Vernal Equinox – A Crystal Elixir of Rejuvenation



Created on the Vernal Equinox,  taking an entire day to create, this Vernal Equinox elixir of clear quartz, sunstone, and petalite is crafted to renew and rejuvenate your spirit.

The special crystal elixir created from sunstone, petalite, and clear quartz on the vernal equinox offers profound rejuvenation for the spirit after a long winter.

Sunstone infuses vitality and joy, dispelling the gloom of cold months with its radiant energy.

Petalite is known for its calming properties, fostering emotional balance and serenity.

Clear quartz amplifies these energies, enhancing clarity and focus for renewed purpose.

Crafted on the vernal equinox, this elixir harnesses the potent renewal energy of spring, invigorating one’s spirit with a fresh sense of harmony and optimism. It’s a transformative tonic for embracing new beginnings with confidence.

Size:  30 ml (1 oz) approximately 600 drops

Primary Uses

To rejuvenate your spirit with this special crystal elixir, begin by finding a quiet, peaceful space.  When you are stressed, and have a moment, sit comfortably, close your eyes, and hold the elixir in your hands. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Add a few drops of the eixir to  your finger and gently anoint your third eye, located between your eyebrows.  Tap it 3 times.  Visualize the warm energy of the springtime sun infusing your being, revitalizing and renewing your spirit after the long winter. Embrace this moment of transformation and inner awakening. A couple of minutes a couple times a day will work wonders.

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Crystal essences and elixirs are combinations of vibratory essences that work on a deep level and are very powerful. They affect the physical and etheric levels to shift and raise your vibration, to energetically release that which is not of your highest good, to heal certain issues, rebalance you, and awaken your spiritual gifts and abilities.

Their effects can be subtle or very intense. This depends on you and your chemistry. Experiment with them to see what works best for you! As everyone is different, no claims are made on what exact effect crystal elixirs will have on each individual. Please note that this product is not a substitute for medical treatment, nor is it a medicine.