ย Chrysocolla Crystal Essence


Description:ย Chrysocolla Crystal Essence is created using authentic and cleansedย Chrysocolla crystals in a very special ceremony by our Certified Crystal Alchemists and Reiki Masters.

The result is a crystal essence blessed with the properties of ย Chrysocolla and the nurturing energies of Reiki. It brings the energy of Chrysocolla in an easy-to-use and versatile way.

Chrysocolla is a teaching stone, encouraging us to reveal our highest knowledge so that others may benefit from our experiences. This may come in the form of speaking lovingly to a friend and offering insights, a teacher to a student, or by simply modeling the power of words, chosen wisely with knowledge of their impact in the world. It is also a valuable tool for those who speak for a living.

Chrysocolla is a talisman of musicians. It is an excellent charm for learning new musical instruments or joining a choir, orchestra or theatre group, and to have the confidence to play in public.ย [Eason, 231]

Chrysocolla is a stone of wise women everywhere. It helps women to express their knowledge and experience through writing, painting, music, crafts or acting.

Chrysocolla crystal essences are a powerful ally in rituals designed to manifest money, success, and good luck. Known for its vibrant turquoise hues, Chrysocolla resonates with the throat and heart chakras, facilitating clear communication and emotional balance. By incorporating Chrysocolla essences into your rituals, you harness its unique ability to dissolve negative energies and open pathways to prosperity. This crystal essence amplifies intentions, allowing you to align your energy with abundance and opportunity. Whether used in meditation, anointing candles, or as a ritual spray, Chrysocolla essences enhance your spiritual practice, attracting wealth and fortuitous outcomes with grace and harmony

Size: 30 ml bottle containing approximately 600 drops

Primary Uses:

Chrysocolla crystal essence is renowned for its ability to enhance communication, making it an excellent tool for manifesting success in business and personal endeavors.

– Known for its calming properties, Chrysocolla essence can help reduce stress and anxiety, creating a serene environment conducive to attracting wealth.

– In feng shui, placing Chrysocolla essence in the wealth corner of your home or office is believed to amplify prosperity and financial growth.

– The essence can be used in meditation practices to align your intentions with universal energies, fostering good luck and successful outcomes.

– Incorporating Chrysocolla essence into healing rituals can balance the throat chakra, enabling clearer expression of goals and desires, crucial for manifesting success.

– Use Chrysocolla essence in a spray bottle to cleanse your space, inviting positive energy and abundance into your life.

– Its soothing energy aids in releasing negative thought patterns that may block financial success, allowing for a more prosperous mindset.

– Chrysocolla essence can be added to bath water during a ritual bath to attract good fortune and new opportunities.

– Anoint candles with Chrysocolla essence during money-drawing spells to enhance their effectiveness and bring about desired financial outcomes.

– Wearing or carrying Chrysocolla essence can serve as a talisman for luck, helping you navigate challenges with ease and grace.

– Create a vision board infused with Chrysocolla essence to keep your focus on financial goals and attract success effortlessly.

– Use the essence in affirmations or chants related to wealth and prosperity, amplifying their power through its vibrational energy.

– Incorporating Chrysocolla essence into daily routines can promote clarity of thought, essential for making wise financial decisions.

– Its harmonizing properties can improve relationships with business partners or colleagues, paving the way for collaborative success.

– Chrysocolla crystal essence encourages self-awareness and inner strength, empowering you to pursue opportunities confidently and attract good luck.

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SKU: 330191 Category:

Crystal Essences enjoy a reputation for being highly effective and very safe to use.

Crystal essences and elixirs are combinations of vibratory essences that work on a deep level and are very powerful. They affect the physical and etheric levels to shift and raise your vibration, to energetically release that which is not of your highest good, to heal certain issues, rebalance you, and awaken your spiritual gifts and abilities.

Their effects can be subtle or very intense. This depends on you and your chemistry. Experiment with them to see what works best for you! As everyone is different, no claims are made on what exact effect crystal essences will have on each individual. Please note that this product is not a substitute for medical treatment, nor is it a medicine.