“Emotional Balance” An Enchanted, Crystal Infused Tea
$16.25 – $22.50
DESCRIPTION: A set of 20 USDA Certified Organic Tea bags infused with the crystalline energy of Amazonite, Blue Chalcedony, and Moonstone, and enchanted with the ritual magic of “Emotional Balance.” This tea brings the energy of “Balance” from the turquoise rays of Amazonite, “Forgiveness” from the light blue rays of Blue Chalcedony, and the power of “Unity” from Moonstone.
This remarkable tea is your key to unwavering emotional stability and a more fulfilling life. Our tea for emotional balance uses both crystal energy and magic based on deep-rooted, ancient techniques that have helped countless people maintain resilience and mental fortitude in the face of adversity. We’ve harnessed the wisdom of the ancients to create a revolutionary tea, enabling you to find solace and strength from within, even in the most tumultuous times. This tea will impact your life in ways you never thought possible – it’s like having a secret weapon to combat emotional turmoil, restlessness, and vulnerability. Don’t let yourself be a victim of emotional chaos any longer. Seize the opportunity to attain unparalleled emotional balance and stability. Unlock the door to emotional freedom and step into a world where you can thrive, no matter what life throws at you.
This product is made to order and requires a 48-hour processing time. Using pyramid power the essence of natural, cleansed, and aligned Amazonite, Blue Chalcedony, and Moonstone crystals are focused and potentialized into twenty organic Teatulia tea bags of your choice.
The tea is then enchanted in a special white magic “Emotional Balance.” ritual and aligned to the energy of the planet Mercury. Each set of tea bags comes in a reusable and resealable storage bag which will keep the tea fresh for many months.
PRIMARY USES: We often feel we are pulled multiple ways and can’t seem to find the time to make everything work. We can also be so busy and wrapped up in other things that we forget balance of the mind, body, and spirit is equally as important. Whether it is balancing out the responsibilities of everyday life or finding a sense of peace by balancing one’s inner self, this crystal energy tea can be a great help. Use it every day!
Crystal Infused tea is made here at the Crystal Vaults using a proprietary method of pyramid power to focus and imprint the crystals’ energy patterns into the auric and biophysical energy matrix of the tea leaves. The energy patterns of the crystal are the results of its subtle alteration and focusing on the Universal Life Force. In the production of our teas, the focusing and preservation energy of a gold and copper pyramid made to the same proportions and angles as the Great Pyramid of Cheops focuses the crystals’ energy pattern, potentializes it, and infuses it into the tea leaves. The patterns are manifested upon the tea’s interaction with a living entity. The energy matrix of the crystals will be fully realized when drinking the tea.