Lunar Mansion 16 “Mansion of Clouds” Crystals – An Astrological Crystal Kit


Description: This crystal kit has been specially designed by our Certified Crystal Alchemist to bring you the energies of the Mansion of Clouds to your life.It contains a set of Blue Lace Agate, Blue Chalcedony, Silver Topaz, Howlite, and Clear Quartz stones.

Primary Uses: 

This Mansion of the Clouds Crystal Kit brings the cosmic and crystal energy needed for such uses as:

Being Amazed Again, Enjoying Play, Finding Magic, Seeking Culture, Developing Psychic Ability, Using Air Energy, Dealing with Boredom, Setting Boundaries, Dealing with Contradiction, Having Dreams Come True, Curing Bad Dreams, Dealing with Eccentricity, Having an Epiphany, Enjoying Fantasy, Seeking Joy, Having time for Leisure, Having More Fun, Finding Delight in Life.

What is the Mansion of the Couds?

As the moon travels through the Zodiac, it transits what are known as the 28 Mansions of the Moon. These Lunar Mansions are segments of the lunar path, each associated with distinct energies and influences. (If you divide the Zodiac in to 12 sections you get the familiar 12 signs such as Aries and Cancer. If you divide it into 28 sections you get the Mansions of the Moon.)  The Mansion of the Clouds is located in the sign of Libra (12 Libra 51 to 25 Libra 42.)

The Moon’s passage through these Mansions magnifies and focuses the cosmic energy of that particular part of the Zodiac, creating a unique opportunity to harness its cosmic energy when potentialized with crystals’ healing vibrations. This ancient knowledge forms the foundation of our 28 Astrological Crystal Kits.

Size: Set of five stones. Size of the stone varies between 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch.

This set has an accompanying Crystal Elixir:  Premium Lunar Mansion 16 “Mansion of the Clouds” Elixir – An Astrological Crystal Elixir

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