Crystal Grid Master Course Companion Kit #1
Description: Crystal Grid Master Course Kit 1 – Set of five 5 x 7 grids .
This is companion set number 1 to the Crystal Grid Master Course. It is complete with six sets of stones and a single focus stones and a basic instruction guide for assembly of each grid.
This kit allows for the construction of 5 grids that are taught in the Crystal Grid Master Course. Be advised you can make one grid at a time as the stones are reused on the different grids. The kit is very flexible in that you can use the stones with your own backgrounds and make many other grids.
The kit consists of
A: Six packets of 6 tumbled stones and one clear quartz point. Covid-19 Note: The supply of bloodstone has been interrupted and we have substituted Moss Agate for the Bloodstoone, bringing the Green Ray of Infuence to the grids that call for it.
B: Five backgrounds: Simplify Life, Good Health, Physical Endurance, Overcome Impatience, and Avoid Anger
E: An instruction sheet
Grid 1: Triangle – Simplify Life
Focus Stone: Clear Quartz Point
Way Stones: Sodalite (use the blue color ray for establishing order
Desire Stones: Bloodstone – A Seeker crystal to seek a simpler life
Grid 2 Square – Good Health
Focus Stone: Clear Quartz Point
Way Stones: Prehnite – A Dispeller crystal to dispel laziness
Desire Stones: Serpentine – A Guardian crystal to guard our good health
Grid 3 Pentagram, Increase Physical Endurance
Focus Stone: Clear Quartz Point
Way Stone: Petrified Wood, brown ray of rest
Desire Stones: Sodalite – An Enhancer – to enhance endurance
Grid 4 Hexagram, Stop Being Impatient
Focus Stone: Clear Quartz Point
Way Stones: Dark blue Sodalite for color energy of Grace
Desire Stones: -Prehnite – a Dispeller crystal to dispel impatience
Grid 5 Crescent, Keep Anger At Bay
Focus Stone: Clear Quartz Point
Way Stones: Bloodstone – Green ray for tolerance
Desire Stones: Labradorite – a Barrier against anger.
Each grid is 5 X 7 inches
This kit makes five grids (one at at time) and is compact and easily stored. Use it to make the grids in the course, and other grids you might design.
Out of stock
This kit is designed to accompany the Crystal Grid Master Course. It makes the first five grids taught in the course. The kit also works as the basis of a larger grid kit by adding your own backgrounds and additional stones and crystals.