
Jupiter Aligned Lepidolite Spiral Wrapped Pendant

$19.14 $11.48

Description: Handcrafted Lepidolite Spiral Pendant designed and aligned to harnesses the powerful energies of Jupiter, known for its expansive and uplifting qualities, to bring a profound sense of optimism and hope to anyone who wears it. Infused with the powerful energy of Jupoter, this pendant is a  testament to the harmonious synergy between nature and intention. Its soothing crystal energies  helps dissolve negativity, replacing it with a renewed sense of purpose and positivity. Ideal for those seeking clarity and inspiration, this pendant is a gentle reminder of the boundless possibilities life has to offer.

This pendant contains a variety of uses, from being used as a necklace to being hung in your vehicle as a good luck charm. This specific pendant was created just for you. Comes with a free wax cord necklace. Made with Silver plated, tarnish resistance wire. The photo shows the typical item you will receive.

Size:  Approximately 3/4 inch in length, weighs approximately 9 grams.

Primary Uses:  Lepidolite encourages one to overcome past hurts, break negative mental patterns, and release energy blockages. It aids one in realizing their own positive characteristics, increasing self-confidence, and bringing pure joy to one’s life.  Lepidolite is a stone for dispelling negativity and restoring calm in a hostile environment. It is often used to aid decision-making. This peendant brings  you this energy of Lepidolite and the power of Jupiter.  A wonderful energy that will bring release, and a new lease on life.

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Quick Healing Overview: Body, mind, and soul harmony is achieved with lepidolite. This graceful, gentle stone is all about creating stability and balance. Lepidolite is thought to calm the higher self, open the intellect, and relieve anxious or stressful feelings.

Birthstone & Zodiac Uses: Lepidolite is not a birthstone. However, with its beautiful violet color, Lepidolite is a natural birthstone for those born at the time when the year is new, just after the winter solstice (December 21–January 19). Lepidolite is associated with PISCES (21 February – 21 March). Pisceans are thought to be one of the most sympathetic zodiac signs. They love making new friends and surrounding themselves with the company of others.

For Chakra Balancing: Lepidolite is associated with the Crown, Third Eye, and Heart Chakras. The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head and gives us access to higher states of consciousness. When the Crown Chakra is out of balance or blocked, you will be rigid in your thinking and spiritually adrift. You will have difficulty understanding relationships, ideas, and dreams. The Third Eye Chakra is located on the forehead, between the eyebrows. When the Third Eye Chakra is out of balance or blocked, nothing seems to make sense and you have a difficult time knowing what is important and what is not. The Heart Chakra is located near the center of the breastbone and regulates our interaction with the external world and controls what we embrace and what we resist. It gives us the balancing ability to be ourselves within the environment and helps us in understanding our own needs and emotions clearly. We can deal with the ebbs and flows of emotional relationships, understand their cyclic nature, and accept the changes.

Crystal Color Energy: Lepidolite is violet. Violet is one of the most powerful rays in nature. It inspires awe and invites a feeling of mystery and magic, reminiscent of the mystery and magic of life’s rejuvenation and renewal. Violet color rays are powerful aids in interpreting our dreams, inspiring us to great deeds and accomplishments, and putting the magic back in our lives and relationships. Violet is the color of music; it stirs us, transforms us, and connects us in seemingly mysterious ways to our dreams, our past, and ourselves.

Associated Goddesses: Lepidolite can be used in devotions to Minerva, the Etrusean Goddess of Wisdom.

Feng Shui Uses: Lepidolite has fire energy and is used in the south area of a home or room. Fire elemental energy is the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination, and activity. It is Yang in nature.

Uses in Divination: Lepidolite is often used to interpret dreams. To use it for this purpose, it should be placed under your pillow at night to capture the dream essence. Then upon awakening, hold the stone on your forehead for several minutes until the dream and its meaning reenter your mind. Practice helps.

Talisman Energy: Lepidolite is a Guardian Bonder crystal.  The Guardian crystals have several special uses. They first serve to guard your beliefs against doubt. Everyone at some point begins to doubt some of his or her most cherished beliefs. That doubt can grow and affect our lives. A Guardian crystal can help you keep true to your ideals and beliefs. The Guardian crystals can also protect your spirits. If you anticipate a trying and difficult, even stressful future, a Guardian can be very effective in aiding your efforts to maintain your disposition, sense of humor, and respect for others.

What Other Crystal Authors Think: Other practitioners report that Lepidolite is a stone of mystery and deep magical powers. They are used in many spells and incantations to gain wisdom and spiritual mastery. Judy Hall in the Encyclopedia of Crystals reports Lepidolite is a stone of shamanic journeying.  She also notes it is a stone for inducing calm in a situation. In the Book of Stones, Robert Simmons notes that Lepidolite is used to calm frayed nerves.  Also, he mentions it is used as a stone of spiritual purification.