening character, fighting bigotry, and combating sexism.

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Que-Sera Stone Meaning and Uses

The Crystal Vaults Comprehensive Illustrated Guide to Crystals Your On-Line Guide to The Healing Energies, Metaphysical Properties, Legendary Uses and Meaning of Que-Sera Stone Shop our Que-Sera Stones Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Que-Sera Stone The extraordinary Que-Sera Stone is perhaps the most uplifting talisman to be unearthed in modern history. For the…

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Sodalite Meaning and Uses

  The Crystal Vaults Comprehensive Illustrated Guide to Crystals Your On-Line Guide to The Healing Energies, Metaphysical Properties, Legendary Uses and Meaning of Sodalite   Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Sodalite Sodalite teaches the nature of oneself in relationship to the universe, like gazing into a star-filled sky and forgetting the darkness to…

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Tiffany Stone Meaning and Uses

    The Crystal Vaults Comprehensive Illustrated Guide to Crystals Your On-Line Guide to The Healing Energies, Metaphysical Properties, Legendary Uses and Meaning of Tiffany Stone Shop for Tiffany Stone Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Tiffany Stone Gazing into a fine cross-section of Tiffany Stone is a spiritual journey unto itself, soothing the…

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Obsidian Healing Properties, Meanings, and Uses

The Crystal Vaults Comprehensive Illustrated Guide to Crystals Your On-Line Guide to The Healing Energies, Metaphysical Properties, Legendary Uses and Meaning of Obsidian Shop for Obsidian   Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Obsidian Obsidian is a talisman of those who dare to see…the past, the future, or one’s own inner demons and darkest…

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Chrysanthemum Stone Healing Properties, Meanings, and Uses

The Crystal Vaults Comprehensive Illustrated Guide to Crystals Your On-Line Guide to The Healing Energies, Metaphysical Properties, Legendary Uses and Meaning of Chrysanthemum Stone       Shop for Chrysanthemum Stone Introduction The Chrysanthemum Stone, or “Flower Stone,” is a beautiful and unexpected gift from Mother Earth, a symbol of optimism and joy, named for…

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