Crystal Vaults Blog

The Most Powerful Protection from Evil and Dangerous Times

By Jessica Bilyeu | August 15, 2020

Using the hard, Yang warrior energy of Mars into a powerful storage battery of Black Tourmaline to power the Guardian energy of pure red Crocoite you can create the ultimate crystal energy protection for your home and spirit. More About Black Tourmaline Ancient magicians relied upon Black Tourmaline, known as Schorl, to protect them from earth…

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The High Healing Frequency of Bumble Bee Jasper

By Jessica Bilyeu | August 14, 2020

Today, we’re going to tell you more about the high healing frequency of the rare Bumble Bee Jasper. We don’t often get this crystal in stock but when we do, they sell out quickly! You’ve likely not seen many Bumble Bee Jasper in crystal stores, or maybe even none at all. So, you may not know…

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Crystals to Improve Dream Recall & Reduce Nightmares

By Jessica Bilyeu | August 13, 2020

Dreams are one of the most researched yet still misunderstood phenomenons that we all experience. Since the dawn of time, people have had dreams and tried to understand and interpret their meanings. Due to the stress of modern life and getting less sleep, many of us experience fewer vivid dreams. Then when we do have…

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How to Generate a Violet Flame Using Sugilite Crystals

By Jessica Bilyeu | August 12, 2020

“What if there was a secret that for thousands of years was known to only a few saints and mystics of East and West? What if this secret was so powerful and life-changing that it was taught by many spiritual teachers to only certain devotees, lest it be misused by mankind? What if it had…

Photo by Dani Costelo on Unsplash

Three Ways to Incorporate Crystals into Gardening/Plants

By Jessica Bilyeu | August 11, 2020

Healthy plant growth begins with the proper environment, specific to each plant’s needs. Be sure not to over soil your plant as this could cause the prevention of new life submerging. It’s just as important not to over water either. Give your plants the proper nourishment and get rid of any weeds surrounding them as…

Using Spirit Quartz for Serenity & Hope

By Jessica Bilyeu | August 10, 2020

More than ever now, we need more faith in the future and the hope for a brighter tomorrow. For this, we can call on Archangel Cassiel for his blessing and help. The angels are here to help and guide all of us. You don’t have to be particularly religious or faithful to request assistance from Cassiel, also…

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

Ways to Use Healing Crystals in Yoga

By Jessica Bilyeu | August 10, 2020

Choose your favorite small tumbled stones and place them around your yoga mat. Placing them at the top of your mat will give them the most presence in your practice, but arranging them in a crystal grid pattern around you can also be very powerful. Avoid large or pointed crystals. As you are holding a…

How to Use Ametrine

By Jessica Bilyeu | August 9, 2020

The color energy of Ametrine has a potent and pretty much overlooked or unknown power. It combines the rich yellow of elemental Air energy and the deep violet of dreams. An Ametrine Crystal is a Quartz Crystal that is both Amethyst and Citrine. They are rare and beautiful. Amethyst as you know has been highly esteemed…

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The Crystal of a Spirit Rekindled

By Jessica Bilyeu | August 8, 2020

  The world can look cold and dark. The news seems to be getting worse. The times ahead are uncertain and we are worried. The world is getting us down and the darkness of the news dampens our spirits. We need a vision of a brighter richer future. The spirit of Gaia in her crystal…

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Cleanse the Aura with Amethyst

By Jessica Bilyeu | August 7, 2020

The purple color of Amethyst is believed to represent the merging of night and day. It possesses soothing and calm qualities that ease the physical consciousness into unconsciousness. This is going from being awake to being asleep. A powerful and protective crystal can cleanse your aura and be rid of any negative debris resulting from…

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Improving Health with Dark Green Crystals

By Jessica Bilyeu | August 5, 2020

Your mind is a powerful tool and the best medicine. You should work on your will each morning, set intentions for positive changes, and enter quiet meditative states to improve your health. It’s the practice of having a positive perspective. Good Health is something we all want and strive for. Whether it is the food…

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Creating a Feng Shui Crystal Wealth Bowl

By Jessica Bilyeu | August 4, 2020

The Feng Shui Crystal Wealth Bowl is a way we bring the Universal Life Force to our needs. We use grids extensively, but there are other avenues and the Feng Shui Desire Fulfillment Bowls are very effective. This bowl is designed to bring both financial and spiritual wealth to you. Please note, it is your life…

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