Crystals for Dealing with Obsession


Crystals For Dealing with Obsession

Crystals for Dealing with Obsession




Extreme Emotions

Obsession is always a tough subject to tackle. This is because when it comes to obsession there is often a lack of intention or conscious thought that goes into it. Virginia Woolf once said,  “All extremes of feeling are allied with madness”. This is a very good basis for an explanation for obsession. Any sort of extreme feeling such as love, anger, sadness, or even happiness can become an obsession. You can be dealing with a person you are obsessed with or possibly a substance. Obsession can also manifest itself into your daily life if you suffer from such illnesses as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. If you are looking to calm the obsessive side of yourself, then look no further, we believe crystals can help.

Scarlet combines the energy of the pure red ray and the exuberance and joy of the orange in a precious gift of nature. Scarlet is the color of strength and vitality, both physical and spiritual. Use Scarlet crystals when you need protection from physical harm. Travelers, watchmen, and all who have occasion to fear personal harm from attack or misfortune are well advised to use a scarlet crystal to focus their efforts at self-protection. It usually should be used with a dark green talisman for safety from accidents.

Use Scarlet Crystals

Scarlet Crystals

Scarlet Symbol

Scarlet Crystals Bring You Strength, Vitality, Willpower and Dedication

Lighter shades of scarlet and the lightly tinted red-oranges”are excellent for increasing willpower and dedication to a difficult mental effort. There are a great many temptations we wish to resist at one time or another. For many, excess weight is a constant battle. We seem to never be able to keep it off. If you are in need of focus and an ability to say no and really mean it, use a light scarlet crystal in your efforts. This is where dealing with obsessions comes in handy. Among their many uses, the scarlet crystals are the Dieter’s Stone.

Jasper when it possesses the scarlet ray of influence is a crystal of physical energy, vitality, and protection. It is a healing crystal of the base chakra, a powerful fire element used in the south area of a home, and used in the devotions to several Goddesses. Jasper is a Seeker Transformer Crystal. Seeker Transformers are talismans used when the desire is to find a way to transform a part of ones life to a more desirable state. Seekers are used when we need some help to find a new path, a new approach, or in any quest to gain that which we desire but do not yet possess. The Seeker power of this crystal makes it an excellent choice when we are seeking to deal with obsession and get away from it.

Ruby is to be carried or worn to provide a focus for Universal Life Force to enter your spirit. It will aid you in finding new paths in life and giving you the energy you need to walk those paths. Ruby also sustains and protects those with sensitive natures and distorted views of themselves or others. It overcomes fears of being “ugly” or unloved, and is particularly empowering for those who hold excess weight in the body in order to ground in the physical world. It releases destructive emotional holds, and is a powerful stone for developing a more loving attitude toward oneself and the physical body. Ruby allows the sharing of loving energy despite past hurts, bringing up anger or negative energy for transmutation. It gives the strength to rise from martyrdom and choose whether or not to dwell in anguish, distress, or suffering, and encourages a positive and more courageous state of mind.




Jaspers have Fire energy and are used in the south area of a home or room. Fire elemental energy is the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination and activity. It is Yang in nature.



Ruby carries the frequency of the enlightened Base Chakra, stimulating the flow of life-force energy or chi through the body. It strengthens the ability to meet one’s needs and manifest one’s desires, and is powerful in activating the kundalini.


What Other Authors Say



Judy Hall suggests Charoite which is a stone of tranquility, peace, and protection from the undesirable elements of life.

Charoite can be used to overcome compulsions and obsessions. By balancing the Crown Chakra, it assists in overcoming a sense of alienation or frustration.




Michael Gienger recommends Obsidian which is a strong talisman of love and affection.

Obsidian bestows an unimagined depth on our emotional nature and helps with any type of obsession.

In Summary

Sometimes a minor obsession can be a good thing, such as a new love or a really good book. However, without temperance to the hot fires of extreme emotions, obsessions can form quickly and become detrimental in many ways. If you are dealing with an obsession nor or if you suffer from an illness such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, we believe the strength and willpower found in scarlet colored crystals such as Red Jasper and Ruby can help. You can also try crystals other authors have suggested such as Charoite and Obsidian.


Crystal Power, Crystal Healing

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Crystal Power, Crystal Healing
Gienger, Michael

(United Kingdom:
Blanford 1998)

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Hall, Judy

(Cincinnati, OH:
Walking Stick Press, 2003)

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