Crystal Vaults Blog
Crystals for Attraction and Manifestation
The Universe has already provided you with all the tools you need for your desires. They are crystals for attraction and manifestation.
How to Do a Chakra Body Layout with Crystals
Be more balanced, harmonious, and connected with your higher self using a chakra body layout with crystals to clear and balance all 7 chakras.
Different Crystal Shape Meanings
Are there different crystal shape meanings?” In other words, do different crystal shapes have different uses and meanings? YES!
Raise Positive Energy at Home with Crystals
Can you improve the vibrations of your home or raise the positive energy in your home? With the assistance of crystals, you can!
DIY Crystal Manifestation Bowl
Did you know tumbled stones can be enhanced and turned into crystal manifestation bowls simply by adding a Selenite bowl?
Almanac of Gaia 2023 Planner
The 2023 Almanac of Gaia is your window into the future and guide to using your crystals to get what you want and need in 2023.
Crystal Meditation: Four of Our Favorites
Here we will offer you four of our favorite crystal meditations with different intentions. You can easily rotate all four in a week!
Do Man-made Crystals Have Healing Power?
Here we break down the different types of crystals beyond natural ones and talk more about man-man crystals and their healing power.
Using Rhodonite for Protection from Evil and Darkness
What do you know about Rhodonite? Look inside to learn more about this crystal and how to use it to protect you, your family, and your home.
The Full Wolf Moon – bringing the energy of strength, tenacity, and instinctual wisdom
What are the crystals of the Wolf Moon? What are their meanings and how can they help you in January? Look inside to learn more
Crystals and Numerology
Crystals and Numerology Crystals can be beneficial in our lives in many ways. Just as there are many ways to use crystals for our benefit, there are may ways in choosing the correct stone for each day. Spells and numbers can be helpful in determining the correct stone for your particular need or purpose. While…
Mercury Retrograde
Do you know who your guardian angel is? Not only can we tell you, but we can also help you connect with them using Angelite crystals!