Crystals for Confusion


Crystals for Confusion

Crystals for Confusion

Crystals for Confusion



Feeling Lost

Confusion is something some of us have to deal with on a regular basis. Not everything in life makes sense. We may become confused easily or maybe we are confused over a particular situation. The problem could grow even larger and you may be confused as what to do with your life. Confusion over situations we have to deal with and process is never a good thing. We can become aggravated or frustrated when the answers or paths are not clear. If you have been suffering with confusion in your life, do not worry any longer, crystals are here to help.

In turquoise you can find alleviation for your confusion. Turquoise is a blending of the cold winter blue ray of Trust with the approaching warm green ray of Growth. It is the color of the earth as the new growth and life emerges at the first hints of spring. It is a fresh color, a welcome color, and a color that moves us to serenity knowing that the cycle of life is progressing rapidly.

Use Turquoise Crystals

Turquoise Crystals

Turquoise Symbol

Crystals with the beautiful Turquoise Ray are Centering and Balance Crystals

Turquoise colored crystals have a wide variety of uses. They temper excesses, restore calm after a storm, relieve stress, neutralize extremes, and provide a counter to tendencies to fly off in a single direction. They help you overcome conflict, and deal with rage. They moderate aggressiveness and help you deal with cruelty. It is in the lighter shades that you will find help with your confusion, whatever it may be. In lighter shades, turquoise energy is transformed to the power of inner harmony and peace through spiritual realization. To know one’s place in the worlds of man and nature use light turquoise rays to find the right balance.

Aqua Aura Quartz is a stone of tranquility, peace, and protection from the undesirable elements of life. It can serve as a real barrier against the undesirable elements of your life that are affecting your spirit and joy, such as confusion. Aqua Aura is a powerful Seeker Transformer crystal. It is specifically known to help find peace in a highly stressful world. Aqua Aura Quartz is associated with the Fourth Chakra, the Heart Chakra. It is used in emotional healing when someone needs to recover from emotional trauma, become more aware of the needs of his or her heart, and in efforts to improve one’s ability to express love.

Amazonite assists in communicating one’s true thoughts and feelings without over-emotionalism. It also enables one to see a problem from another’s point of view in order to affect peace, or to see both sides of an issue objectively to resolve one’s own inner conflicts. Sleeping with an Amazonite can bring these components into focus through the symbolism of dreams. Amazonite is a wonderful healer for the emotional body. It soothes trauma and calms the mind, alleviates worry and fear, and directs anger and irritability into a more positive action. It regulates the aggressive aspects of one’s personality and urges the mind to seek emotional balance.


Aqua Aura Quartz

Aqua Aura Quartz

Aqua Aura has Water elemental energy. Water energy is the energy of stillness, quiet strength, and purification. It embodies potentialities unrealized. It is yielding, formless, yet powerful.



Amazonite is a stone of purification and one used to rejuvenate the heart after lost love. It is a soothing stone, and one that helps maintain one’s equilibrium and centering in the hectic world.


What Authors Say About Crystals

What Other Authors Say



Judy Hall references Apatite which has inspirational properties.

Stimulating creativity and the intellect, Apatite clears confusion and helps to access information to be used personally and for the collective good. Apatite expands knowledge and truth and eases sorrow, apathy, and anger.




Robert Simmons suggests Malachite which can assist in restoring strength.

Malachite is ideal for burning through the fog of emotional confusion that can prevent one from making conscious choices.




Michael Gienger recommends Carnelian which promotes steadfastness.

Carnelian encourages the facility to solve problems quickly and pragmatically. It helps bring actions once begun to a proper conclusion and a sense of reality whenever one is feeling confused.

In Summary

Confusion can be a tough thing to deal with. You may be confused about your life, your path, your job, or a particular situation. We may not be sure what to do or what the answer is. The confusion may act as a whole and the complete situation is taken over by this one issue. If you are suffering with confusion over things in your life, we suggest using turquoise colored crystals. Light turquoise colored crystals bring you inner peace, understanding, and harmony which are all needed to alleviate your confusion. We recommend light turquoise colored crystals such as Aqua Aura Quartz and Amazonite. You can also try the crystals other authors have suggested such as Apatite, Malachite, and Carnelian.


The Book of Stones

The Book of Stones
The Book of Stones
Simmons, Robert
Ahsian, Naisha

(East Montpelier, VT:
Heaven & Earth 2007)

The Encyclopedia of Crystals

The Encyclopedia of Crystals
The Encyclopedia of Crystals
Hall, Judy

(Beverly, MA:
Fair Winds Press 2007)

Crystal Power, Crystal Healing

Crystal Power, Crystal Healing
Crystal Power, Crystal Healing
Gienger, Michael

(United Kingdom:
Blanford 1998)

Crystal Vault

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