
Crystal Conjure Cookbook – Volume I

$33.54 $23.48

Description:  The Crystal Conjure Cookbook Volume I.  This is not a physical book. It is an eBook.

The Crystal Conjure Cookbook is a 300+ page eBook of conjure magic unlike any other ever written. It contains over 125 recipes for making a wide variety of magical conjure items. And unlike most such books, it does not attempt to recreate the “original recipe” for something like Hummingbird Love Oil. Rather it “translates” these recipes and enhances them with the lore and legend of many cultures and the modern understanding of the magical properties of crystals and herbs. You know many of the old recipes for magical potions and spells used things we now know are dangerous or poisonous. You really don’t need to be using quicksilver, for example, as it is found in some old conjure recipes. It is the mineral mercury and it is poisonous.

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So, this cookbook takes the legendary recipes and updates them for modern knowledge. If a recipe had a dangerous or virtually unobtainable ingredient, we researched its magical properties and found new crystals, herbs, animal totems, or other artifacts that have the same energy but are safe and easily obtained.

In this book, you are going to discover the wonders and magic of combining crystal energies, traditional herbal remedies, essential oils, and magical tokens in new and exciting ways. The recipes come from around the world but to make these recipes possible and affordable, the cookbook uses 21 selected herbs, 21 selected crystal essences, and 21 essential oils for about 90 percent of all the recipes. That means you don’t have to have hundreds of bottles and powders and such to make magic. Some exotic ingredients can be added to most recipes to make them even more powerful as desired but from the basic recipes and basic ingredients, you can make extremely potent magic.

Now… this cookbook teaches you how to make many magical crystal conjure items and the magical items made from the Crystal Conjure Cookbook may work for you. We are all different and have different beliefs and needs. So, some of the magical recipes might fit you and a particular need at a particular time. Others might help someone you know deal with an issue or acquire a desire. Some may not seem to work. The Universe will do as it wills – we can only seek its blessings.

Note: Crystal Conjure Cookbook – Volume II is now available to purchase!

  • Author: The Crystal Masters of the Crystal Inner Circle
  • Length: 300+ pages of amazing and informative instructions in the art and science of Crystal Conjure
  • Preview: Download a preview of the first 30 pages 

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The recipes are easy to follow requiring easily obtained materials.

Crystal Inner Circle Annual and Lifetime Members should not purchase this pre-order. Lifetime Members of the Crystal Inner Circle will be sent this and all subsequent volumes for free.  Annual Members will be offered a free volume of the Crystal Conjure Cookbook when they renew their membership and they will receive a special offer price when this first volume is published.