Divine Guidance Tarot Kit

$9.95 $7.46

Imagine receiving a mysterious, serendipitous gift from the universe—a Divine Tarot Guidance Kit, thoughtfully chosen at random, as if the cosmos itself conspired to bring it into your hands. In this bundle lies a profound connection to the divine, a key to unlocking the secrets of your path. With each element, from the tarot card to the associated tumbled stone and sage leaves, the universe whispers its guidance into your life. As you delve into the mysteries, you’ll discover that this kit was destined for you, a tool to illuminate your journey, answer your questions, and unveil the cosmic tapestry of your existence. Embrace this gift as a testament to the universe’s profound knowledge of your soul, ready to offer you insight and wisdom precisely when you need it most.

The Tarot deck used is the Universal Waite created by artist Pamela Colman Smith and Mary Hanson-Rober.

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