Turquoise Colored Crystals Explained


Crystals with the beautiful Turquoise Ray are Centering and Balance Crystals.

Art By: Eric Grant

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turquoise symbolTurquoise is a blending of the cold winter blue ray of Trust with the approaching warm green ray of Growth. It is the color of the earth as the new growth and life emerges at the first hints of spring.

It is a fresh color, a welcome color, and a color that moves us to serenity knowing that the cycle of life is progressing rapidly. It is the color of the natural birthstones of those born as spring begins (20 March to 19 April).

Turquoise is the Color Ray of Discovery and the Color Ray of Balance. Its vibrations help you find yourself and return to equilibrium in your life and feelings.

Excesses can be good. Hot passion, cool reason – both have their place. But when we need to re-center and find our true selves, Turquoise is the color ray of power that is best suited for such endeavors.

When your life is out of balance, whether from too much passion or not enough, or too much activity or not enough, or whatever the imbalance, turquoise rays can get you back to center again.

Need Crystal Color
Balance Turquoise Crystal
Calmness Turquoise Crystal
Discovery Turquoise Crystal
Emotional Control Turquoise Crystal
Equilibrium Turquoise Crystal
Recover memories Turquoise Crystal
Relaxation Turquoise Crystal
Rest Turquoise Crystal
Self Awareness Turquoise Crystal
Serenity Turquoise Crystal
Stability Turquoise Crystal
Temperance Turquoise Crystal
Tolerance Turquoise Crystal
Overcoming Anxiety Turquoise Crystal
Dealing with Stress Turquoise Crystal
Losing undesired weight Turquoise Crystal


turquoisefengshui linkTurquoise colored crystals have a wide variety of uses. They temper excesses, restore calm after a storm, relieve stress, neutralize extremes, and provide a counter to tendencies to fly off in a single direction. They help you overcome conflict, and deal with rage. They moderate aggressiveness and help you deal with cruelty.



They are antidotes to excessive passion drawing this power from their blue component. Imagine a beach of white sand leading to a tranquil lagoon reflecting a perfect blue sky mixed with the reflections of lush green vegetation – that is turquoise.

The turquoise colored crystals help you relax, rewind, and build tolerance. When you seek to reestablish your equilibrium and get your emotions under control, use a turquoise colored crystal.



Need Crystal Color
Brotherhood Light Turquoise Crystal
Harmony Light Turquoise Crystal
Inner Peace Light Turquoise Crystal
Peace of Mind Light Turquoise Crystal
Solitude Light Turquoise Crystal
Tranquility Light Turquoise Crystal
Understanding Light Turquoise Crystal
Dealing with Agression Light Turquoise Crystal
Neutralizing Anger Light Turquoise Crystal
Overcoming Conflict Light Turquoise Crystal
Fighting Cruelty Light Turquoise Crystal
Dealing with Rage Light Turquoise Crystal


In lighter shades, turquoise energy is transformed to the power of inner harmony and peace through spiritual realization. To know one’s place in the worlds of man and nature use light turquoise rays to find the right balance.

In darker, richer tones, turquoise brings us a ray of considerable power. It is the color of flexibility. Many of our shortcomings are based on intolerance.

Need Crystal Color
Adaptation Dark Turquoise Crystal
Empathy Dark Turquoise Crystall
Flexibility Dark Turquoise Crystal
Greater Openness Dark Turquoise Crystal
Gaining New Perspective Dark Turquoise Crystal
Growing inner strength Dark Turquoise Crystal
Practicality Dark Turquoise Crystal
Reducing irritability Dark Turquoise Crystal


We get used to the way we think people should behave; the way the world should work. We grow more intolerant of new things as we age.

.Dark Turquoise rays are potent anti-intolerance rays that will give you the adaptability in your outlook to learn, enjoy, and participate in the newness that is constantly being brought to life.

Shop Turquoise Colored Crystals


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