Obsession Pocket Ritual Kit


DESCRIPTION: Obsession Pocket Ritual. This is a  powerful Yang energy Sun-focused Ritual for having your significant other continue to be obsessed with you and only you and your love. This ritual kit brings happiness, devotion, love, and total commitment from a significant other and gets RESULTS. Let us help you attract and gain that love from a special someone with this ritual kit that produces results that last for months and months.  

Do you really want someone to find you irresistible and focus only on you and your needs?
Do you want someone to just be satisfied for life with only your love?
Do you want someone who spends their days thinking of getting back to you?
Do you want someone who knows for the life he will be devoted and faithful?
Do you want love – real love that lasts?

This is a strong white magic crystal and herbal energy ritual kit. It offers a powerful combination of elemental magic that is both rare and difficult to master.

Now you can take your crystal and herbal magic with you anywhere.  This Pocket Ritual for Obsession is a complete crystal ritual in a self-contained travel case, and the case is the workplace allowing the ritual to be performed anywhere easily.  

The kit contains a tea light, a Moonstone or Fluorite bracelet (the circle of obsession), 4 Howlite stones,  a packet of obsession herbs, a vial of obsession oil, a wooden intention disk, and instructions.

This ritual kit is like no other. This spell brings love, happiness, devotion, love, and total commitment from a significant other and gets RESULTS. Let us help you attract and gain that love from a special someone with this ritual kit.

Read the simple instructions below (they are included in the kit, too).

Size: 5.5 x 3.5 x 1 inch tin window container. Up to 1/4 inch crystals. Approximately .2 oz of herbs. The droppers are 3 ml.

Variation 1: Contains a Moonstone Bracelet

Variation 2: Contains a Fluorite Bracelet

Primary Uses:  This Obsession Pocket Ritual is your travel companion to use to easily bring the magic of crystals and herbs to your life and bring the love you are seeking.

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How to use this kit:

Remove the items from the kit, and close the lid to use the case as your platform.    Put a few drops of the obsession oil on the candle, then spread a pinch or two of the obsession herbs on the candle to dress it for the ceremony. Next, write your intention on the wooden disk and place it in the center of the case, which also acts as insulation for the candle.

Next, place the dressed candle in the middle of the top of the case.  Next, arrange the bracelet in a circle around the candle.  This is the symbol of the Sun, and we are seeking its energy to find and keep the love of your life in your life.  Next, at the corners of the altar, we place the four small purity of love howlite crystals to complete the setup and prepare it for a simple candle lighting ceremony.

The ritual is one of simply lighting the candle with the expressed, focused intention of seeking the total loving obsession of your beloved.   For example, you might say “I seek the power of the Universe to keep my love obsessed with me forever.”  Hold the thought and watch the flame  If you wish add a few more pinches of the herbs to the candle from time to time.

After a few minutes, you can extinguish the candle and put your ritual kit away to reuse. You can also wear the bracelet between rituals.

When you want to repeat the ritual, just add the oil and herbs each time you repeat the ritual.  You can easily replace the candle and use the ritual kit for many years.