Mansion of the Alchemist Crystal Kit
Description: This crystal kit has been specially designed by our Certified Crystal Alchemist to bring you the energies of the Mansion of the Alchemist to your life. It is primarily used each month as the Moon visits the eleventh Mansion of the Moon, the Mansion of the Alchemist.
The Mansions of the Moon are the 28 divisions of the Zodiac that the moon transits in its 28-day orbit of the Earth. The moon brings a special energy to us from each mansion. If you want to track the Moon and understand its effects on your spirit and life – get your Daily Crystal Horoscope kit.
As the moon transits the eleventh Mansion, take advantage of the energy of discovery. Work on your inventions. Take the time to try to solve sometime that has puzzled you. Make an effort to explore some place or some subject of interest. Take the time to discover something of this world. Find a creative outlet that will bring success. The energy is that of discovery through creativity.
It contains a set of Carnelian, Labradorite, Ruby in Zoisite, Red Aventurine, and Clear Quartz stones.
Size: Set of five stones. Size of the stone varies between 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch.
Primary Uses: This kit is formulated for turning disadvantage into advantage. It works to combine success in endeavors with the fires of creative thought.
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